Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Chapter 2446: Short-handed!

The Nepalese saber abuzy blade is curved abuzy, the blade is long, the attack range is very wide, and the power is very strong. To be in the game, this thing is heavy, your blood has to become zero, and Barrett slams The gun abuzy effect is completely abuzy.

Zhao Tiezhu gently abuzy waved a hand on the abuzy saber, the weight is moderate, and indeed there is no edge, this did not open the blade abuzy dagger, under normal circumstances can not kill people abuzy, of course, it must be seen who used, if Zhao Tiezhu Play the 30th abuzy strength of the gods list, let alone the abuzy dagger without a blade, even if it is a smashing iron, Zhao Tiezhu can still open the abuzy neck.

"I didn't open the blade, I won't hurt anyone." Wen Ting said, taking a dagger from the abuzy drawer on the table abuzy.

Zhao Tiezhu was immediately attracted to the abuzy red paint on the dagger.

"Bronning the beast of the beast!"

Zhao Tiezhu said with a slight squint.

"It’s a bit of a sight!"

Wen Ting took the handle of the Browning Beast in his hand and played a flower job. He said, "This is also a blade that is not edged. Let's play, just stop, how?"

"Your stuff is shorter than wqlnpn."

Zhao Tiezhu said, "wqlnpn does not account for women, you give wqlnpn a short abuzy."

"Oh? What do you want?" Wen Ting asked.

“Is there a wooden handle hunting knife?” Zhao Tiezhu asked.

"Russian abuzy?"

Wen Ting asked.


Zhao Tiezhu is a rare abuzy show a bird language.

"It's really there."

Wen Ting opened the other abuzy drawer on the table, and took out a seemingly simple abuzy wooden handle abuzy dagger from the inside, but this dagger abuzy tip is a little different from the ordinary dagger, the arc does not look very big, but especially abuzy feminine.

"You are not ablazy?"

Zhao Tiezhu asked.

"Well, the edge of abuzy at home, is it difficult for you to change the edge of abuzy to play? Baby, that stuff can easily hurt people, wqlnpn can not want to hurt you, haha!"

Wen Ting laughed.

Zhao Tiezhu stunned, this Wen Ting, is really wonderful, even Lao Tzu dare to play, it seems that only the original abuzy Angel, dare to play himself?

At the thought of Angel, Zhao Tiezhu abuzy looks a dark. Since the last time, Angel has never appeared in Zhao Tiezhu's abuzy world. Zhao Tiezhu spent a lot of abuzy kung fu and even issued a reward list on the mercenary website. The amount of abuzy bounty has made countless abuzy bounty hunters rush to join the search for Angel Abuzy team, but it is a pity, let alone find Angel, even Angel Abuzy news, did not find a point.

Zhao Tiezhu actually knows that unless Angels take the initiative to appear, otherwise, with the help of Angel's abuzy makeup and hiding techniques, basically no one in the world can find her.

Zhao Tiezhu actually not only misses Angel, but also misses Angel's abuzy belly.

If I was really abuzy shot abuzy last time, then estimate the time, now Angel must have his own abuzy child, if it is abuzy, Angel is alone, wandering with his own abuzy child, which makes Zhao Tiezhu even more Abuzy misses. Moreover, when the dry mercenary abuzy, Angel abuzy enemy is abuzy all over the world, if you accidentally come across, then...


A woman abuzy called for Zhao Tiezhu to think back to God.

"Dare to be distracted in the process of playing abuzy with wqlnpn, you are the first person."

Wen Ting dissatisfied with abuzy said, "wqlnpn will let you understand, how to play the dagger, and even if there is no ablazy dagger, you can beat abuzy people very painful abuzy."

"Ha ha."

Zhao Tiezhu smiled and did not speak.

"Sogra, wait a minute wqlnpn if you accidentally hurt your friend, don't blame wqlnpn!"

Wen Ting looked at the side and stood a little gloating for abuzy Sogra, said.

"Well, wqlnpn knows abuzy, iron pillars, you can get a long snack later, don't be hurt!"

Socrata said seriously.

"Try Harder!"

Zhao Tiezhu said with a smile.

"wqlnpn is here!"

Zhao Tiezhu’s voice just fell, Wen Ting rushed to Zhao Tiezhu with a dagger in one hand.

Generally there are two kinds of abuzy methods of holding the dagger, the positive grip and the back grip, while the abuch is holding the abuzy, which is generally based on the thorn, the anti-grip abuzy, is based on the stroke, the general abuzy people take abuzy is a grip abuzy method, Then use the dagger abuzy tip to stab, this is more common abuzy, the master is generally a counter-grip, and then use the dagger sharp abuzy blade to draw abuzy skin on the body, flesh and blood.

Wen Ting holds the dagger abuzy method, which is the counter-grip.

Zhao Tiezhu gently abuzy to throw a knife on the abuzy wooden handle, and wait for the wooden handle hunting knife to fall back to Zhao Tiezhu's hand, Zhao Tiezhu abuzy arm suddenly turned.


Zhao Tiezhu also held the wooden abuzy handle with the backhand, and then pushed the dagger forward.


The Bronning Beast's scorpion collided with Zhao Tiezhu's seemingly simple abuzy wooden handle hunting knife. The two handles did not open the edge of the abuzy dagger and directly sparked a spark.


Wen Ting abuzy changed to recruit abuzy very quickly, almost when the collision just happened abuzy, Wen Ting abuzy change move came.

Wen Ting abuzy wrist, a sudden turn.

The Browning Beast's abuzy blade went straight down, and then the blade turned again, heading toward Zhao Tiezhu's abuzy wrist.

Playing a knife, the most important abuzy is the wrist, as long as the wrist is injured, your abuzy combat power will be reduced by more than 90%.

Zhao Tiezhu did not move, but also shook his wrist.

The wooden handle hunting knife abuzy blade is turned from the original abuzy, turned into a vertical!


Two a dagger abuzy blades, once again abuzy collided together.


Wen Ting snorted and suddenly increased his strength.

Zhao Tiezhu is trying to abuzy as much as possible, pressing to the extent of abuzy with Wen Ting.

So, afterburner abuzy Wen Ting, pressing Zhao Tiezhu forward, and the reduction of abuzy Zhao Tiezhu is staring at Wen Ting abuzy attack back.

For a time, the whole scene seemed to be like Zhao Tiezhu being beaten by Wen Ting.


Just as Zhao Tiezhu stepped back abuzy, a long leg suddenly appeared under Zhao Tiezhu abuzy.

This is a sweeping leg!

Zhao Tiezhu lifted his foot and escaped the sweeping leg, but found that Wen Ting abuzy wrist, and reversed it, holding the dagger abuzy arm, fierce abuzy raised a bit.

This is in the power.

Zhao Tiezhu’s eyes are a glimpse.

"Look at wqlnpnabuzy!"

Wen Ting yelled, and then turned back abuzy hand, suddenly abuzy forward, originally sent a knife to the abuzy, the result is in the process of sending abuzy, the blade actually came a hundred and eighty degrees abuzy change direction, turned into Inward, and the arm, also took a s-type, cut into the inside, and instantly became an outward stroke.


Zhao Tiezhu did not retreat, but stepped forward and greeted him with a dagger.


Zhao Tiezhu abuzy dagger in the air and Wenting abuzy dagger collided with each other several times, Mars abuzy flashes from time to time!


The thickness and hardness of the browning beast abuzy is, after all, abuzy stronger than the wooden handle hunting knife. After a few hard hits, the wooden handle hunting knife abuzy blade, even the middle and middle of the broken, and the Browning beast Abuzy blade, it is directed to Zhao Tiezhu abuzy neck!


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