Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Vol 2 Chapter 808: Zhao Shao!

Chapter VIII, Zhao Shao!

In the end, this painting was bought by Zhao Tiezhu for 5 million. Of course, this is the price on the bright side. Finally, Chen Weiguo only looked for Zhao Tiezhu and took 3 million. After all, Zhao Tiezhu’s high price is just to make this effect come. More violent.

The charity auction was soon over, and after all the things were filmed, Chen Weiguo walked into the middle of the table, then took the microphone and cleared the throat.

There was still a little noisy hall, and it suddenly became quiet and even quiet.

"At night, I am very glad that everyone can give me such a face to participate in this charity shot." Chen Weiguo said with a smile, "The evening's charity, all used for charity, this point, Lao Chen, I can use this head U-shirt guarantee!! We will never greedy this money for a penny, nor will we charge the so-called management fee. It is all pit people. What we have to do is real!"

After the stage, a round of applause sounded. After a long time, the applause stopped, and Chen Weiguo said, "The righteous shot is a purpose for everyone to come at night, and Lao Chen, I have a purpose here, that is to introduce a friend of mine. Let me know."

Chen Weiguo said, looking at Zhao Tiezhu, said, "Iron column, come up to see you."

Zhao Tiezhu smiled and stood up, his face calm and calm, and many people around him issued a cry of surprise, because Zhao Tiezhu just doubled the price increase, and indeed many people remembered him. At that time, many people thought that Zhao Tiezhu might be The child of a nouveau riche, did not expect that this Zhao Tizhu, turned out to be a friend of Chen Weiguo, but also the reason for Chen Weiguo to host this dinner in the evening! ! Is it difficult for this man to be the head of the central government? Or is it the ten richest Chinese children in the world?

"I want to come to a lot of people who don't know me. Haha, he is called Tiezhu. When I was a member of the Iron Pillar, I was honest with me, but I have the grace of knowing." Chen Weiguo said with a smile.

He said this, many people suddenly realized that this iron pillar, the eight achievements are the Zhao family, because Chen Weiguo’s life is also full of legends. When Chen Weiguo was only a no-named **** in his teens, he happened to run into the support. The war in neighboring countries, Chen Weiguo has not yet reached adulthood, but he ran to join the army with his family. He even embarked on the land of neighboring countries, and then began to show his brilliance from that time. It took only one year from a big head. The soldier became a platoon leader, and later led more than 100 brothers. In a highland in a neighboring country, he and the other side’s elite elite **** war for a week, and they squandered the food, but they hardly put each other on the other side. The thousand people have been delayed for a week, which has enabled our military's strategic deployment to be realized! This is not Chen Weiguo’s most legendary. When he was commended in the post-war period, Chen Weiguo’s group of people was replaced by a small head. This Chen Weiguo immediately took more than a dozen people into the small head camp. After the birth of the man, all of them tied themselves to surrender. This incident caused the people above to anger and ordered to shoot the dozens of people. As a result, the appearance of one person completely changed the fate of these people.

When Zhao Lao was upright, Zhao Lao only said one thing. The person who dared to take the martial arts of the comrades in arms was replaced by me. He also had to shoot him.

As a result, these people simply made a warning within the team, and Chen Weiguo entered the sight of Zhao Lao at that time, and after Zhao Lao’s training, Chen Weiguo made countless counts for the country in many local battlefields. After the war, he became a minority who became a general at the age of 30. Later, under the operation of Zhao Lao, he successfully became the commander of the fj military region until now.

Zhao Tiezhu smiled and nodded to the crowd, especially to the director Zhang Jida, who was more serious and took a glance.

This made Zhang Ji's hair, and it was suddenly erected. In fact, not only the hair, but even the beards on his face, there is a tendency to stand up.

"How can this be!!"

"You are the master of the Zhao family's main thread, what is not good, and people with bandits? Do not bring up such a bandit!!"

Zhang Jijiu is mixed in the capital city. Naturally, he knows the influence of the Zhao family in the capital city. Therefore, he is more aware of the vastness of the Zhao family and the power of his power than the local people who are present at the fj.

"Hey, bearded, are you screaming?" Sogra looked at Zhang Ji with a squint and asked.

"This, my name is Zhang Ji, and I am called Xiao Zhang." Zhang Ji did not look at the woman's waist next door, and his eyes did not look at Cao Ziyi. It was really looking at Sogra without squinting.

"Oh, I am sorry, my buddy, in fact, it is really a bandit, but I have a good origin, I always say him, but he can't change his bandits, he is offended, and I hope that Director Zhang will not be surprised. ""

"Don't say that, don't say that, Zhao Shao is low-key, low-key." Zhang Ji wiped his sweat on his forehead, and laughed.

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