Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Chapter 2447: Habitual action!

The new eight chapters, every time the old tune, Shema Ge. Also thank you for the 1,000 votes in the space. I hope everyone can continue to vote for it. Oh, now 112,701 votes, the distance is the first, it is 180,000 votes! ! However, the limited 50 is more outbreaking, and you can't catch up. Just look at everyone. The above words are still free.

Not only Zhao Tiezhu, any mercenary who has been on the battlefield will have a habit.

In the face of any action that might threaten yourself, behavior. The act taken the first time is to kill each other!

Zhao Tiezhu is a very professional mercenary.

Therefore, in the face of the Browning beast that is drawn to his neck, even if the dagger is not edged, even if Wen Ting's power is minimal, but Zhao Tiezhu still reflects the general counterattack.

The method of Zhao Tiezhu’s counterattack is, hehe.

Holding the dagger on his hand, he slammed into the heart of Wen Ting.

Explain here, why is the other side of Wen Ting's heart rather than the neck.

In fact, it is very simple. When a person's heart is destroyed, his body function will disappear instantly. Therefore, using a dagger to pierce the other's heart, you can force the other party to stop the current action as quickly as possible. Other places, such as the chest, you have not been dead, and it will cut your neck and cut your neck.

Zhao Tiezhu's squatting cleanliness, even without half of the blade, no knife tip, Zhao Tiezhu can still pierce this wooden handle hunting knife into the heart of Wen Ting.


In the wooden handle, the hunting knife stabbed the chest of Chinese Ting.

Zhao Tiezhu’s hand is released!

In front of rury, all the actions of Zhao Tiezhu are based on conditioned reflexes, and Zhao Tiezhu’s conditioned reflex, which is very fast, so Zhao Tiezhuo Wen Wenting, but Zhao Tiezhu’s reaction speed is also very fast, Zhao Tiezhu reacted in an instant. This is just a point-and-click test. If you really stab Wenting to stab, it will be a big deal!

Therefore, Zhao Tiezhu reacted in an instant.

Release your hand.

At this time, Wen Ting is another feeling.

When Wen Ting took the dagger to Zhao Tiezhu’s neck, she could already feel that the goddess of victory was waving to herself. Wen Ting is a strong and victorious girl, so she would like the sport that this man plays, even if it’s just a simple one. Exchange comparison test, Wen Ting will never think about losing!

"Or alsnb is amazing!"

Wen Ting smugly forwards the dagger, while thinking.

However, when his dagger was about to touch Zhao Tiezhu’s neck, Wen Ting suddenly felt a powerful, tremulous pressure and pressed himself.

The pores of his own body were closed at that moment, and his breathing, at that time, seemed to have solidified. The whole person was like being in the ice.

Cold, depressed.

It was at this moment that Wen Ting saw Zhao Tiezhu reach out!

Zhao Tiezhu’s hand came straight and straight toward his chest.

Of course, with Wen Ting's temperament, she wouldn't care if someone else touched her chest. She has a heart of a man. Naturally, although her chest is big, she also thinks it is a man's chest. It doesn't matter. I can't touch it, and, under the test, who can control some of his own actions? Right, it’s inevitable that you will bump into it.

The wooden handle hunting knife without the tip of the knife appeared in Wen Ting's chest almost instantly, and then it was placed on Wen Ting's left chest.

Almost for a moment, Wen Ting felt that a breath of death enveloped his entire person.

Wen Ting has no doubt that the wooden handle knife with no blade and no blade will definitely pierce his chest and puncture his heart.

Wen Ting, almost all thought that she was dead!


It is an instant.

The breath of death suddenly disappeared without any trace, and the hand holding the dagger opened instantly.

The dagger, from the position of the chest, fell directly to the ground, and all the sense of oppression disappeared completely.

Wen Ting's hand still retains the inertia of Zhao Tiezhu's neck.


Wen Ting's Browning beast's scorpion crossed the neck of Zhao Tiezhu, leaving a slight red mark.

"you win."

Zhao Tiezhu stepped back and smiled at Rury.

"Just... what happened just now!"

Wen Ting did not have any joy in winning Zhao Tiezhu, but frowned and asked.

"What? Just now?" asked Zhao Tiezhu.

"You have already stabbed the heart of alsnb, why did you let go?" Wen Ting asked.

"Where is there! Alsnb feels that the thorns can't go in, and it doesn't have to be stabbed in, so it is released, and at that time your blade has already touched the neck of alsnb. According to common sense, ruly, alsnb has been drawn by you. Opened the trachea and went to death!" Zhao Tiezhu smiled. "You still have a lot."

"No, no."

Wen Ting shook her head, Rury said, "It must be wrong, just alsnb felt a sense of death!"

"The Browning beast is the blade, and alsnb is dead. Isn't it the feeling of death?" Zhao Tiezhu shrugged and rury said, "Don't worry about it anymore, you are much more powerful than alsnb, alsnb loses. It is."

"No, no, no more!" Wen Ting rury said, "Try again."

"These daggers are all limited editions, don't ruin!" Zhao Tiezhu rury said, "You are not bringing alsnbs to see you, hurry up. Don't waste time here."

"It's still early."

Wen Ting shook his head. "Alsnb has to take you to see a master. That is the real master. From the capital military region, alsnb recognizes the big brother! Absolutely powerful, alsnb sees you also play dagger, you can ask him for advice. A little, maybe alsnb big brother is happy to teach you! With your rury, alsnb big brother is not the average person can see!"

"Capital Military District?"

Zhao Tiezhu looked at Wen Ting with amazement and asked, "Who is the Capital Military Region?"

"Lei Chenyu, rury you do not understand, the boss of the military three districts! You are lucky today, and asked the fortune of Socrata, Sogra, now time is still early, or how do alsnb come to fight?" Wen Ting Asked.

"No, alsnb can beat you." Sogra quickly shook his head.

Zhao Tiezhu’s face is a bit weird.

Lei Chenyu? This kid will be the big brother of Wen Ting? Is the world too small?

"You and Lei Chenyu, are relatives?" Zhao Tiezhu asked.

"No, he is the big brother of alsnb. The last time the alsnb people in the war zone went to the Capital Military Region to exchange, alsnb saw him, he was defeated, and he recognized him as a big brother!" Wen Ting took care of himself.

"You... you are really... really hero hero!" Zhao Tiezhu looked at this half-male and female, Wen Ting, rury said.

"Men and women are the same, just let the man sneak into the square, do not allow women to point to Jiangshan?" Wen Ting proudly said.

"Can you, Hua Mulan, the East is undefeated, what is it?" Zhao Tiezhu rury, while Wen Changlin feels funny, even gave birth to such a wonderful daughter.


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