Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Vol 2 Chapter 869: Spring and heaven

The 865th chapter and the spring of heaven

"Iron column, that horizon, who is it?" Nan Gongzi asked Zhao Tiezhu curiously.

"Nobody, just a gangster." Zhao Tiezhu said with a smile. "This kind of gangster, you don't look at the mighty look, it's just the same thing, it's imaginary."

"Your mouth is clean!" The younger brother of Tianya, who is the one who is in the middle of Guanye, can’t stand it. He stood up with a sigh of relief, and several other younger brothers stood up.

"The horizon does not dare to talk to me like this, how many of you, what?" Zhao Tiezhu looked at the few flaws with disdain.

"The end of the world may have any handle in your hand, but we do not, little boy, you have to dare to sing, believe it or not, a few brothers to climb out for you?" The leader of the line with the brother of Guan Erye proudly Said, while talking, but also a very chest, as if afraid of people can not see his chest.

"Children, Guan Erye, but no one can print." A fairy voice remembered.

Tiandao’s body, I don’t know when it’s in front of this gang’s gang.

"You don't have that gas field, you can't live in the town, you will be crushed to death by the second master." Tiandao said with a smile.

"You know..." The tattooed little brother hadn't said it yet, only one hand suddenly appeared, and he caught it on his neck.

"It’s out of the rivers and lakes. Although it’s Guan Erye, it’s not that anyone can bring Guan Erye to the body. I know, now the ghost face of the sh green gang is not willing to On the body, like a child who doesn't know anything and just mixes with people, it's really helpless." Tiandao said, while increasing the strength of his hand.

"Let him go!" The younger brother next to him was suddenly stunned by the heavens, but his mouth was squatting, but no one dared to go forward.

"Heavenly, what is more true to you than a child." Zhao Tiezhu smiled.

"Oh, sorry, impulsive." Tiandao listened to Zhao Tiezhu’s words, immediately released his hand, and randomly touched his head and said, "I don’t see the most people in the house, it’s like seeing everything. People who don't understand have to wear Armani, which makes people uncomfortable."

"Haha, you guys." Zhao Tiezhu shook his head with a smile. "Let them all go out, sit here and look upset."

"Well," said Tiandao. He looked at the few gangsters and said, "Is it out for you, or am I going to send you out?"

The tattoo's delusion said something, but it was smothered by the evil spirit of heaven and earth. The soles of the feet were soft at once, and even the words did not say anything. They turned and left the box.

"Wow, iron pillar, you look like a big brother!" Nangong Zi’s eyes flashed with small stars. For her age, Zhao Tiezhu’s domineering and connotative characters are the most attractive. Of course, this connotation is what Zhao Tiezhu said.

"Don't dare not do this!" Tian Tian mournfully looked at Zhao Tiezhu. "This seems to be the woman you want to introduce to me?"

Zhao Tiezhu understood the meaning of Tiandao's eyes, but he shrugged helplessly. "Like a man who pulls the wind like a buddy, he can't even control himself."

When a group of people left KTV, it was already early in the morning. When Chen Shao and Tianya were both Zhao Tiezhu, Chen Shao was drinking and vomiting. Finally, the whole person did not have consciousness, and the end of the world was the same, just the horizon. More tragic, after drinking and spitting, he was still awake, so Zhao Tiezhu asked him to reimburse the consumption of ktv, and then let him spend more than a thousand to do a ktv gold card, which is said to be able to Discounts, let the end of the world have a chance to come here to play.

After finishing this, Zhao Tiezhu handed Chen Shao to the end of the world, and let the end of the world leave, the end of the world, thanks to Dade, with a burst of tears of excitement, went to the sun.

"You are responsible for sending them back." Zhao Tiezhu pointed out that there was also a drunken Nangong purple and Zhou fish, said to Heaven and Tao.

"Well, I know." The two nodded and took the two women to the car. The few people who sang a night song saw that their school flowers were taken away. I want to say What to order, but seeing the strange atmosphere of heaven and sorrow, after all, I can’t say a word.

After the two teachers who led the team left, they said to Zhao Tiezhu, "You two friends, will not do bad things about Nangong Zi and Zhou Yu?"

"The teacher is relieved, they have no way to control the lower body, then it is not my brother! We are a group of people, although some people are quite bad and not honest, but we still have principles." Zhao Tiezhu said with a smile.

"That's good, the teacher I also came from the students, naturally understand the minds of college students, but if you want to find the object, you have to come slowly, do something with the wine, then it is not good." This teacher looked It is still a relatively thoughtful person.

"Well, I know, I promise that my two friends will be able to send back the two female students completely!"

As Zhao Tiezhu said, Tiandao and Yi are not the kind of people who can't control the lower body. The two went to open the house with the drunk Nangong Zi and Zhou Yu. Of course, this open house is to open a room for them to sleep. The Tiandao and the Yi people opened a room next door. Of course, neither of them has a basic feeling. Both of them belong to the top of the fj underground world power. What women do you want? As the so-called things gather together, Zhao Tiezhu is a man who is very particular about the process of picking up a girl, so Tiandao and Yi are not the kind of people who can give people what they can by wine, so these four people naturally have nothing to do overnight. This is to make Nangong Zi and Zhou Yu, who wake up the next day, look great. These talents have some developments in the future. Of course, these are all after-sales.

Chen Lingshan still lived outside the school. Zhao Tiezhu drove Chen Lingshan to the outside of the rented small building. The dog in the building did not call it. Perhaps it was the smell of Zhao Tiezhu.

"Thank you." Chen Lingshan said with a blushing face. She also drank a lot of wine at night. Although she was conscious, she was a little drunk.

"No thanks, everyone is a friend." Zhao Tiezhu smiled. "Would you like me to accompany you?"

"No, I am afraid to lead the wolf into the room." Chen Lingshan smiled.

"Ling Shan, I have to say you, you really can't talk, how can I be a wolf? I am kind enough to send you." Zhao Tiezhu said seriously.

"Oh, okay, I really don't have to, I went back. Linger, bye bye." Chen Lingshan said, turned and went into the small building.

Zhao Tiezhu looked at Chen Lingshan's back and could not help but frowned.

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