Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Vol 2 Chapter 862: Post-match party

Chapter 682 After the game

At the top of the tallest building in the center of fj, when Zhao Tiezhu and Hong Yun were struggling in the wilderness of the field.

Zhao Kunlun, who was the second in the school grass competition, was lying on a massage chair, and next to him, stood a beautiful woman in her twenties. This woman is beautiful in Chengdu, not as good as the villa. But it is similar, the most important thing is that this person's face, always with a sense of charm, this is the kind of woman who wants to go to her as long as you look at it.

Zhao Kunlun closed his eyes arbitrarily, and the woman massaged him. This massage technique is not the kind of amateur massage technique on the roadside, but the kind of professional massage, which is usually only a master figure. I did not expect such a woman in her twenties to be so skilled.

"Xiao Ji, my dad will let you come alone?" Zhao Kunlun's closed eyes slowly opened, calmly watching to massage this woman. ”

"Well, yes!" The woman named Demon Ji smiled charmingly. This smirk, people look at it, the body is soft, but Zhao Kunlun does not have any reaction, but picks up the mobile phone , hit it out.

"Sun Lei, Zhao Tiezhu seems to be as simple as you said." Zhao Kunlun said.

On the other end of the phone, Sun Lei’s gentle and elegant voice came. “Oh, Zhao Shao, when you contact Zhao Tiezhu several times, you will know that he is actually just like this.”

After Zhao Kunlun was silent for a while, he hanged the phone and stood up randomly. He said to himself, "When Zhao Tiezhu returns to Beijing, there is something to play."

The sight returned to the field of fj.

"Iron column, ah... no, oh, somebody passed, hurry up and lick my mouth, or I have to call it out, oh!!" The voice of the red rhyme suddenly became a deep whine, Zhao Tiezhuo With the rhyme of the mouth, looking at the students who passed under the dark streetlights, whispered, "How, is it the first time to play this at school?"

"Yeah." Red Yun closed his eyes and sneaked his head, as if he could not see the person passing by, and people could not see her.

“Hey, how is it?” Zhao Tiezhu asked.

"Very exciting." Red rhythm trembled, randomly biting Zhao Tiezhu's hand on her mouth, and then the body trembled fiercely.

"You are really easy to go now." Zhao Tiezhu smirked.

"It's all you, you have to be home here!! This is too exciting." Red rhythm looked at Zhao Tiezhu, but then he was surprised to say, "Oh, you are getting bigger again."

"This is the second group of actions, no hurry, take it slowly." Zhao Tiezhu smiled a bit.

For a moment, the waves rolled.

When Zhao Tiezhu and Hong Yun returned to the car, it was already an hour later. The red rhyme was soft in the passenger seat. The flushing on the face was very obvious. The whole person exudes a luxurious atmosphere. The hem of the rhyme skirt has been smashed to the root of the thigh by Zhao Tiezhu. Zhao Tiezhu said while touching the thigh of the red rhyme, "Don’t dare to play the goddess with me? You are the goddess, and the buddies can make you sway. woman."

"Oh, it’s all you." Red Yun glanced at Zhao Tiezhu. "Who can think of you so powerful now?"

Zhao Tiezhu smiled at himself. The skill of this first layer of Dacheng is not something that mortals can bear.

"Don't touch it, there is a camera on this road." Red rhyme said.

"Haha, what are you afraid of? This can't be seen, the camera can't see below. You said that if I touched you, it might be photographed. Didn't someone be photographed because of this?" Zhao Tiezhu laughed. .

"Is there?"

"Of course, on the highway, while touching the chest, while driving, the result was also speeding was taken, directly sent to the Internet, I have seen the picture, the girl is very good." Zhao Tiezhu smiled.

"Hey, you guys, no one is a good thing." Red rhyme snorted.

After carrying the red rhyme home, Zhao Tiezhu called Li Linger and asked about where the people are now. They drove past.

Coincidentally, the ktv where everyone is now is just the industry of the Blood Soul Hall, and this is the complete industry of the Blood Soul Hall, unlike many of those that are anchored.

When Zhao Tiezhu entered ktv, he saw thirteen.

Thirteen wearing a suit, the whole person and the previous little punk dress, it is already the same, Zhao Tiezhu thinks this, this plus ktv, seems to be assigned to the thirteen management by the iron hand.

Thirteen at this time, the sister who was talking to the front desk did not know what was being said. The girl nodded frequently and saw Zhao Tiezhu. The thirteen surprises just wanted to be called out. Zhao Tiezhu shook his head in a stunned look. It’s hard to turn the iron pillar brother that has to be shouted out. "Welcome welcome."

Zhao Tiezhu nodded and did not speak. He walked directly into the elevator in front, and the 13th followed.

After the elevator door was closed, thirteen excited and respectful said, "How come I have time at night?"

"My friend is playing here, come and see, you pretend not to know me." Zhao Tiezhu smiled. Although the iron hand often tells him that if you are a big brother, you have to be a big brother. If you are too kind, then it is easy to have no deterrence. The people who are mixed with the gangsters are mostly sultry, and you are easy to be friendly. Everyone who is engaged is not afraid of you. It is easy to breed a lot of troubles at that time. Therefore, most of the old people in the novel are more compassionate and more amiable. They are fart, the people in the underworld, but not the general public. You are right. He is good to him, even the ordinary public, now more is the dog biting Lu Dongbin's white-eyed wolf role.

Therefore, in normal times, when Zhao Tiezhu saw the help of the public, he would still try to make himself more majestic. It was only Thirteen and Zhao Tiezhu, which should be considered familiar, so Zhao Tiezhu did not put any more.

"Know it." Thirteen is also a wise man. A wise man always knows what to say and how much to say.

"What is the income of this field now?" Zhao Tiezhu asked casually.

"Fortunately, there are also 100,000 net income in a month." Thirteen answered.

"Well, take care of it. If you have enough experience, if you have the ability, you can still go up. You are also a veteran of the Blood Soul Hall. You can give a good example to the newcomers. The iron hand often mentions to me. Yours," said Zhao Tiezhu.

"It will not disappoint the expectations of the Iron Pillars." Thirteen nod.

The elevator door opened, Zhao Tiezhu went out, and the thirteen followed, until Zhao Tiezhu walked into a box, and the thirteen was pretending to go through the box.

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