(Total 49th, thanks to the VIP of Michaela, I want to be the first, Marco is asking for strength)

"Let's go, Sogra, go see my big brother!"

Wen Ting invited.


Socrata glanced at Zhao Tiezhu, and it seems that Zhao Tiezhu is not very close to the boss of the so-called military district Sanjie.

Zhao Tiezhu also frowned. If he went to see Lei Chenyu with Wen Ting, would he be exposed too fast?

at this time.

Wen Ting put the phone on the side and rang.

"Brother! Is it here?"

Picking up the phone, Wen Ting asked with a smile.

After a while.

"Oh! Then I know, okay, then let me talk to you next time."

After that, Wen Ting hung up the phone, a face that could not hide the lost look.

"what happened?"

Sogra asked.

"My older brother can't come." Wen Ting shrugged helplessly and said, "The Capital Military District is a bit of a thing, so you can only wait for the next time, hehe! I would like to show you what is called a real master. Now...but it doesn't matter, you go to the military area with me, there are also masters there, although not as big as my big brother, but it is also very good, especially those of the special teams inside, very powerful!"

Zhao Tiezhu looked at Socrata. Sogra nodded and said, "The military region will not go. People have to train or something. It is better to do this. Let's find a place to drink?"

"Drinking things? Is there any place to drink? You know, I haven't been here for a long time, I used to stay abroad," Wen Ting said.

"Sh I am familiar with this place."

Sogra smiled and said, "You are with us!"

"That's it."

After Wenting hesitated, he agreed.

Subsequently, the three people left the field live cs training base together.


"Come on this car."

Wen Ting climbed a fascinating Hummer and said, "I am carrying you."

"Is this car yours?"

Socrata asked curiously.

"Well, is it still yours? Haha, this is a modified one, let's go, I am carrying you!"

Wen Ting waved.

Sogra and Zhao Tiezhu looked at each other and the two climbed into the back of the car.


The Hummer made a steady roar and went straight out.

The strong recoil force pressed Zhao Tiezhu and Socrata's body into the backrest.

Wen Ting, who drove in front of the car, took a pair of sunglasses from the car and put it on her face. Then she asked, "Well, let's talk, where to go."

"Go ahead and go to the Bund."

Soon, the three came to the Bund, and under the leadership of Socrata, the three entered a hotel next to the Bund and then boarded a hotel in the sky restaurant.

"I don't like this kind of place."

Sitting in the position, blowing the wind of the Huangpu River, Wen Ting licked his mouth and said.

"If so what do you like?"

Zhao Tiezhu asked.

"I like to eat meat and drink in large bowls. When I was at a foreign military school, we were all like this."

Wen Ting proudly said, "That is the life of a man."

"Looks like you are a woman?"

"I am a woman, a man's heart."

Wen Ting took the sunglasses off and hung it aside and said, "I was at the West Point Military Academy. I was the leader of our Shenzhou College. Many people were mixed with me."

"West Point Military Academy? Have you graduated from there?" Zhao Tiezhu asked curiously.

"Yeah." Wen Ting nodded and said, "West Point Military Academy, all-graduate, special strength is close combat."

"Is there a battlefield?" asked Zhao Tiezhu.

"Battlefield? Is the North African battlefield still a battlefield in Southeast Asia? Or is it on the other side of Mexico?" Wen Ting's eyes lit up slightly and asked.

This Zhao Tiezhu has a new understanding of Wen Ting. Originally, Zhao Tiezhu felt that this product is a rich family of rich and painful people. It is necessary to experience the life that has not been experienced. The result is that Wen Ting said that After graduating from West Point, Zhao Tiezhu felt that Wen Ting might not be what he thought, because in the whole world, if you have to find a best school in this military aspect, the first must be the Hunter School, the second. That is the West Point Military Academy, and can graduate from the West Point Military Academy. It can't be done casually. Of course, for Zhao Tiezhu, it is simple to play with.

Later, when Zhao Tiezhu asked Wen Ting whether he had been on the battlefield, Wen Ting could suddenly say that he appeared in several battlefields that are well-known internationally. It is proved that Wen Ting's knowledge is also there.

Although the world today is peaceful, there are also many local battlefields, such as North Africa. There is a tribal war. There are many mercenaries who will practice there, do missions, and then the Southeast Asian battlefield. This is the battle with the warlords, the Mexican battlefield. That is to play with the drug lords, and then there are battlefields in the Middle East, such as Syria, that is, fighting with government forces, and places like Iraq and Afghanistan. These are the local battlefields of today’s world, and most people know Iraq at most. In Afghanistan, there are some who read the news and may know Syria. As for North Africa, basically don’t want to know.

"Which battlefield have you been to?" asked Zhao Tiezhu.

"Not on."

Wen Ting shook her head a little helplessly and said, "I just graduated, my dad brought me back, and said that I want to live well for a while."


Zhao Tiezhu nodded, what is Wen Changlin's identity? The descendants of the Central Standing Committee of the Central Committee, Na Wenting is naturally a descendant of the Central Standing Committee of the Central Committee. Such a person, even if Wen Changlin is willing to let his daughter go to the battlefield, the central side will not agree, if you are caught As a handle to threaten China, who is responsible for this responsibility?

"Listen to what you said, have you been on the battlefield?" Wen Ting looked at Zhao Tiezhu with a burning gaze.

"No, I heard people say that the battlefield is where the mercenaries stay with the bounty hunters.

Zhao Tiezhu shook his head.

"I think so too, you are a small body, playing the dagger you are still, but there is no power and murderous, can not kill people." Wen Ting shook his head a little disdain, suddenly, Wen Ting thought of the kind of suffocation that just appeared Feeling, I can think about it, Wen Ting thinks that it is probably an illusion. How can such a thin man in front of him feel this way?

"Oh, I am going to work with Socrata. The beheading is just a hobby, a hobby." Zhao Tiezhu said with a smile.

"I don't mean you, man, you should be a little bit, a bit domineering. For example, I said you just now. If you are pure man, if you are right, you must refute me!" Wen Ting shook his head helplessly. .

"Ha ha."

Zhao Tiezhu smiled and said nothing.

"Wen Ting, is your father free today tonight? Let him come out for a dinner together?"

Socrata sees the comparison between Wen Ting and Zhao Tiezhu. I finally said the biggest goal of today.


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