Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Vol 2 Chapter 856: Linger help makeup

Eighty-fifth chapter Linger help makeup

In front of me is a very

Yes, Zhao Tiezhu is convinced that this person is a man. However, his dressing and talking tone are the same as a woman. Even, he is more beautiful than the average woman.

The pretty face of the **** was put on a layer of faint foundation, and the whole face was whiter. On the standard melon face, a pair of phoenix eyes flashed, and the length was almost long to the waist. Hair, he was given a ponytail-like thing, the most powerful thing is that at the end of the ponytail, there is a pink bow.

In the dress of the man, the upper body is a long sleeve of woolen cloth, a small v-neck, and there is a very small *** in the clothes!

Yes, everyone is not mistaken, it is ***! ! A different *** from the ominousness of "the head of the donor"!

Zhao Tiezhu wants to ask him, Nima, you don't have that stuff, how can you still wear a ***? Nima, wear it when you wear it, why do you have to wear a c***, you are a lot of a.b*** girls! ! Well, even if it is c***, it doesn't matter. Why are you Nima, but also show the cotton you stuffed inside to show it to others? You want to tell everyone that you actually have no chest?

Look at that ***, a pink bohemian dress, Zhao Tiezhu originally liked the bohemian dress, but why Zhao Tizhu saw this bohemian dress today, there will be a kind of vomiting Feeling?

Especially the feet under the long skirt, is Nima high heels? And it's the kind of high heels like sandals, and the toenails are painted with some color.

"This is...?" Zhao Tiezhu looked at Li Linger and looked at the wonderful flower in front of him. It was a bit of a look of uncertainty.

"This is the professional makeup artist, Azhu." Li Linger explained.

"Hey, Zhao Tiezhu, you really have the charm as I think." This man named Azhu said with his voice that is a little like a duck. "Come on, come with my sister, my sister will give me You draw a beautiful makeup."

"Is this... give me makeup?" Zhao Tiezhu looked at Azhu with horror, and the look seemed to see the resurrection of the white tiger.

"How? Look down on me?" Azhu looked at Zhao Tiezhu with anger. "I don't want to give him the average person, hehe." After that, the Azhu turned and left, and even ignored Zhao Tiezhu.

"There is a personality." Zhao Tiezhu looked at Azhu, who was twisting his little ass, and shuddered.

"Then you can make no makeup for you!" Li Linger's makeup at this time has been completely finished. He walked to Zhao Tiezhu and said, "How is it better than before?"

"This, I feel bigger than before, will you be too tight?" Zhao Tiezhu asked with concern.

"When I go, oh, no one has given you makeup. Just right, I have learned a little about makeup technology recently. Can I give it to you?" Li Linger said.

"This, you will make up?" Zhao Tiezhu asked curiously.

"Of course, women have to make up! I have learned a lot of makeup skills recently. You see no one is now. I will give you one. Of course, with the iron column, your handsome and handsome, I guess as long as you just The transformation will have a very good effect." Li Linger laughed.

"That is natural." Zhao Tiezhu was extremely comfortable with Li Linger's flattering.

"That's good, I am coming." Li Linger said, picking up the foundation next to it, and getting in front of Zhao Tiezhu, Zhao Tiezhu is sitting, and Li Linger is standing, this Li Linger is naturally better than Zhao Tiezhu is tall, so he has to bend down, and then hold a pen or something, gently on the face of Zhao Tiezhu.

Originally, many of the makeup had to be closed, so the provincial powder ran into the eyes, but Zhao Tiezhu squinted, but also stunned, just because Li Linger’s bent waist, and that A giant ru that bends down and hangs naturally.

"Hey, this point of view, more people! I don't know what it feels like to clip a small iron column by this stuff." Zhao Tiezhu looked at it while he was infinitely yy.

Li Linger did not expect that Zhao Tiezhu’s goods would not let go of any opportunity to take advantage of it, so he was very serious about Zhao Tiezhu’s dress.

Not long after, the makeup will be finished. Zhao Tiezhu looked at the mirror and said, "The overall feeling is still very good. It is your eyebrows. Can you give me the same rough? You are not as rough, you are What does this one mean next?"

"Oh, mistakes made mistakes." Li Linger said, bending over and Zhao Zhaozhu's face turned.

Until the end, Zhao Tiezhu was picking up various dissatisfaction, and then let Li Linger re-enact. Li Linger thought that his own makeup level was limited, so it was very serious to Zhao Tiezhu to go through it again and again. The dead stone can be broken and cracked, and finally the game is about to start, it will be good.

The election of the so-called small flowers and grasses of the university is actually much simpler than that of the super woman. Several candidates go up in a sequence and then do a talent show. That's it, Li Linger is The women's team, while Zhao Tiezhu is in the men's group, the men's group went up first. Zhao Tiezhu did not participate in any training because of coma. This is not as good as other people, but because of Zhao Tiezhu's unparalleled Charisma, so even if Zhao Tiezhu went up without a good look, his popularity is still the highest.

The female group, the most popular, is naturally Li Linger undoubtedly, and the second highest popularity, it is Chen Lingshan, today's Chen Lingshan also rarely replaced the corset long skirt, the upper position is very normal, looking very coordinated, and After a little powdering, the whole person added a touch of flatness after the sunshine. Although the popularity was worse than that of Li Linger, it was not much better.

As for the talent show behind, Zhao Tiezhu did not feel that he had any good talents. The most powerful estimate is to kill people. Is it hard to kill the individual and show them to them? Zhao Tiezhu can kill a person in a dozen different ways in an instant, but if this thing is really going to be performed, Zhao Tiezhu will become a metamorphosis. As for not killing a pig, Zhao Tiezhu feels that he wants to kill the pig. It's very simple, but on such an occasion, you catch a pig to perform your own killing skills. How to make people feel awkward, Zhao Tiezhu has to give up. Finally, Zhao Tiezhu had to choose to sing a song, Zhao Tiezhu sang for a long time, that magnetic The sound accompanied the beautiful melody, directly let Zhao Tiezhu's popularity reach the extreme.

"This song is very good, right?" Red rhyme said to Ling Xue on the side.

"Oh, generally." Ling Xue snorted and didn't know what he was thinking.

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