Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Vol 2 Chapter 860: Northeast Wang Zhao Baby

The 860th chapter of the Northeast Wang Zhao baby

Zhao Bao, whose mother is Zhao's cousin, was originally in this vein. It is very inconspicuous in all the branches of the Zhao family. Although this person also has the right to inherit, he has never had any characters.

Until the appearance of Zhao Bao, the name of Zhao Bao always looked very cute, but Zhao Baoqi is a sultry generation. Unlike Zhao Da Niu’s way of taking business, Zhao Bao is walking the path of the underworld. At the age of 16, he appeared on the road in the north. At the age of 19, he personally did the boss of the original gang, and then successfully assigned the gang to his own name. All the underground forces in the 30-year-old unified province, all underground forces in the 40-year-old unified territory, have been Up to now, its gang has become one of the three underground forces in China.

In the outside world, many people do not know the name of Zhao Bao, but they know the nickname of Zhao Bao: Northeast King!

Yes, it is the Northeast King mentioned in the previous article! The gang of the northeast Wang Zhao baby belongs to the dragon gang in the north of Shenzhou. It is together with the Qing dyna of sh and the Mongolian king of Inner Mongolia, and is called the three underground forces of Shenzhou.

Also because of Zhao Bao, so Zhao baby's status in the Zhao family, just like the rocket ascending to heaven! Up to now, the pulse of Zhao Biao has almost become the most powerful pulse of the Zhao family except Zhao Da Niu.

If you compare the Zhao family to the ancient dynasty, then Zhao Lao is the emperor, and Zhao Daniu is the prime minister. As for Zhao Bao, it is equivalent to the general!

Perhaps because of the gangsters, many people in this vein of Zhao’s baby have become more sultry and timid with Zhao’s baby, and the gangsters have been doing this for a long time, and naturally they will be exposed to a lot of prohibited things. Although Zhao Bao was at the beginning of his debut, Zhao Lao strictly ordered him not to touch the prohibited things, but when Zhao Bao got the name of Northeast King, he also began to contact these things, but Zhao Bao stayed in the northeast for a long time. It is like a warlord on the side of a separatist. Zhao Lao also has no good method for it. Moreover, Zhao Gong’s work has done some unspeakable activities and sales, but it is still very derogatory to the entire Zhao family. If there are any difficulties in the Zhao family's veins, as long as they find Zhao Bao, they can basically get help. This has led to more and more Zhao family members who have turned to Zhao Bao.

Zhao Lao once passed, if you kill Zhao baby, then Zhao family, it is equal to self-breaking minions, and if you do not destroy Zhao baby, then Zhao baby is like the worship of the Qing Dynasty, when Zhao Zhao went to see The ancestors of the ancestors, Zhao Bao, is the biggest threat to the position of Zhao Ergou.

This Zhao baby has been inconsistent with Zhao Ergou since he was a child. It is said that he was stunned by Zhao Er, and he went to practice martial arts in anger, and then left the Zhao family to sway.

Since he is not in harmony with his old man, and listens to Zhao Lao’s words, this Zhao baby now has an anti-bone, just because Zhao Lao is suppressed, so Zhao Bao did not act, so Zhao Tiezhu is on the son of Zhao’s baby Zhao. Kunlun, then there really is no need to give face. My old man hit you Lao Tzu in the past. Now I want to give you face, isn’t it insulting my dad?

Zhao Tiezhu gave Zhao Hong and Zhao’s things to the red rhyme, and the red rhyme was also known to know why Zhao Tiezhu would be so overbearing to a person who met for the first time.

"That Zhao baby, isn't it very powerful?" asked Hong Yun.

"That is natural. Zhao baby can be brought to a king in the underworld. This is enough to see his power. Even if I am right now, if you only compete with the forces, it is not comparable. !" Zhao Tiezhu said.

"Then you don't give his son a face now, won't offend him?" asked Hong Yun.

"Haha, you don't have to worry about it. I am the main thread. His son provokes me first. I don't give his son a face. It is normal. I put it everywhere, even though I am at the Zhao family. There are many supporting branches, but Zhao has a lot of rules, but it is set by the ancestors. No one can change it, and the rules of Zhao’s family are branded in the minds of Zhao’s family. It can be said that many Zhao family would let him Choosing one in the human condition and the family rules, they will definitely choose the family rules, no rules are not square, a big family, especially so." Zhao Tiezhu explained.

"Hey, you are such a big family, it’s really a lot of things." Red rhyme said.

"That is of course. Many people only see the scenery on the surface of our family. We don't know that we are more careful than anyone else, and many things are stricter than anyone else. For example, I know one person, he is A family member of Li’s family is now well-known in China. His son has been hit by a car and has been stunned. The result has been seized by the people of the whole country. In the end, he was sentenced to one year. The education, you said this year, how much is driving a car? A lot! It’s still a lot of people who have hit a person, but there are many, but have you seen those people who have been raised for a year? Nothing to say, now the social contradictions are too Many, and under the opposition of two different classes, as long as one party makes a little something, it is easy to be infinitely magnified. Who is not young and ignorant? The children in their teens are all bloody, just take a What is it is a small thing, but the person I know, sad reminder is sad that he is a celebrity, so his words and deeds are stared at others, what others have done, his son did, then Almost became full The sinners of the meeting, everyone shouted, hehe, in fact, this is some of the tricks played by the upper class, and the social contradictions are transferred to a certain aspect. Don’t look at the children who are very comfortable and comfortable. In fact, whoever compares Ordinary people are cautious, or you may let you put a fart, then there will be a bunch of ignorant people being caught by a group of unscrupulous media that intentionally ignite the contradictions, saying that you pollute the environment, even because you have caused the greenhouse effect. ”

"This... really want to be so careful?" Red rhyme asked a little puzzled. "Isn't this often seen some of the second world's main evils?"

"The country has more than one billion people, how many rich people? How many thousands of rich people have a few wonderful things, can they represent everyone? But now, hey, many things are magnified without limit, II The day of the Lord is actually not good." Zhao Tiezhu said with emotion.

"Hey, I prefer you more like this, struggle for yourself, and then the foundation is hard enough, not afraid of what people say." Red Yun took Zhao Tiezhu.

"Not only is the foundation hard, I am hard everywhere." Zhao Tiezhu said with a smirk.

"Go on the side."

The two chatted about the sky, and suddenly the environment around them was quiet and suddenly quieted down.

It’s time for the host to go to the stage to announce the final result!

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