Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Vol 2 Chapter 857: Zhao Kunlun

Chapter 857 Zhao Kunlun

Zhao Tiezhu sang a song, and the audience gave a warm applause. For those who have a very mass base behind Zhao Tiezhu, even if they sing only in general, they can get recognition from many people, so many people say, do something. The first step is very important. Some singers, the first song is good, and the later songs can have a good audience even if they are ordinary. Some actors, the first one is good, the latter The show can also sell good prices, which is the same reason.

Zhao Tiezhu took a trip and walked down the stage. At this time, just a man came up from the stage. The man’s appearance was very handsome, handsome enough to let a lot of idol drama heroes find a milk to die. Kind, Zhao Tiezhu is also a bit strange, because this person, he seems to have never seen it before, when he was not in a coma last time, he had seen the top 20, there is no such person.

This handsome man is dressed in an English-style square plaid shirt, and the bottom of the shirt is placed inside the jeans. The whole body is perfect and the body is inverted triangle.

This person's face with a faint smile, let people see a feeling like a spring breeze. Zhao Tiezhu can be sure that this product is a kind of person who can eat with his face alone.

"Then let us have the dark horse who invited this game. The classmate Zhao Kunlun who transferred to the school last week showed up." The host on the stage shouted with a scorpion.

The audience suddenly screamed a girl's scream. This handsome man without reason, nodded slightly to Zhao Tiezhu and immediately boarded the stage.

"Zhao Kunlun??" Zhao Tiezhu, a name, I seem to have heard it!

This Zhao Kunlun came to power, and the popularity was even more than Zhao Tiezhu. Moreover, this product was only participated a few days after the start of the game, and even directly entered the top ten, showing that its strength is strong!

Zhao Kunlun did not sing, nor did he play the instrument, but stood in the center of the stage directly, and then gestured to the sound engineer.

A pleasing sound, as if the music from the childhood period sounded.

Zhao Kunlun on the stage, like a robot, moved.

Mechanical dance! ! !

This is a mechanical dance. Chen Kunlun's movements are very rigid. It is like a real robot. Every fixed position is very accurate. This level can be ranked even if it is placed in the national mechanical dance circle. No., let alone in a school.

This performance of mechanical dance naturally caused the applause of countless people, and even Hong Yun and Ling Xue could not help themselves.

"Now the children, it is really versatile!" Zhao Tiezhu, as a 25-year-old youth, watched Zhao Kunlun on the stage performing, could not help but send such a feeling, when he was young, he did not learn When I passed something, I was a wild child at that time. Laojiao Zhao Ergou let him want to play and play. If he wants to study, he will study. No matter what he is, he will not be able to touch the three things of yellow gambling poison, and then other. I didn't care anymore. Later, when I went abroad, I followed my grandmother. My grandmother loved myself more, and I didn't let myself do it. I was eating and drinking all over the world. Although it was not the second ancestor, it was also a famous figure in the school. At that time, Zhao Tiezhu had regrets. When he was a child, he didn’t learn anything. For example, if you learn a piano, if you read a book, you can play a piano or something, how handsome it is, but it can increase the success rate of the girl. !

When I was a child, Zhao Tiezhu also heard those playmates say that they were arranged by the family during their spare time. They had to learn to draw, learn piano, learn English, and learn to play the violin. Anyway, there is no time for themselves, and they have spare time. At that time, Zhao Tiezhu felt that they were very pitiful. But just now, Zhao Tiezhu understands that no matter what he does, there are gains and losses. Zhao Tiezhu himself, after graduation from high school. Suddenly I found out that in my own life of more than ten years, I have almost nothing left to play. If I ask myself, what will I do? Zhao Tiezhu is confident that at that time, he could not answer himself at all. Fortunately, Zhao Tiezhu later had some adventures and encountered some things. This is the current Zhao Tiezhu. If everything is flat, Zhao Tiezhu can only be reduced to the ultimate. The general public only pays one or two thousand a month.

Until then, Zhao Tiezhu realized that it is important to master a skill when he was a child. It is not only useful for picking up a girl. If you really have nothing to do in school, this skill may be the skill that allows you to eat, although not Every piano can be Lang Lang, and every painting can't be Zhang Daqian, but if you can master these skills, after going out of society, where to go, to survive, it is very simple, Therefore, Zhao Tiezhu understands for a while, why do so many parents, would rather sacrifice their children's free time, even let their children resent, they must force their children to learn something, and Zhao Tiezhu's childhood playmates, When I was occasionally connected with Zhao Tiezhu, basically everyone said that when they were young, they would be very angry and dissatisfied, but when they grow up, they feel the benefits of those things, but they also sincerely thank themselves. Parents.

Zhao Tiezhu always remembers Lao Shi’s words. "In life, there must be something to lose, there is to be paid, there must be gains, and sometimes it can be harvested immediately. Sometimes, it has to wait a long time, even after you hang up, Not necessarily can be rewarded, but he may bloom on top of your children and grandchildren, don't worry about whether you can get it, think more about whether you can do it."

When I thought of Lao Shi, Zhao Tiezhu’s look was awkward, but then it was suddenly strengthened. “Old Shi, Lao Shi, you went so quietly, I have no ability, can’t find you, no face to find you. Now, I am doing the right thing to do, it is time to find you."

Zhao Tiezhu put his thoughts away, smiled and went to Hongyun and Lingxue. At this time, the performance of Zhao Kunlun on the stage was nearing the end of life, but at the end of the day, Zhao Tiezhu suddenly heard a sudden buzzing sound in the audience. .

Zhao Tiezhu looked back and saw Zhao Kunlun staring at himself, extending his right hand and making a downward movement.

“Hey?” Zhao Tiezhu looked at Zhao Kunlun a bit strangely, but then he smiled. This handsome guy seems to be dissatisfied with his own enthusiasm than others.

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