Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Vol 2 Chapter 859: overbearing

The 805th chapter overbearing

Zhao Tiezhu is jumping cool here. The cheers under the stage make Zhao Tiezhu very excited and excited. Zhao Tiezhu thinks that he is also a vulgar person. He loves to do it. It is really like the rhyme, it is the limelight. You listen to the shouts that rang through the sky, but they are all called for buddies. This is a sense of accomplishment!

Zhao Tiezhu is thinking about whether or not to let the small iron column cooperate with a mechanical vibration to make everyone more excited and more cool, but then saw a pretty figure appear beside them.

Zhao Tiezhu is wondering why this red rhyme ran on the stage. I saw that the red rhyme was under the eyes of the public. He hugged Zhao Tiezhu and immediately took a kiss on Zhao Tiezhu’s face.

"You are so good!" After the rhyme was finished, Zhao Tiezhu, who was a bit sluggish, left the stage and returned to his own work.


The entire venue broke out in a flash!

Although the rhyme is already in her thirties, but she can hardly see the traces of the years, the plump figure, the touching face, and the more mature and **** than the girls. Said, red rhyme, is simply the **** enlightenment teacher that all college students dream of! At this moment, the charm of the red rhyme almost overshadowed Zhao Tiezhu on the stage, and almost invigorated Linda’s status as a goddess in the minds of the students, because Linda was only in his twenties, and the same twenty. Many years old college students prefer to have a **** aunt.

Zhao Tiezhu felt the moist feeling still on his face. He looked at the red rhyme that had returned to his seat and blinked with his eyes. He suddenly found that this mature woman also had such a small child's side, but this made the buddy more Pulling the wind! Zhao Tiezhu has done a few moves to pull the audience back to himself, and Zhao Kunlun has already woke up from the shock, looked at the red rhyme, and looked at Zhao Tiezhu again. "This woman should be a red charm."

After finishing the last action, Zhao Tiezhu jumped to the stage with a gorgeous leap. He didn't look at Zhao Kunlun and sat down in his position. He took a few breaths.

"This is really very physical," said Zhao Tiezhu.

"Really, I rarely see you gasping." Red rhyme said.

"Oh, the body is a bit imaginary recently, just wait a few days, just fine." Zhao Tiezhu said.

"Hey? A little virtual? There is no way to go that night." Red rhyme sighed helplessly.

"This, there must be a way, there is still a way." Zhao Tiezhu looked at the red face and the delicate face that is close to him, and the stalwart chest that seems to be beckoning to himself, seriously and seriously said.

"Hey, let's talk about it." Red rhyme whispered.

"I don't know if I should remind you." Ling Xue was active at this time.

"Hmm?" Zhao Tiezhu looked at the coffin face president a little surprised.

"Do you have a class on your stomach?" Ling Xue asked.

"Oh!" Zhao Tiezhu thought that he seemed to be hurting. He was there, but he was given a bit of it. He reached out and touched his stomach for a few moments. This was a relief. "Fortunately, not yet." wet."

The headmaster was just about to turn around and say something to Zhao Tiezhu. He saw Zhao Tiezhu and the mature woman next to him squinting, and then saw another beautiful woman who did not know what Zhao Tiezhu said. Zhao Tiezhu put his hand underneath. Well, the headmaster’s eyes are not good. Zhao Tiezhu’s hand into the stomach is seen as reaching into the bottom, and then Zhao Tiezhu’s hand is extended and he says, “Fortunately, it’s still not wet.”

The principal had originally felt that he should be quite open-minded. After hearing the words of Zhao Tiezhu, the principal was still a little unacceptable, but Zhao Tiezhu’s identity was there. The principal could not say anything, so it’s worth turning around when not looking. To.

Zhao Tiezhu is flirting with Hongyun. Zhao Kunlun jumped from the stage and walked to Zhao Tiezhu.

"Your dance, very good." Zhao Kunlun said with a smile, as if he had forgotten Zhao Tiezhu.

"And then?" Zhao Tiezhu grabbed his hand on the rich thigh of Hongyun, and then looked at Zhao Kunlun.

"I want to hear you should have heard my name." Zhao Kunlun said confidently.

"Sorry, I have never heard of it." Zhao Tiezhu said that although Zhao Kunlun's name seems to have been heard, but if the answer is heard, it is to destroy the arrogance of others.

Zhao Kunlun’s face was slightly black, and he smiled. “That’s really a passion for me. Introduce myself, Zhao Kunlun, Zhao’s son.”

"Zhao baby!?" Zhao Tiezhu looked a glimpse, but then shrugged and said, "I have never heard of it."

"Oh, if you are a senior, my dad needs to call Zhao Lao."

"Oh!!" Zhao Tiezhu nodded quietly, "And then?"

"There is no more." Zhao Kunlun said with a smile. "My dad asked me to come down to fj, so I came to see the iron pillar brother. I have a lot of offensive places. I still look at the iron pillar, Haihan, I just open a Just kidding."

"It’s a good joke." Zhao Tiezhu’s face turned black in an instant. “I remember that Zhao’s family rule said that the people who support the pulse need to respect the main pulse.”

"This... really just a joke." Zhao Kunlun looked a little embarrassed and said, "When we dance, it is often like this."

"You are you, I am me." Zhao Tiezhu squinted and looked at Zhao Kunlun and said, "Give you a chance and apologize to me."

"This, Tiezhu brother, we are all a school, and we are also a family, don't need to see it."

"I don't want to say three times in one sentence. The second time, I will give you a chance to apologize to me." Zhao Tiezhu did not like it.

"You..." Zhao Kunlun fired for a moment, wanted to say something, but suddenly stopped, and after taking a few deep breaths, Zhao Kunlun bent slightly and said, "Iron Sister, I am sorry."

"Go it." Zhao Tiezhu said faintly.

"Yeah." Zhao Kunlun did not say a word, but turned and left the venue directly.

"Iron column, this person, it is also your relatives, how can you not give face?" Red rhyme asked a little strangely. In her heart, Zhao Tiezhu has always been a person who is good at people, and rarely There is such a hegemony, so when you don’t talk about feelings.

"Oh, for some people, if you give him face too much, then you will not give yourself a face." Zhao Tiezhu said, in the mind, there is some information about the pulse of Zhao baby. It is precisely because of these materials that Zhao Tiezhu did not give Zhao Kunlun a face.

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