Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Vol 2 Chapter 870: Three calls

Eighty-seventy-six chapter three calls

When I first saw Chen Lingshan, Zhao Tiezhu could feel the positive, sunny temperament from this girl, and Chen Lingshan was full of vigor, but recently, Zhao Tiezhu felt more and more repressed from Chen Lingshan. Haze, Chen Lingshan, although looking at the same as in the past, there is no difference in speaking, but Zhao Tiezhu knows clearly, what happened to her, this may be the reason why she wants to let her go back to Chen with her.

"Iron column brother, what do you want?" Li Linger sat in the co-pilot and asked.

"Nothing." Zhao Tiezhu shook his head and turned and walked into the driver's seat.

"Ling Shan said that you are a satyr, hey, this is really true!" Li Linger said with emotion.

"What is this, how can I be a satyr!" Zhao Tiezhu said dissatisfied.

"Cut, you are everywhere, you are looking for cheap oil, isn't it a satyr?" Li Ling asked.

"Of course I am not a satyr!" Zhao Tiezhu said, "I am a sorcerer!!"

"Okay." Li Linger looked at Zhao Tiezhu without a word.

"Haha, how are you, are you afraid? Come, Linger, let's get a car shock, the seat of this car, but it can be put down!" Zhao Tiezhu smirked.

"Well, I immediately called Yan Yan sister and let her listen to our live broadcast." Li Linger picked up her mobile phone and looked at Zhao Tiezhu.

"You really don't have a sense of humour..."

"You really have a sense of humor..."

After returning to the villa, Cao Ziyi did not know whether she was sleeping or not at home. The door of the room was closed and there was no trace of light inside. Zhao Tiezhu and Li Linger chatted a few times and then went back to the room to sleep, although Zhao Tiezhu proposed to be Li Linger. Warming up the bed, but was shocked back to the room by Li Linger taking out the phone.

I was about to sleep, and the thunderstorm phone came over.

"Appreciation, I guess you must haven't slept now." The thunderstorm's voice is still so bright.

"Master, this is now a little more than that at night. What else do you have?" Zhao Tiezhu asked.

"There is nothing wrong with it. I am thinking about your recent physical weakness, so I plan to stay in fj for a few more days. After a few days, you have to let me follow you. Whatever you go to play, I will protect you."

"This... Master, I haven't seen you care about me before. You are not saying that men need to be under the sense of crisis, will they make progress?" Zhao Tiezhu asked inexplicably, training in the Amazon rainforest. At that time, Zhao Tiezhu wanted to let the thunderstorm follow himself, so that he would not die, but the thunderstorm is to say, if someone follows you, you will not have the kind of vigilance, always vigilant, it is to become a mercenary The same thing that must be possessed.

"Hey, isn't it a peaceful era now, and in the big cities, some invisible swords and swords are more insidious than the enemy that trains you at that time. If you can't do it, you have to overturn the boat. I still look after you. Although the female doll in your family is very powerful, but we are all men, we have to play together, and some of them are more fun?"

"That's up with you, Master, I have to sleep, see you tomorrow." Zhao Tiezhu said, did not wait for the thunderstorm to speak, hangs up the phone directly. Then throw the phone to the side and close your eyes while lying on the bed.

And at the end of the phone.

"This little rabbit scorpion, dare to hang up my phone!!" Thunderstorm squinted at the phone, just preparing to say something, Suzaku said on the side, "Less here is a temper, I see it, this Apprentice, you care more than anyone else."

"This is okay." The face of the thunderstorm suddenly became very kind. "I am not doing what you said?"

"Hey, you have done a good job, well, you can go back." Suzaku said, turned and walked into the coffee house behind him.

"Oh, it's true, it's not so fast to unload and kill." Thunderstorms muttered awkwardly and walked into the side of the car and left the alley.

Zhao Tiezhu just wanted to sleep, the phone rang again, suddenly angered from the heart, just touched the phone, Zhao Tiezhu's anger suddenly disappeared.

"Oh, Yan Ni, so late, miss me?" Zhao Tiezhu smiled.

"Cut, who wants you? I am checking the post." Su Yanni’s proud voice came from the phone. "You are in your own bed now?"

"Required, I am physically and loyal to you."

"Well, I am going to sleep, you can sleep too, come see me early, good night." Su Yanni said, and hung up.

Zhao Tiezhu was helpless. He had just hung up his Master’s phone. Now he was called by Su Yanni. It’s really a report, not a report, but it’s not time.

Just when Zhao Tiezhu wanted to sleep, the phone rang again.

"I wipe, this year's people do not let people sleep!" Zhao Tiezhu more depressed and tangled to pick up the phone.

"Iron column classmate, I don't think about the teacher!" Linda's voice came from the phone.

Zhao Tiezhu said lazily, "I think, I miss you all day, teacher, how are you studying there?"

"I can learn here." Linda’s voice was full of joy. "Here are the college students, handsome guys, and they are all like money. How much? How many, these days, looking at the handsome guy, they have forgotten the learning."

"Good-looking? Handsome guys, this kind of thing, really good, just like the beauty, I also look at the beauty all day long, the physical and mental pleasure to see!" Zhao Tiezhu said.

"What beauty do you see?" Linda asked nervously.

"There are no beautiful women, the students in the school, and the mature and **** schoolmates, wearing black slings to seduce people all day long. Really, I don't want to watch them. I wandered in front of my eyes." Zhao Tiezhu said helplessly.

"You are not allowed to see, what is good-looking, it is all children, wearing **** maturity is not necessarily **** and mature, know?" Linda said.

"This is not necessarily the case. I see that their expressions are very mature. The movements are not sputum, and they are very skilled!" Zhao Tiezhu smiled.

"Proficient action? Zhao Tiezhu, what have you done with them?" Linda asked.

"What can I do? Do what you want to do, they are passionate, you know, my school grass is elected by everyone. Since everyone votes, it means that many people like me, you Say yes? Since many people like me, this occasional **** and mature school sister asked me to go out to eat at night to watch the stars and moon sing and sing, I also refused to refuse others, you said yes? It’s too late to look at the bus. The bus that went home is gone. I can only spend the night with my school sister. Of course, we are opening a double room, definitely not a single room, nor a big bed room. !" Zhao Tiezhu promised.

"Hey, iron pillar, how dare you do this!" Linda said with a cry. "There are people who have just left these days, you are like this!!"

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