Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Vol 2 Chapter 834: Indicted

Chapter VIII was indicted

This is a court leaflet. Inside, Zhao Tiezhu said that because of traffic accidents, he did not compensate the victim. The people sued the court and asked Zhao Tiezhu to compensate him. Zhao Tiezhu thought that he had touched the road last time. The old woman who fell.

"This year, there are people who have a dog biting Lu Dongbin." Zhao Tiezhu shook his head helplessly and sighed.

"Iron column brother, what is going on?" Li Linger took the flyer in Zhao Tiezhu's hand and looked at it for a while.

"There is nothing else. Last time we went to the street with Ziyi, I met the old man who turned over the railing. Do you remember it? That person who told me, cut, there are many people who are not, nor Know what they are saying!" Zhao Tiezhu said disdainfully.

"Since there are witnesses, there is nothing to say. When we go there, we can find a few witnesses in the past." Li Linger said.

"Well, this is written on Friday, only now, it is only Tuesday, it is still very early, when I go to find witnesses, mother, it is rare to be a good person, the result is still framed." Zhao Tiezhu said depressed.

"No swearing." Li Linger glanced at Zhao Tiezhu.

"Haha, good." Zhao Tiezhu smiled.

After eating, Zhao Tiezhu thought that he had more than enough energy, so he planned to stop for a while and go to school to mix and match. When the province came across something, he would lose money, but it would be bad. .

Driving Audi, carrying Li Linger to the school, Zhao Tiezhu directly parked in the car's own parking room outside the school's blood soul hall, and then entered the school with Li Linger.

Walking on the road, Zhao Tiezhu found that many people were pointing to the point after seeing themselves and Li Linger, which made Zhao Tiezhu very strange.

"What happened?" Zhao Tiezhu asked Li Linger.

"Hey, Tiezhu brother, we are now in the school, but celebrities, I am the first in the school flower list, you are the first in the school grass list, let us go together, the influence is naturally very huge." Li Linger Smiled.

"Hey, this year, people who are good at discovering my essence are still too many. As for you, many people are actually blinded by the illusion of your face." Zhao Tiezhu sighed.

"What do you mean?" Li Linger asked with a frown.

"This, it doesn't mean anything, you have a high IQ, you can experience it yourself." Zhao Tiezhu smiled.


The two people were so onlookers and walked to the classroom. At this time, there were still a lot of people in the classroom. Fan Jian always brags the people around him, but this time he has not said anything about his votes, because now It is already the top 10, so there is basically no more than 30 people in Fan Jian.

"I told you that you have never seen me worry, I am worried, even I am afraid of it, the so-called talk and laughter are gone, I am talking!" Fan Jiande said.

"Haha, what about the smoke?" Zhao Tiezhu smiled and walked in from the door.

"That is nature, iron pillars, you disappeared, but some days." Fan Jian said with dissatisfaction, "We all want you to think tight."

"I want to be strong? Haha, I heard a word a few days ago, called Xiaoyi Yiqing, swearing, smashing, and smashing, Fan Jian, I didn't expect you to be strong?" Zhao Tiezhu laughed. .

"What do you mean?" Zhao Tiezhu still did not respond.

"撸管呗, haha." Zhao Tiezhu was close to Fan Jian, a group of people, whispered.

"I rub, iron pillar, you are jealous of me, buddy, but I have a fiancee, do you know what a fiancée is? That is more than your girlfriend, and then a little bit, I am a certified driver. Now, you are still driving without a license!! Ah, no, you should be considered a minor driver without a license. If I am engaged, I should be an unlicensed driver."

"Haha, okay, I drive without a license without a license, but my buddy has more cars, do you have it?" Zhao Tiezhu said.

"Okay, count you!" Fan Jianyi said the next sentence, and then admired, "Wu Qian will not be like your women, how good it is to love each other."

"What is my woman, you can say something wrong!" Zhao Tiezhu said, "I am a very specific person. I only have one woman. And that woman has many different ways of expression, so I need more. Personal, you know?"

"There is still such an explanation? Tiezhu brother, you are really my idol." Fan Jian’s worship of Zhao Tiezhu is overflowing.

Zhao Tiezhu is trying to say something, the phone will ring, and it is his own master.

"Master, what is your old thing?" asked Zhao Tiezhu.

"There is nothing wrong with it. I am thinking that your body recovery should be almost the same. Let me go to see Suzaku with me." Thunderstorm said on the phone.

"This, what am I going to see her?" asked Zhao Tiezhu.

"This, I told her that I have an apprentice, and then she wants to see you. Of course, if you come or not, you are willing to volunteer. I will not go to trouble because you are not coming, really. Thunderstorm said seriously.

"Well, I am going to pass." Zhao Tiezhu felt the threat of the thunderstorm in the words of the thunderstorm, and now he agreed.

"Remember to let Ziyi's doll come along," said the thunderstorm.

"Oh, I see."

"Hey, Linger, I can't accompany you to class today." After Zhao Tiezhu hangs up, he is embarrassed to look at Li Linger.

"Nothing, anyway, you haven't been with me for a few times." Li Linger laughed.

"Hurry and go." Li Linger pushed Zhao Tiezhu, Zhao Tiezhu laughed and left the classroom.

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