Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Vol 2 Chapter 833: The name of thunderstorm

Chapter 833 The name of thunderstorm

"Bing Wang? The mercenary community? How do I not know?" Zhao Tiezhu asked strangely, "I am also mixed in the mercenary world, although I am mixed in the killer world, but a little thing in the mercenary world. I still know, such as the world's first mercenary, the Mongolian man known as "Khan", the world's second mercenary, that is called Caldron, known as "nuclear weapon", no one is called a soldier. Wang's people!"

"Bing Wang, who was in the early years, so you have never heard of it!" Cao Ziyi said, "I have crossed some of the earlier information, and later with some friends, I also said that many, many years ago, In the mercenary world, there is no such thing as the first mercenary, the second mercenary, there is only one supreme person, that person is the soldier king!! And about ten years ago, the soldier king of the mercenary community was called the tyrant. Thunderstorm!!"

"How is it possible? How could my Master be such a mighty character?" Zhao Tiezhu said unbelievable.

"Your master, it is indeed a thunderstorm of the soldiers!!" Cao Ziyi said with a very positive tone.

"Oh? How can you be so sure?" Zhao Tiezhu asked.

"There are rumors that the thunderstorm was broken by a rival in the battle of a warrior, and the scar on your master's face is just the same as the scar on the face of the legendary thunderstorm. This world On the top, no one has so many similarities," said Cao Ziyi.

"You don't know the man of my master. He likes to have something to play with the cool cow. Maybe the knife is that he intentionally gave himself to imitate the tyrant." Zhao Tiezhu smiled.

"Oh, you don't understand." Cao Ziyi shook his head. "You haven't reached the level of thunderstorm, so you can't feel the power of him!!"

"What is the trend?" Zhao Tiezhu asked.

"The potential is the higher level of the heart, you can't understand it now." Cao Ziyi shook his head. "I can be sure that your master is the thunderstorm!"

"Then why haven't I heard the name of my master?" Zhao Tiezhu asked.

"Thunderstorms, when they became soldiers in the same year, they were prestigious, but unfortunately, because of their tyrannical temper, they eventually provoked a character that he could not afford, and then they were chased and killed, and they disappeared from then on." Cao Ziyi said .

"So dog blood? Is this not the plot in the third-rate TV series?" Zhao Tiezhu asked.

"This is also the case. The thunderstorm of that year was called a tyrant. It was because of its violent character. It was just this violent character. On the one hand, it added more potential to him, but it also affected his interaction with others. It is said that he was offended by the patriarch of the Rothschild family and then chased by the Indian monster in the Rothschild family. It is said that he was seriously injured later. How specific, I don’t know, just from the maid. In the military world, there is no such thing as a thunderstorm, and because of thunderstorms and the grievances of the Rothschild family, the Rothschild family also put a password in the mercenary community, not to mention this thunderstorm, ten Over the years, the name of thunderstorms has naturally not been known."

"But my Master's character is not violent. Although he likes to abuse me when he is trained, but many of them are for me. I have basically never seen my Master's fury look!" Zhao Tiezhu said.

"Then I don't know." Cao Ziyi shook her head. "Maybe the thunderstorm was chased after that, the temperament changed greatly, and it is possible. Moreover, I can feel that he is now, although there is that trend, but No such power!"

"How to say?"

"That is, his state of mind has become more complete, but the body, there is a dark disease, or old injury, so that his body, there is no way to play the peak strength, now it seems that only 琅The level of evil." Cao Ziyi said.

"Old injury? Why didn't I feel it?" asked Zhao Tiezhu.

"These, I will teach you later, now you concentrate on repairing your heart, and when your mood is up, it will be natural." Cao Ziyi laughed.

"Then you said, what will happen to my master's old injury?"

"It should have been left in the chase. You may not know that some masters can not only hurt people, but also hurt people for a lifetime. He can leave you with a little darkness on you and can make you uncomfortable. For a lifetime, so many people, in fact, will not be afraid of the straightforward effort, but will be afraid of those who use the darkness, the reason is here."

"It's really complicated." Zhao Tiezhu sighed and shook his head helplessly.

"Oh, you are still young, and some are time to get in touch with them." Cao Ziyi smirked with a smile on his head. "You are now the most important thing to concentrate on raising your injuries."

"Well, I know!" Zhao Tiezhu nodded. "Right, Shura?"

"Shu Luo has been brought to Beijing by Zhao Lao people. I think you should find a time to go to Beijing and see the people in the Zhao family in Beijing." Cao Ziyi said.

"No hurry." Zhao Tiezhu shook his head. "I still wait until I thoroughly digest fj."

"Well, too, sharpening the knife is not a mistake."

Zhao Tiezhu’s injury was really serious. After taking the medicine given by Zhao Lao, it was almost restored after 2 days. It’s just the same, but it can only let Zhao Tiezhu walk the road. As for the fight Zhao Tiezhu is now more than enough.

"Iron column brother, you can count it back!!" Zhao Tiezhu just entered the villa, Li Linger ran up with a smile, and hugged Zhao Tiezhu's arm. "I haven't seen it for so many days, where are you going?"

Zhao Tiezhu’s face was still a little pale. Looking at Li Linger, Zhao Tiezhu said with a shy smile. “Do you want someone else?”

"Cut, who is like you? I am not such a bad person, but you are not there, Ziyi sister also ran outside all day, I have eaten lunch for several days, and I want to vomit." Li Linger said.

"Don't love me in your heart, is a cook?" Zhao Tiezhu was so sad.

"No, it's more than that!" Li Linger said.

"Oh? What is it?"

"Or a nanny, bodyguard, shield, many, many!" Li Linger said with a finger.

Zhao Tiezhu has a black line.

In the expectation of Li Linger, Zhao Tiezhu still went to the kitchen after all, because the body has recovered seven or eighty-eight, and there is more than enough strength in the fight. This cooking is still possible. After making a big meal, Li Linger hits. Satisfied, "Right, the iron column brother, our school flower school grass selection, to start the finals."

"Oh? So fast?"

"Yeah, I have already eliminated ten people. I have to go to school this evening, saying that I want to perform on stage, and then I will be on the spot."

"This, the top ten, have me?"

"Of course, there is the iron column brother you are now the number one boy!" Li Linger said.

"Well, it's the same as I thought." Zhao Tiezhu smiled and smiled. At this moment, Cao Ziyi took an envelope from outside and came in.

"Iron column, this is yours." Cao Ziyi handed the envelope to Zhao Tiezhu.

When Zhao Tiezhu took it out, his face was black.

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