Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Vol 2 Chapter 861: Take the first

Chapter VIII took the first

As a result, for Zhao Tiezhu, there were almost no major accidents. The first place in the women's group was Li Linger, and the second was Chen Lingshan. The first person in the men's team is Zhao Tiezhu, the second is Zhao Kunlun, and the two of Zhao's family took the first and second places. This is enough to see the outstanding genes of Zhao, and even the appearance is not very outstanding, Zhao Tiezhu. All of them can rely on the popularity of the Zhao family to occupy the first place. It is true that there is no mediocrity in the old Zhao family.

After the results came out, Zhao Tiezhu followed Li Linger with a certificate of employment on the stage. Then the principal announced that next week the school would organize everyone to go to Phuket in Thailand for training. I hope everyone can study every day for the class as the school for the motherland. Winning the light.

Zhao Tiezhu said that he will not disappoint the principal's love, bravely move forward, strive for the upper reaches, let fj University catch up with qh, bd, fd and other famous universities, and dominate the Shenzhou University community, let me wait for fj students to be unbeaten.

The principal expressed great satisfaction.

The entire process of obtaining the certificate, Zhao Kunlun did not appear again, the certificate can only be temporarily placed in the school.

After this is over, a new school flower school is still very excited. A group of people, together with several teachers who organize the competition, are going to drink and sing to enhance their feelings. After all, everyone will be next Monday. To go to Thailand for training together, I have cultivated my feelings first, and I am excited to go to Phuket. The beautiful scenery of Sunshine Beach will be stimulating, and no, is it a deep exchange of life? Zhao Tiezhu needs to comfort the red rhyme, so he can't go with everyone. He intends to wait until the comfort is over. As for Li Linger's safety, although the Japanese has cancelled all actions against Li Linger, Zhao Tiezhu has arranged a skill. A good younger brother went with him, and this younger brother still carries a pistol, so that when he meets something, he can play a role.

"Iron column brother, are you going to go to the double-fly with the red rhyme?" Li Linger whispered to Zhao Tiezhu.

"When you say this, I don't like to listen. I just sent them back. I, this person, look like a person of that color?" Zhao Tiezhu said dissatisfied.

"Not looking at the image, but it is!" Li Linger laughed.

"Well, you are so sad for me. If you go later, what new school grasses are, take care!" Zhao Tiezhu said.

"Why should you take care of it less? These people, but they are much more handsome than you, and people now have no boyfriends, it is the time of loneliness and emptiness." Li Linger grievously said, "The people are only 20 years old. Easy to be old, if I don't hurry to find one, it is a waste of youth."

"That's up to you!" Zhao Tiezhu smiled and turned to the stage, with the red rhyme and Ling Xue out of the venue.

"Hey, who is it, really, when I don't want to find a boyfriend?" Li Linger snorted.

"Linger classmates, let's go." A long, very handsome man said, this person's name is Chen Shao, the third place in this school grass competition, people are really handsome, much more handsome than Zhao Tiezhuo. It was only because of the popularity issue that this was ranked third.

"Yeah." Li Linger smiled and nodded. This smile made Chen Shao directly sink into it.

Chen Lingshan looked at Zhao Tiezhu and left, hesitated a moment, but there was no more than a thousand to say something, and then along with everyone, also left the venue.

"I didn't expect you to get the first place." Red rhyme said with a little emotion, "There are more people than you are handsome."

"Cut, what do you say, I have rich content, do you know? Unlike other people, it looks like a little white face." Zhao Tiezhu said.

"School grass is not a small white face." Red rhyme grinned.

"Don't tell you, hey, Ling Xue, go back, I want to send the red rhyme back. Don't let the road go." Zhao Tiezhu looked at Ling Xue, who was almost completely awake, said.

"Good." Ling Xue nodded. At this time, she had already woke up from the wine. The feeling of Zhao Tiezhu almost returned to the previous time. It was just a little different. After all, Zhao Tiezhu was jealous for her. A knife, while Ling Xue is cold and proud, but it is not a bad feeling, so Zhao Tiezhu let her go back alone, she did not say anything, anyway, she feels that she is still less than this young man with a strange body. Otherwise, when it is time to tell what he really gave, then it is really no one to cry.

Zhao Tiezhu looked at Ling Xue's departure, and his mouth evoked a conspiracy smile. He could also clearly feel the slight changes of Ling Xue to himself. This change was so small that even Ling Xue could not detect it.

"There is a change, it is better than a pool of dead water!" Zhao Tiezhu sighed with a deep sigh, "a proud woman, the most suitable for holding it under the body."

"Iron column, what are you looking at?" Red Yun looked at Zhao Tiezhu staring at Ling Xue, asked curiously.

"No, you said that if a man smashes Ling Xue in the future, would it be better to buy an inflatable doll?" Zhao Tiezhu asked.

"You, this person, how do you say this to others?" Red Yun was annoyed. "Ling Xue also has a very gentle side, but recently lost love."

"Cut, I am not the first day to know her." Zhao Tiezhu snorted. "A woman, who is engaged in a whole day, owes her money. Although it is very beautiful, it is also very conquering, but everything will be One is too late, this woman, too cold, not only ice to others, but also easy to freeze the Zhao family."

"So you intend to use your heat to melt her?" Red rhyme asked tentatively.

"You don't think it's a wonderful thing to put a goddess into the income?" Zhao Tiezhu said with a wretched smile. "I like to put this kind of goddess like a goddess on the bed to die." A sense of accomplishment!"

"Have you got it?"

"This is not the case. I learned this by watching movies." Zhao Tiezhu smiled.

"Now you can't press her, it's better, you press me first? I also play the goddess?" Red rhythm smiled charmingly.

"Oh? How are you going to dress up?" Zhao Tiezhu picked an eyebrow and looked at the red rhyme.

"Hey, I will talk later." The face of Hong Yun suddenly became cold.

"So fast into the role? Well, the buddy I only use the most cruel way to press you!" Zhao Tiezhu yin laughed, pulled a hand of red rhyme, and forgot to go to the university after the faj.

"What?" The red rhyme is still cold.

"Take you to play in our school field." Zhao Tiezhu smiled, and the figures of the two quickly disappeared into the night.

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