Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Vol 2 Chapter 828: Serious injury

Chapter VIII Serious injury

"The blood pressure is too low, too much blood loss, immediate emergency!!!"

"There is still a warhead!! Prepare anti-inflammatory drugs right away!!!!"

Between the confusion, Zhao Tiezhu only heard a noisy sound, and then felt that his body was being played by people, and then lost.

When Zhao Tiezhu had consciousness again, he found out that he was lying in a slightly dilapidated room. Above his own, there was a shadowless lamp for surgery, and he was lying on a bed. Although the room looked a little worn, the bed was very clean.

"This is..." Zhao Tiezhu looked for memories in his mind, and he did not find out where this was.

"You are awake." A female voice came from aside.

"Zi Yi." Zhao Tiezhu turned his head and looked at the girl whose face seemed to be slightly pale.

"You have been in a coma for three days." Cao Ziyi went to Zhao Tiezhu and sat down with his face full of emotions. Zhao Tiezhu was the first time in Cao Ziyi to see such a look.

"Sorry, I thought I was strong enough." Zhao Tiezhu said guilty.

"You are really strong enough." Cao Ziyi said seriously, "It's just too much accident."

"Hey, I always have troubles you. I still want to say that I can protect you. The result is that I can't even protect myself. I have to worry about you." Zhao Tiezhu looked a little dazed. Before the injury, Zhao Tiezhu always felt that he was already strong enough. The people he met, even the first unicorn of the Dragon List, were seriously injured by himself. I feel that no one is his opponent. Until the time of the jail, Zhao Tiezhu realized that manpower, after all, is limited, and the whole country, even a prison, has its own power, which is very limited. The simplest, if those people that night, there are more, Weapons, better, and perhaps, are left in prison. The so-called grand plan is just a piece of paper.

"People, always learn something a little bit, do you say yes?" Cao Ziyi smiled and took an apple from the side, and then did not see any action, a fruit knife appeared in her hand.

"Really, I understand now that the strength of a person, not to mention compared with a country, even compared with a city, is very humble and embarrassing." Zhao Tiezhu said seriously.

"Well, from small to large, on the way of martial arts, I think the most things that I have learned are that there is no end to learning. People always need to look at themselves with humility. In this way, they will make themselves more. Great progress." Cao Ziyi said, the apple skin was cut off, then the knife was pulled on the apple, and a small piece fell, and then in the hand, handed to Zhao Tiezhu's mouth.

Zhao Tiezhu opened his mouth and ate the apple. Then he said, "I understand, now I am, actually, it is really nothing!"

"Oh, you don't have to be so small, at least for now, you already have the strength of encountering Qinglong without death. Moreover, you are too younger than Qinglong. Your development potential is not a green dragon, you can compare."

"Zi Yi, don't comfort me." Zhao Tiezhu smiled bitterly.

"This is not comforting you, although your body is cultivated by medicine. However, your own foundation is also very good. The medicine gives you a better body, plus your foundation. As long as you have a little more life and death, your distance from the gods list will be getting closer and closer." Cao Ziyi said.

"I didn't think that in the past few days, my own force, what growth?" Zhao Tiezhu frowned and asked.

"In the end, you used the dagger to block the bullet. It was perfect. Even if it was me, I could only use your full strength to make your perfect one. In fact, I also blame me. At that time, I was too far away from you. I thought you were safe. I didn't expect that there was a person hiding in a post behind you. When I found out, it was too late."

"What is my block?" Zhao Tiezhu’s mind suddenly remembered his time, feeling the violent murder behind him, his own reflection of the first block, and then Zhao Tiezhu found that it seems that he was really at that time, The whole person seems to have a breakthrough. The speed of the heavy machine gun bullets is definitely very fast. Although Zhao Tiezhu can hide the bullets, there is no way to tell the bullets that they are perfectly blocked. This is the skill needed to hide the bullets. In comparison, it was a lot higher. At that time, the one who was at that time, like the whole body, was condensed behind him. Then, he saw the movement of the bullet, and the bullet flew to Behind you, then hit your left rib, and then your own dagger, just right on the left rib, then the bullet tells his dagger to break the waist, then plunged into his left rib, then talked about his ribs broken!

In Zhao Tiezhu’s mind, it seems to be a movie, and he said that what happened around him was repeated.

“Is it discovered?” Cao Ziyi asked with a smile.

"This, I don't know why I took the bullet so accurately." Zhao Tiezhu frowned, puzzled.

"That is because of your heart." Cao Ziyi smiled. "I told you last time, the heart of the martial arts people."


"Yes, if you use force alone, you can hardly be less than the average **** list master, but the heart you have cultivated is far from the difference with them. It is like you all have a hundred pounds of strength, but people use it. It's a mace, an axe, you use a wooden stick. Even if you are also a hundred-level force, people can easily win you!"

"Oh? It seems to be a bit understandable!"

"According to my analysis, before that bullet, before you hit you, your energy has been concentrated as never before. This kind of spiritual height hit, if placed in Xian Xia's novels, it is called, in our Among the warriors, this is also called, but there is no such thing as the evil in the novel. If we are determined to become incapable, we will be determined that your spirit is highly concentrated to a certain level, and after reaching this level, your The spirit will begin to affect your physical behavior, such as your quick first gear, and the strength of your body when you are blocking the bullets, which is a lot higher than when you were at the peak."

“Is there?” asked Zhao Tiezhu.

"Of course, let me tell you, if your dagger does not block the bullet, your waist will be interrupted directly." Cao Ziyi said earnestly.

“So dangerous?”

"Oh, if it is not such a desperate situation, there is no way to concentrate your spirit to that extent!! Although it is very dangerous, but you have come over, then it is time to harvest!" Cao Ziyi said, face The smile is even stronger.

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