Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Vol 2 Chapter 824: Save people, be trapped

Chapter VIII saves people and is trapped

The murderer of this serial killing case, named Ren Hao, is said to have traveled in various cities, and then specifically to find those beautiful women in the evening to start, the first to kill, the total of 8 lives, after being arrested, once Some experts gave this Ren Hao a mental test. The result was that this person had a certain kind of psychological metamorphosis. This gave the person to the Death Zone and then waited for the gun.

When the four of them had to leave here, they had already gotten good with all the people in the Death Zone. As long as they can be optimistic about Shura, these people will all be guilty of a crime, although the state’s laws do not have such a rule. But some things are indeed above the law.

When the people of the four people talked about these things with these people, they forgot. There is a perversion in this group of people, and they are abnormal. Generally, they will not play cards according to common sense. For example, now, Ren Hao sees Zhao Tiezhu and Shura both had strong military strength. They ran off when they made a decision, but he ran, not a normal run, but went to land with a small man. He didn’t want to escape from prison, he was not afraid of death, but he felt that he was really jealous. For a long time, it needs to be ventilated, and there is just one beauty that is not far away. Therefore, he would rather not reduce his sentence, but also engage in this woman’s shot.

I have to say that some people with psychological perversion are indeed perverted. When they are living and dying, they don’t think that they can live more time, but rather they want to die under the peony, and they are also mad.

The broken army on Zhao Tiezhu’s hand was unstoppable. There were a few prisoners who took the bracelet and used them as weapons. As a result, Zhao Tiezhu gave him a knife and then cut off the other. Arm.

"What is your dagger!!" Shura said that Zhao Tiezhu's dagger was so martial, said with amazement.

"The beggar's dagger." Zhao Tiezhu replied with a smile, and then a black man flashed, and another person fell down on his neck.

"Okay, ready to hit the main entrance." Shura shouted.

"No problem!!" Zhao Tiezhu said, followed by Shura to the main entrance, and in the ordinary prison not far away, a pair of armed police are consolidating the queue. If Zhao Tiezhu rushes out at this time, he will certainly be able to take advantage of these people. I haven't come to the gate of the Death Zone, escaped from the Death Zone, and then I can easily escape from the prison, but when Zhao Tiezhu is ready to rush out of the Death Zone.


The scream of a girl rang.

When Zhao Tiezhu turned around, he saw that Lu Xiaoman was caught by a man with his neck and slowly came out of a room.

"Look at what? Go fast, or it's too late!" Shura shouted.

"My grass, what's going on!!" Zhao Tiezhu was shocked and said to Shura. "You go out first, then go directly to the northeast, about three kilometers away. There will be people waiting for you, will help you to tear down you." The locator on the body, I am sure within five minutes, if not, you will follow those people to the 13th building of Longzhong Road in the city center, where someone will meet you."

"What about you?" asked Shura.

"I still have something to do." Zhao Tiezhu said, he ran in the direction of Ren Hao.

"You will die like this!!" Shura shouted. Zhao Tiezhu did not seem to hear anything, and there was no reaction.

"I hope you can live out." Shura screamed and rushed out of the Death Zone. As he imagined, the armed police had not been able to block the gate. Now there are only two people at the gate. Stunned, and then Shura broke out of the limit speed, rushed to the wall of the prison, the wall of the ordinary prison area, there is no laser installed.

"Let her let her go!!" Zhao Tiezhu's speed is very fast, and that Ren Hao is a slow-moving, sandwiched Lu Xiaoman's neck and goes to the dark side of the side. When Zhao Tiezhu comes over, Ren Hao is a little surprised, but then It’s a smile, “You, don’t leave you, what do you do with me?”

The sound was a bit sharp and shivering, making people feel very uncomfortable.

"I will give you a chance to let go of her, I will not kill you." Zhao Tiezhu said in a low voice.

Lu Xiaoman, who was still struggling, heard the voice of Zhao Tiezhu, but he was quiet at once and immediately looked at Zhao Tiezhu’s face, but he was not the face he was familiar with.

"I will give you a chance. You can go now, but you still have time. Otherwise, when the armed police gathers, you want to go, there is no way to go." Ren Hao said with a smile, although he is a pervert, but IQ is also Not low, knowing that the more time you drag, the more urgent this person will be.

"You are looking for death." Zhao Tiezhu looked at Ren Hao with a slight squint.

"I am not afraid of death." Ren Hao shook his head. "If you can get such a beautiful woman, it is dead, I am willing, hey, smell this, beauty, you still ***? Haha."

Zhao Tiezhu looked at this Ren Hao, this Ren Hao's arm is holding the neck of Lu Xiaoman, and watching the muscles of Ren Hao's hand is definitely a trainer. Lu Xiaoman is just an ordinary woman, it is estimated that this is only Ren Hao's hand is hard, Lu Xiaoman has to be fragrant and jade, and the neck can't bear a gravity attack.

"You have no time for it!" Ren Hao said with a smile, but the arm was slightly forced, and Lu Xiaoman was even tighter.

"I remember you." Zhao Tiezhu said with a snoring, then turned around and seemed to be leaving.

"Oh, but it's just a fear of death." Ren Hao shook his head disdainfully.

At this moment, Zhao Tiezhu’s body suddenly turned 180 degrees. This turned and turned too abruptly. Moreover, Ren Hao relaxed his vigilance against Zhao Tiezhu because of the action that Zhao Tiezhu just wanted to leave, and he was suddenly This turned and gave a shock, just want to force the woman's neck in his hand to clip, but he has no chance, just because it was a shock, wasted almost 0.5 seconds!

A black mangling flashed.


A dagger was tied directly to Ren Hao's forehead, and then there was no delay at all, and it was stuck in Ren Hao's mind.

Ren Hao’s life ended in an instant, and the arm that was attached to Lu Xiaoman was suddenly released. The whole person was carried by the powerful force of the dagger and went backwards.

"Call." Zhao Tiezhu was a sigh of relief. He just turned around and caught the moment when Ren Hao relaxed and vigilant.

"Hurry back." Zhao Tiezhu pressed his voice down and said to Lu Xiaoman.

"Iron pillar, it is you!!" Lu Xiaoman looked firmly at Zhao Tiezhu, although there was a blunt human skin mask on his face, and the voice was a bit wrong, but the woman’s intuition was to let her The child felt that the person in front of him was Zhao Tiezhu.

"You have mistaken people." Zhao Tiezhu whispered, he was leaving.

"Whether you are Zhao Tiezhu, you are now inseparable from here. If you can, I am willing to be your hostage." Lu Xiaoman said seriously.

Zhao Tiezhu’s eyes are bright, this is a way.

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