The 825th chapter shot

"You, are you willing to help me?" Zhao Tiezhu's voice sounded more erratic than before. This technique of controlling the vocal cords to change the sound, Zhao Tiezhu has been in the fire for a few years.

"Well, you saved me, I naturally want to help you!" Lu Xiaoman said seriously.

"I came here to save people, but I saved the murderer!" Zhao Tiezhu smiled.

"Then I don't care." Lu Xiaoman shook his head. "There is no time, come on."

Zhao Tiezhu’s face looked a bit weird and looked at this Lu Xiaoman. This sentence is really quite irritating. Moreover, this Lu Xiaoman should not really see his identity?

"What are you doing? If you don't hurry, people will come!!" Lu Xiaoman said a little anxiously.

"I am not Zhao Tiezhu." Zhao Tiezhu said it again seriously.


Lu Xiaoman laughed at once. "Iron column, if you didn't say this again, I just suspected that you are Zhao Tiezhu. You are not here without silver three hundred?"

Zhao Tiezhu’s old face is rare red. How did the buddies do this without IQ? It’s just that Zhao Tiezhu can only put on his scalp, and he said, “I’m not, you love how to say it, just say it. Let’s go.”

As he said, Zhao Tiezhu extended his hand and grabbed the collar of Lu Xiaoman.

"Oh, don't be so rude." Lu Xiaoman snorted.

"You are my hostage now!!" Zhao Tiezhu frowned, pulling Lu Xiaoman to the side, and then, like the former Ren Hao, with his arm caught Lu Xiaoman's neck.

"When I got out of jail, I will let you go. When we get there, we will be clear." Zhao Tiezhu said.

"Well, the two are clear." Lu Xiaoman raised his hand and grabbed his hand on Zhao Tiezhu's arm that was sandwiching his neck. It seemed to be struggling.

"Re-playing Laozi will kill you." Zhao Tiezhu said wickedly, and Lu Xiaoman is a poor way to cooperate.

"The people inside are listening, you are already surrounded."

In the outside of the Death Zone, there was a shout of voice.

At this time, Zhao Tiezhu had already taken Lu Xiaoman to the gate of the Death Zone. He saw the outside of the Death Zone. He was standing with a group of armed policemen. These people had submachine guns on their hands, unless Zhao Tiezhu was wearing them immediately. Otherwise it is hardened. In front of so many submachine guns, Zhao Tiezhu also has to be embarrassed.

"You give up to Lao Tzu." Zhao Tiezhu said that the voice line was turned on, and the voice suddenly became like a rough man.

"Let's put down the weapon, surrender and surrender!!" A man wearing the uniform of the armed police captain shouted with a microphone. "If you surrender now, the country will give you a leniency."

"Say again, let the old man let go, or this little beauty, you can get fragrant and jade." Zhao Tiezhu said, while yin swaying with Lu Xiaoman's hand on Lu Xiaoman's chest A handful, "This little beauty, if it is so dead, you are all rumors."

"You!!" Lu Xiaoman glared at Zhao Tiezhu, but did not come out. This situation, in the eyes of outsiders, seems to be Lu Xiaoman not afraid of gangsters.

"We will say it again, disarming and surrendering is your only way out!! You will get a fair trial." The captain, like the aunt of the neighborhood committee, said tirelessly.

"Then I can only be sorry." Zhao Tiezhu shook his head helplessly, and immediately whispered his throat and said, "Scream."

“How is it?” Lu Xiaoman asked, this problem has not been solved yet, but it feels a warm hand, suddenly appeared on his own buttocks, then the hand grabbed a force on the head Put it.

"Ah!!!!" Lu Xiaoman was suddenly attacked. Now he screamed, but Zhao Tiezhu’s movement was very secret. In the eyes of outsiders, it seems that Zhao Tiezhu has hurt Lu Xiaoman.

"Get away from Laozi, and dare to block it. I don't mind to break the neck of this chick in front of you." Zhao Tiezhu laughed wildly.

"Let's go, let go!!" A little rush of voice came from the side, I saw the warden with a few prison guards appeared next to the armed police captain.

"Quickly let go, that is my niece. If something goes wrong, are you responsible for it!!" The warden snarled at the Armed Forces captain.

"This... well, let it go first." After the hesitation of the armed police captain, he saw Zhao Tiezhu’s violent face and the anxious look of the prison chief. He had to wave his hand to let the prepared policemen spread out.

"This is right." Zhao Tiezhu smiled, and while holding Lu Xiaoman, he went outside the door of the Death Zone.

"This brother, we all did what you said. Can you let go of my niece? She is still young and not sensible." The warden accompanied his smile and looked at Zhao Tiezhu.

"I am a person who is not a killer. When I leave the prison, I will naturally let you leave your daughter. You can rest assured that I will not do anything to unload and kill." Zhao Tiezhu laughs. Said, but the foot is not slow.

In the group of armed police in public, there is a very ordinary young man, just in the ear of this person, with a headset.

"I will kill that person right away." There was a dull voice in the headphones.

"But there is personal quality there." The armed police whispered, because the alarm around him was still there, and no one heard him talking.

"Don't worry, you shoot directly, the consequences, we have to carry!!" The phone commanded, "If you can kill him, the benefits will be great."

"What benefits!!"

"At this time next year, the clothes of the Armed Police Captain are what you wear." The phone whispered.

The young man’s eyes were red at once, and the gun was pointed at Zhao Tiezhu.

Zhao Tiezhu is walking, suddenly he feels that he is locked, and the source of the lock is not far from his left.

Zhao Tiezhu looked tight and immediately saw a sudden sound there.

"Oh, not good!!"



The muzzle of the submachine gun suddenly burst into flames.

And this submachine gun, facing directly, is Zhao Tiezhu and Lu Xiaoman.

Zhao Tiezhu can harden, so he will not be afraid of this bullet, but Lu Xiaoman, it is just an ordinary person, if it is hit by this bullet, it will not be dead! !

"My grass!!" Zhao Tiezhu screamed and tried hard! !

"Don't!!" the prisoner shouted.

"Don't!!!" Lu Xiaoman also cried, but she was not afraid, but she felt a huge force coming from her side.

Zhao Tiezhu sent his hands to the side, and Lu Xiaoman was pushed away at once.

At the same time.

Puff puff.

The bullet hit the sound of the meat and was uploaded from the body of Zhao Tiezhu.

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