Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Vol 2 Chapter 874: Zhao Tiezhu’s mind

Chapter VIII, Zhao Tiezhu's Thoughts

"I can't find you out if you have nothing?" Zhao Tiezhu asked with a smile.

"Hey, I know you, I have nothing to do with the Three Treasure Hall. You have nothing to do with me. It will definitely not find me." Lin Lei looked like Zhao Tiezhu.

"Haha, this, you have said this, if I have nothing to do, I have to do something, you have to cooperate with you, you say yes?" Zhao Tiezhu smiled.

"Say, what is it?"

"Things are like this. I did a good job and helped my grandmother. As a result, people fell on me. I insisted that I was hit by someone. I want to lose money. I don’t pay for it. This has brought me to the court. I I want to ask, can you report this?" Zhao Tiezhu said.

"This is a thing? This should be news close to the people's livelihood, it is a provincial matter, but if I have to report it, I can still report it, because this social and livelihood news, and entertainment news. , still a little bit of a match, and this news you should be the first to tell me?"


"That's good to say, this is the material I caught myself. I can't say anything about it in the province. But, iron pillar, how come you run into such a thing? The last time nj didn't come out once. Is it something?"

"My person, the most favorite thing to do is to help others, but who can think of the white-eyed wolf?" Zhao Tiezhu shook his head helplessly.

"Then what are you asking me about? What direction is the direction of the report?" Lin Lei asked.

"This, ocean, what about you?" Zhao Tiezhu looked at Yu Dayang and said.

"Well, Miss Lin Lei, this thing, everyone knows, it is very unfair, and the nature is very bad! This kind of thing is a trivial matter, but it is related to the inheritance of the traditional virtues of our entire Chinese nation, if this This time is the same as that of nj. I believe that there will be countless people who are chilling. At that time, I am afraid that more and more people will turn a blind eye to those who need help. We cannot because of a few mice. I threw a pot of porridge, right? So, I think this case is very representative, and the judgment result of this case, I estimate, will affect the spiritual civilization of our society now!" Yu Dayang is worthy of As a lawyer, a small matter can directly involve the national affairs.

However, Zhao Tiezhu feels that this foreign ocean is right, because nowadays, more and more people in society have chosen to turn a blind eye to those who need help. This is a pathological phenomenon that has never happened before. Phenomenon, many people say that the judgment of one or two cases is not the reason why you are not doing good, but Zhao Tiezhu thinks that everyone does not want to do good things, but really does not have the ability to do good things. If you follow nj, there is still that. In the case of a local place, the cost of doing a good thing is in the 100,000 pieces! ! Although this cost does not necessarily appear, but the price of soaring wages does not rise, gdp turned over, the people's income is only an era of tens of dollars, no one has the courage to take 100,000 pieces to gamble one is not guaranteed. Things have been done once, maybe people are not good, but who can guarantee that you have done three times, or even ten good things, will not encounter so few morally corrupt people?

Everyone is not doing good things, but they are afraid to do it. They are not qualified to do it without the cost!

After this temperament is slowly formed, it is not one or two people who are affected, but thousands of people, even people of the entire nation, are affected by this trend, and your adults are affected. It may affect your child! ! Under the influence of day and night, the idea of ​​not doing good things and not helping others will gradually become the mainstream of the next society. At that time, this society will become a society lacking human touch, and the traditional virtues of China for thousands of years. It will also become a piece of paper, so that the few dogs who bite Lu Dongbin, Zhao Tiezhu thinks that just condemning it is not enough to calm the anger in his heart, and today it happened to himself, he must let those People without conscience understand that, swearing, after all, there will be no good news! Everything is not not reported, but the time has not yet arrived, and people are watching the sky.

"This, I understand, is to go to the public to promote, and then focus on this horrible thing, let the whole society condemn this kind of thing, right?" Lin Lei asked.

"Well, that's it. Such a meeting will form a paradox that is conducive to us in society. When it comes to judgment, it will definitely be useful." Yu Dayang said.

"I don't just need to make judgments useful." Zhao Tiezhu suddenly said.

"Oh?" Yu Dayang looked at Zhao Tiezhu with a little doubt.

"I want to send those people, ... into the prison... prison!!" Zhao Tiezhu said one word at a time.

"Ah?" Zhao Tiezhu said this, and even as a lawyer, Yu Dayang, who should have been calm, suddenly stopped.

"Iron column, what do you say?" Lin Lei looked shocked at Zhao Tiezhu.

"I said, I want to put those who are jealous of me into jail!" Zhao Tiezhu repeated it seriously.

"This, the iron column, this lawsuit, to win, it is already very difficult! It is almost impossible to send them to prison," said Yu Dayang.

“What is impossible?” Zhao Tiezhu said with a smile. “If we can win the lawsuit, then we can prove that they are swearing, and swearing, saying good things, swearing, saying that it’s hard to hear is blackmail. At that time, we will file a criminal prosecution and accuse them of extortion. Isn’t it easy to go to jail?”

"That is the case, but you have to know that if we win the case today, it will cause a great shock in society, and if we put them in jail, it is the power of a nuclear bomb explosion. In this way, more people will pick up the case of nj and discuss things. It will cause even more uncontrollable things to happen. The consequences are very serious! At least the city government will not ignore this happening. !"

"Oh, the work of the upper class, I will do it, the following things, you have to rely on you!" Zhao Tiezhu said with a smile, "The lawsuit in the afternoon, I hope that you can help the ocean."

"It is my pleasure to be able to do things for the iron pillar." Yu Dayang said respectfully.

"Lin Lei, in the afternoon, you will bring me a few reporters. You should have a special writer on your side? When I write a few articles, I will send them to the fj evening newspaper, and your news reports will also be Let me keep up with it. If this matter can be done, the benefits to you, I don’t need to say, you should understand it?” Zhao Tiezhu asked with a smile.

"Understand!!" Lin Lei's face was slightly red and nodded.

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