Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Vol 2 Chapter 829: Feel free to move

Chapter VIII, the heart is free to move

“When is the harvest?” Zhao Tiezhu looked at Cao Ziyi a bit strangely. “What to harvest?”

"Try it and concentrate your spirit." Cao Ziyi laughed.

"Concentration? What is the concentration? Where is the hit?" Zhao Tiezhu is even more surprised.

"Oh, that's it!" Cao Ziyi raised her hand and held out her finger, stopping at a distance of about 20 cm from Zhao Tiezhu's face. "Tell your spirits all on my fingers."

"I will rub it, it will not be what I will be able to read?" Zhao Tiezhu's heart trembles, his novels can be seen less, naturally know that there is a spiritual year, can control things with strong mental power.

"Thinking too much, it is illusory, you feel my fingers carefully, concentrate all your spirits, hurry." Cao Ziyi ordered.

"Okay." Zhao Tiezhu set his mind, and then his eyes locked Cao Ziyi's hand.

Suddenly, Zhao Tiezhu felt that his head slowly became a little tingling, and then his own consciousness seemed to be blurred, but the moment when the blur began, Zhao Tiezhu’s consciousness immediately became very Clear up.

砰, 砰, 砰.

Zhao Tiezhu suddenly felt a burst of slow and powerful voice, which was uploaded from the finger of Cao Ziyi. This voice is... pulse! !

Yes! It is the pulse! ! !

Zhao Tiezhu was shocked. He was so far away that he could feel the pulse of Cao Ziyi? How is this going?

“Is it felt?” Cao Ziyi took the hand back and asked with a smile.

"Well, I feel the beat of your pulse. This, why? I didn't pass any media at all!!" Zhao Tiezhu asked in surprise.

"This is the benefit of your harvest. Your spirit has been improved to some extent. This makes your sixth sense more powerful. Moreover, in fact, what you said before is not right, you are not Without the medium, the air can also be regarded as a medium. Now, your mental power can already feel the slightest change of the air. This is the first realm of cultivation. We call him "the heart is moving." "The advantage of this is that it allows you to perceive your enemy more quickly, and to make your feelings about the air machine more powerful."

"Oh? How?" asked Zhao Tiezhu.

"Like the same as before, concentrate your spirit." Cao Ziyi said softly.

"Good." Zhao Tiezhu concentrated his spirit.

"Turn around."

"Good." Zhao Tiezhu turned his body.

“Feel, what am I doing now?” said Cao Ziyi.

"You??" Zhao Tiezhu frowned, concentrated all his spirits, and then spread to the surrounding.

Suddenly, Zhao Tiezhu felt that the scene behind him seemed to be able to see the general? Each picture appears in your own mind.

Zhao Tiezhu felt that Cao Ziyi slowly raised his hand and then made a turn with one hand.

"Your hand is spinning." Zhao Tiezhu said seriously.

"Well, that's it. Turn around." Cao Ziyi said.

"Now I understand, this is the benefit you can gain." Cao Ziyi also had a very happy smile on his face.

"Well!!" Zhao Tiezhu nodded excitedly, did not expect that this serious injury, even let his mental strength, or the sixth sense reached such a strong point, even the space can feel the heartbeat of others, this Going out later, as long as someone hiding next to him wants to ambush himself, he will definitely be discovered by himself for the first time. Moreover, just following Cao Ziyi can feel the action of Cao Ziyi, Zhao Tiezhu suddenly feels that this function is very easy to use, think about it. Standing at the door of the bathroom, and then concentrate on the mentality, and then feel the situation in the bathroom, when this can be equivalent to the natural perspective mirror, hey, when thinking of this, Zhao Tiezhu feels bloody, can not be their own.

"What happened, the blood flowed out again!!" Cao Ziyi looked at Zhao Tiezhu’s chest and ooze a trace of blood, and said doubtfully.

"This, too much blood, good flow." Zhao Tiezhu smiled a little, but was embarrassed to say that he was too excited to think of something.

"Well, you have to cultivate for a while, Zhao Lao has already sent you a cure for the cure, and you will be able to recover as soon as possible in a few days." Cao Ziyi said with a smile, then stood up.

"This time I can lose a lot, you have to tell my grandfather, let him give me more benefits." Zhao Tiezhu said.

"Zhao Lao said that he knows, huh, I have to go out for a while, you are staying here, it is very safe." Cao Ziyi said, he left the room.

Zhao Tiezhu put his hand behind his head and closed his eyes. In his mind, he thought about his powerful sixth sense from time to time. He could bring something to himself. He thought that he could feel the other way through the wall. When I moved, Zhao Tiezhu was excited. I thought about waiting for the villa to go back. I stood outside Li Linger’s room and felt good about it. What did Li Linger do inside, or go to those small hotels and feel what the people inside are doing.

I have to say that Zhao Tiezhu can only become a wretched person in his life. Generally, people who are martial arts can never think of using this powerful sixth sense to peep at others.

Thinking about it, Zhao Tiezhu became more and more excited. He simply sat up and then touched his left rib. Here he was tied with a bandage, and the flesh and blood inside was quickly recovering.

At this moment, Zhao Tiezhu suddenly felt a strong sense of dizziness.

this is! ! ! !

Zhao Tiezhu is very familiar with this sense of dizziness. The last time he hardened, it was because of this dizziness. Is it necessary to upgrade this hardening this time?

Zhao Tiezhu hurriedly lay in bed, but this dizziness, but it is getting stronger and stronger, so strong that Zhao Tiezhu feels evil!

I don't know how long it took. Finally, after this dizziness completely disappeared, Zhao Tiezhu suddenly opened his eyes.

"Oh, I didn't think there was any change!!" Zhao Tiezhu touched his arm and thigh. After this dizziness, it seems that he has not got some kind of power again, and he can't fly for a day. Is this thing like a woman's big aunt, have to give me once a month?

Zhao Tiezhu once again moved and found that there was really no change, and he was a little unwilling to lie down again.

Not long after, Cao Ziyi returned to the room, holding a bottle of light blue medicine on her hand.

"This is what Zhao Lao gave you, drink it." Cao Ziyi handed the pharmacy directly to Zhao Tiezhu, Zhao Tiezhu Baba looked at Cao Ziyi, spoiled the road. "There is no strength in people's hands, you can't drink, you feed people to drink."

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