Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Vol 2 Chapter 863: Zhao Tiezhu makes bad

The eighth hundred and sixty-three chapter Zhao Tiezhu makes the bad

This is a luxury bag. In the box, I have already sat for ten people. Four of them are full, and there are two school grasses. Counting Zhao Tiezhu, who is now entering the door, there are three school grasses, while others are After all, some young teachers, or some student unions, are participating in the school flower school competition, and there are also students from the student union.

"Iron column brother." Seeing Zhao Tiezhu entered the box, Li Linger stood up and waved Zhao Tiezhu. Zhao Tiezhu nodded with a smile, but saw the man sitting next to Li Linger, which is also one of the school grass. Zhao Tiezhu remembers that it was called Chen Shaolai.

Chen Shao is showing Li Jiaer's knowledge of Zhao Jiayuan's knowledge. He is talking about the relationship between the ancient Egyptian civilization and Namiikexing. He did not expect that Li Linger would ignore himself and stand up from his own. This made Chen Shao somewhat embarrassed and looked at the door. It was discovered that the first place in this school grass competition came.

Zhao Tiezhu looked at Chen Shao's eyes. This Chen Shao was sitting on the left side of Li Linger, and Li Linger's right side was sitting on Chen Lingshan. If he wanted to sit, he could only sit next to Chen Lingshan or Chen Shao.

"The buddy's royal position, this is the first time it was robbed." Zhao Tiezhu smiled and went to Li Linger.

"How come you come now!" Li Linger said with a bit of complaint.

"Oh, a little something." Zhao Tiezhu smiled.

"Cut, isn't it a good thing?" Li Linger looked at Zhao Tiezhu with disdain and then whispered, "It's true, there are Yanni sisters, are you still like this?"

"Oh, you can marry me, I am a bit of a business thing." Zhao Tiezhu said seriously, "I just came over when I was busy, I can guarantee that I sent the red rhyme to her house downstairs, I will go. It!"

"Really just sent downstairs, did not go up to sit?" Li Linger asked.

“No!” said Zhao Tiezhu. “If there is, I am a pig.”

"Well, my sister will believe you." Li Linger said with a smile.

Zhao Tiezhu proudly smiled, the buddy really just sent downstairs, did not go upstairs, but in the back of the school has already done what to do.

After Li Linger finished, he wanted Zhao Tiezhu to sit down. Only then did he find that Zhao’s side was full. Chen Shao did not seem to see Zhao Tiezhu. He did not know that he wanted to make a seat. This made Li Linger very dissatisfied, but But I can't say anything, because there is no one who can sit and who can't sit.

Chen Lingshan was open at this time.

"Iron column brother, sit here." Chen Lingshan moved aside and left the position between himself and Li Linger.

"Thank you for Lingshanmei." Zhao Tiezhu smiled and sat down. This time, it is equivalent to the left and right. The left is the second flower of the school flower, Chen Lingshan, the right is the first flower of the school, Li Linger, sitting on the school one or two This makes Zhao Tiezhu’s vanity have been met with unprecedented satisfaction!

Chen Shao was a little embarrassed to look at Zhao Tiezhu. He was just trying to sit there, but Chen Lingshan pretended not to see that he was going to sit there. He did not expect to give the position to Zhao Tiezhu now, which made the same school grass. How can he stand it!

"Oh, it’s just that it’s going to be a little bit of a slap in the face, and it’s just a slap in the face.” Chen Shao snorted and opened a bottle of beer and pushed it to Zhao Tiezhu. He smiled. "A latecomer, but a penalty."

Zhao Tiezhu’s feelings about the air machine are very accurate, so he suddenly felt the miserable air from Chen Shao’s body, but this air machine was very deep hidden. Zhao Tiezhu did not care, he smiled. These people are in him. It seems that they are all children, and the children are a bit jealous. It is also very normal and not enough to care.

Zhao Tiezhu took a bottle of wine in his hand and said to the atmosphere, "I am late, I will accept the punishment!"

After that, I went straight to the head and dried up a bottle of wine. Then I opened another bottle and gestured to Chen Shao. He said, "Come, I will pass the customs."

"How to fight?" Chen Shao asked.

"One person, one bottle, one blow." Zhao Tiezhu said, not waiting for Chen Shao to talk, he drank his second bottle.

Chen Shao smiled and gave a bottle of drink to the action and arrogance.

After Zhao Tiezhu finished drinking, he immediately opened a few bottles, including himself. There were a total of seven men, leaving two teachers, and Chen Shao, Zhao Tiezhu and four other people who had already finished drinking a bottle, all at once. 6 bottles of belly.

"Good wine!!" Chen Shao looked at Zhao Tiezhu and immediately drank 6 bottles. Although he was surprised, he was even more happy. Everyone was just a student, and there was no **** vengeance. I felt very happy when I was able to make you ugly. It was not Everyone is Chen Kuangpeng, and they will interrupt the legs of others.

"Come, I will respect you again." Chen Shao opened another bottle of wine and handed it to Zhao Tiezhu.

Zhao Tiezhu smiled indifferently. After drinking the wine, he could instantly dispel the alcohol by relying on the residual medicine in his body. Although it is a little extravagant to use alcohol to dissolve alcohol, what is Zhao Tiezhu’s identity now? It is still used, and there is Zhao Laos, Zhao Tiezhu does not have to worry about the medicine.

However, Chen Lingshan did not know that Zhao Tiezhu would not be drunk, and saw Chen Shaoyao and Zhao Tiezhu continue to work with a bottle. Chen Lingshan felt that Chen Shao was a bit bully. He said that he would pick up a bottle of wine and said to Chen Shao, "I help the iron column brother." drink."

"Oh?" Chen Shao looked at Chen Lingshan a bit strangely. This Li Linger is Zhao Tiezhu's girlfriend. It is known to all the school people, but I haven't heard of anything about Chen Lingshan and Zhao Tiezhu. Why does Chen Lingshan take the initiative to help Zhao Tiezhu? drink?

Zhao Tiezhu is also a bit strange, but he is shaking his own, but he wants to take the wine and drink it himself. He did not expect Chen Lingshan to open his head and drink it. Three or two mouths will be finished with a bottle of wine. Then calmly looked at Chen Shao.

"Haha, okay, it really is a female hero!!" Chen Shao said with a smile, then immediately drunk the wine, just want to rest for a while, Chen Lingshan said, "I respect Chen Shao students a bottle."

At this time, Chen Shao felt that he was holding two bottles. When he heard Chen Lingshan’s words, he immediately shook a bit, and did not spit out his own wine.

"This, let's drink slowly, drink slowly. Don't worry, there is time in the evening."

"Oh, Chen Shao, classmates, Lingshan is a girl, girls toast, you dare to push Oh? Who will drink with you after that!" Li Linger said next to her, she also saw that Chen Lingshan seems to be in front of Zhao Tiezhu, Although she was shocked by Zhao Tiezhu’s inconsistency and Chen Lingshan’s misconduct, since she was helping Zhao Tiezhu, she also helped.

This Chen Shao took a wax.

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