Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Vol 2 Chapter 807: Tu Yi Zhao Tiezhu

The Eighty-Seventh Chapter Bandits Zhao Tiezhu

"Do you think it's funny?" Zhang Ji couldn't vent on Cao Ziyi and saw Zhao Tiezhu's look of constipation, which is even more uncomfortable.

"No, no, Director Zhang, I think if you go to the movie, you should be able to play very well!!" Zhao Tiezhu said seriously.

"That is of course!! Acting is excellent, director, has been a higher level than the actors." Zhang Ji proudly said.

"Yes, yes, I think you can go to the gods!!!!" said Zhao Tiezhu.

"Oh? Do you think I am suitable for playing Zhu?" Zhang Ji asked.

"I think you are suitable for playing the bird." Zhao Tiezhu said, finally could not help but laugh.

"Iron column, I think you have this performance, need to be strengthened, how can you laugh at the scene?" Sogra said cheerfully next to him.

"You are playing me?!! You! will pay the price!!" Director Zhang Jida yelled at Zhao Tiezhu and then looked at Cao Ziyi. "This beautiful lady, you don't feel like this rough person." Is it a taint to you?"

"My man, I like it." Cao Ziyi leaned half on Zhao Tiezhu and finally said a few words, but these words are still related to Zhao Tiezhu.

"Hey, bandits, it’s bandits." Although Zhang Ji was very angry, but this occasion is obviously not the place where Zhang Ji can get angry, so he only looked at Zhao Tiezhu and Socrata with a bad look, and then gave the look of the two. Deeply remembered in my mind, waiting for the opportunity, I will let these two people know, what is the majesty of the big director can not be offended! !

Zhao Tiezhu does not care about laughing, playing with such a small role, sometimes it is very interesting, but this so-called big director, has not touched Zhao Tiezhu's bottom line, Zhao Tiezhu does not care to do that kind of bullying, and In the evening, this dinner was held by Chen Weiguo specifically for Zhao Tiezhu, and Zhao Tiezhu had to give Chen Weiguo a face. So I turned my head and stopped saying anything.

Soon there were a lot of waiters who sneaked in from the passages on both sides. Each person had one or two chairs on his hands. This is a seat for the charity sale. It was originally a hall. People danced inside, but they were quickly filled with chairs, and then Chen Weiguo and Zhang Yihuang sat together in the first row, while at the side of the two, they were sitting on the richest Jidong, there are several provincial leaders.

Then the second row is the one who is self-proclaimed and second only to the first row.

Zhao Tiezhu and Socrata are casually looking for a position in the fourth and fifth rows. Socrata does not know whether it is selfish, or to help Zhao Tiezhu, Zhao Tiezhu sits on the left side of Cao Ziyi, Sogra sits on the right side of Cao Ziyi, and then Cao Ziyi was separated from the men around him. Zhao Tiezhu looked at Socrata with a warning. Suegra said generously, "This, I am not so charming, I don’t have the charm of you. Cao Xianzi can’t look at me. I am helping. You **** it."

"Cut, what do you think of me? I am such a stingy person? For the brothers, I am the biggest party, the so-called women are like clothes, brothers are like brothers and sisters!" Zhao Tiezhu said seriously.

"But isn't there a sentence? You broke my hands and feet, I grab your clothes?" Sogra laughed.

"The key is that no one broke my hands and feet." Zhao Tiezhu smiled.

Cao Ziyi looked at the two and laughed.

The director Zhang Ji was only sitting in the fourth and fifth row of identity, but this person was sitting in front of Zhao Tiezhu without shame, and then turned around and persuaded Cao Ziyi, but Cao Ziyi’s temperament was extraordinary, no matter this. What people say, Cao Ziyi didn't return a word. At the end, Zhang Ji was a little angry and angry. He wanted to stand up and explode in a small universe. Give this woman who is dressed like Athena a beautiful Tianma Meteor. Stick the law, let her know the man's power.

"I said you, less forced in that." Zhao Tiezhu's patience was finally polished by the so-called big director, frowning and said, "If you force it again, believe it or not, let the buddy let you sink at night. fish?"

"The bandits are bandits." Zhang Ji snorted with disdain and wanted to say something. This charity sale began.

Charity bazaar is different from auction, auction is for profit, and charity sale is completely for charity. Of course, the atmosphere is not as warm and gunpowder as the auction, the things on the field, They are all just general, with hundreds of thousands of transactions accounting for the majority, and few can sell millions.

At this moment, Zhao Tiezhu’s cell phone suddenly vibrated, and Zhao Tiezhu took it up and saw it as a text message sent by Lei Zi.

"My grandfather asked you to wait for a picture, the price is pulled up as much as possible, the more scary the better, first create a momentum for you, and then push you to the stage."

Zhao Tiezhu was amazed and sent a text message that you can rest assured.

"Zi Yi, wait for something to look at, I will buy it for you." Zhao Tiezhu turned his head and said.

Cao Ziyi smiled and squinted and nodded. "I know."

"Hey." Zhao Tiezhu shrugged, the woman was too smart, and sometimes it was a little stressful.

Not long after, a picture was put on the stage, which is said to have been painted by a very famous painter at the time of the Republic of China. The reserve price is the highest reserve price tonight, 1 million.

"I like it." Cao Ziyi said faintly.

"2 million." Zhao Tiezhu raised his hand and shouted.

This directly doubled the price, which suddenly caused a sensation. Although the price of this painting was 2, 3 million, it was normal, but this one is so high, it seems that Zhao Tiezhu is full of popularity. Look like that. This made many people remember Zhao Tiezhu at once.

"2.5 million." Zhang Ji said faintly, then turned to look at Zhao Tiezhu and said, "Sorry, I also like this painting."

"That also has the ability to buy." Zhao Tiezhu said with a smile, then shouted, "5 million."


This time, the whole scene is a bit dazed, this is doubled, which is too scary, right? This painting is about 3 million in the first day of the day, you are 5 million at once, when you are the richest man in fj? Fj is the richest man in the East, still sitting in his position and not talking! ! Young people, really impulsive, countless people sigh.

"This gentleman bids 5 million, there is no higher!" The host on the stage is obviously also the person arranged by Chen Weiguo. One hundred looked around and said, "This gentleman is willing to bid 5 million to support our charity. Career, is there any gentleman who wants to contribute more power?"

Zhang Ji slammed his mouth, but he did not speak. He did not print the banknotes. Naturally, he would not take the banknotes seriously.

"The bandits, it is really a bandit, have never seen such a money." Zhang Ji said to himself, it seems to be self-comfort.

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