Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Vol 2 Chapter 826: Siege! Chasing!

The 826th siege! Chasing!

Since Zhao Tiezhu has stealth ability, he has become a killer, and has been a foreign mercenary circle. He returned to China, battled the white tiger, and unified the fj underworld. Until now, he has suffered many injuries and many gunshot wounds, but most of them are pistols. A terrible one, when playing with Nie Erji, was hit by an sniper rifle, but it was only on the arm! I have never been hit by a submachine gun! Therefore, Zhao Tiezhu is not clear about the power of the submachine gun.

Until today, at this time, Zhao Tiezhu understands why this gun is called a submachine gun, not a long gun and a short gun. The bullet had a huge impact, and it directly penetrated Zhao Tiezhu's instantly hardened skin, and then he got into the muscles of Zhao Tiezhu.

Zhao Tiezhu condensed the strength of the whole body, and the meat on the body could not be tightened any more. The bullet was also drilled into the sternum of Zhao Tiezhu, and the bones that had been hardened were blocked!

However, the powerful impact, but with Zhao Tiezhu's body, flew out.

Some people will say, on the TV broadcast, people were hit by a submachine gun, that is, the local shaking a few times, and then lie down, how could Zhao Tiezhu be attacked by a submachine gun?

The reason for the head here is very simple, because on the TV, or in life, the submachine gun hits the body and goes straight through the body. The force of this bullet will not be applied to the person being hit, and Zhao Tiezhu It’s hard to use the body to smash the bullets of hundreds of kilometers in the world. The energy contained in it is very huge. All these energy are condensed on the body of Zhao Tiezhu, instead of penetrating the body like others. Flying to the distance, so this force, even with Zhao Tiezhu also flew up.

After Lu Xiaoman was pushed open by Zhao Tiezhu, he fell directly to the side. Fortunately, there was grass next to him, so Lu Xiaoman did not suffer any injuries. It was only after Lu Xiaoman fell to the ground, but he climbed up quickly. Then I saw Zhao Tiezhu’s body spray a few blood, and the whole person flew out.

"Don't!!" Lu Xiaoman looked at the thin figure of Zhao Tiezhu. In the air, it seemed to be a kite with a broken line. The hand that stretched forward, hammered down.

Zhao Tiezhu felt himself, as if he had been hit by a heavy truck, and the heavy truck had a bump on it and plunged directly into his own meat.

In fact, Zhao Tiezhu is deliberately letting himself fly out. If it is hard to resist, Zhao Tiezhu can still completely smash these bullets, but Zhao Tiezhu is not stupid. If it is hard, the power of the bullet is enough to give his sternum. The fracture was broken, so I just borrowed the force and said that the power of the whole bullet was transformed into the whole body, and then the whole person flew backwards, and the power was removed by a large part. Therefore, this was shot by a bullet. It seems to be very imposing, but it is Zhao Tiezhu's unloading.


When Zhao Tiezhu fell on the ground in the distance, the homeopathic trend was to roll backwards. As the armed policemen did not react, Zhao Tiezhu rushed to the stone house on the side.

"Fast, the hostages are already safe, let me catch him!!" The armed police captain was originally frightened by the unauthorized fire of his own men. I did not expect this gun to let the other party let go of the woman, but this is A great opportunity, therefore, the armed police made an order for this decision.

The armed policemen on the side immediately responded and chased in the direction of Zhao Tiezhu’s hiding with a submachine gun.

"Small man, are you okay?" The prison director ran over, and he supported Lu Xiaoman.

Lu Xiaoman saw that Zhao Tiezhu could still get up and run away. His heart finally breathed a sigh of relief. When he saw his uncle, Lu Xiaoman nodded and said, "Nothing!"

"Hey, hurry and go quickly. Someone else will come here later. You will not see it at night, otherwise it will be very troublesome." The prison captain shouted.

"Why? I don't go, there is still a patient there!!" Lu Xiaoman said.

"Don't worry about him, our own little life is important! Go away." The prison captain said, directly pulling Lu Xiaoman, and went outside the Death Zone.

Lu Xiaoman watched the armed police officers carrying the assault rifle and rushed into the corner where Zhao Tiezhu had hid before. A heart suddenly smashed up, but unfortunately he could not help.

"This is a big deal."

Zhao Tiezhu looked around, this whole place of death, that is, many houses are united together, and around it is a square wall, there is no other building to hide, the wound that he was hit by bullets, Because the warhead is still inside, every move is a severe pain, and the blood has been going out.

Zhao Tiezhu suddenly felt that this time he might not be so easy to get out.

"Mother's, can't it be true to die here?" Zhao Tiezhu's face showed a rare embarrassment.

"Here!!" An armed police saw Zhao Tiezhu hiding in the corner, yelling and rushing toward Zhao Tiezhu.

"I wipe, really, when the buddies don't dare to kill you?" Zhao Tiezhu looked at the group of armed police in a depressed way, and had to turn around and escape. He really didn't dare to kill, nor could he kill. These people are just responsible, not Anyone who is a traitor, if you have to say it, this person who is a traitor is still himself, and this is a prisoner!

Although Zhao Tiezhu is not afraid of killing, but also who should kill, who should not kill!

This is the most difficult place for Zhao Tiezhu. If you hit the ambush, even if these people have guns on their hands, relying on the success of training in the Amazon rainforest that year, they can guarantee that they can kill one group in a few minutes. But they can't kill them, so at the moment, Zhao Tiezhu is more difficult, and it is more difficult.

"Run again and shoot!!" The armed police behind Zhao Tiezhu is also very strange. It is obvious that the other side is being turned up, but now it seems that this person is running better than anyone else. Is it a few? A bullet is not made of plastic? However, for the person who is now in front of Mao, will he run and bleed? ?

"What about his mother?"

Zhao Tiezhu quickly looked around.


Just then, the officers and men of the armed police chasing Zhao Tiezhu finally fired.

"Nima bullets don't need money?" Zhao Tiezhu's depressed short body, leaning to the side, hid in a corner of the side, here, is already near the corner of the square wall, just then, Zhao Tiezhu saw something! !

"It's a road to heaven!" Zhao Tiezhu was overjoyed.

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