Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Vol 2 Chapter 875: Lin Lei

The 875th chapter Lin Lei joined

Reporter, or host, name, where does the reputation come from? It’s all from some valuable news. If you only report that the king’s pig is running, Li’s chicken is called, then no one can remember your reporter or host, and if you can Reporting some explosive news, such as a corrupt official who killed the ***, or a certain male star is actually a gay, even if the US president likes to wear red shorts, then you will be famous with this news, and become famous After that, the value, reputation or something, naturally goes up, the same, after the famous, there will be more people to provide you with information, this is a chain reaction, which is why the famous person is more famous, and The street can only be more and more.

Lin Lei knows that this incident is indeed an opportunity that Zhao Tiezhu has given her. If she can give this item a complete report and let Zhao Tiezhu win this place, then it will form a shock in society. At the same time, journalists who report on the whole thing will follow this shock and become known to more people! You can also get more things you can't get before!

"Thank you!" Lin Lei sincerely thanked, I originally planned to sneak a little bit with Zhao Tiezhu, and even sacrificed a little, to give Zhao Tiezhu some tofu, but did not expect Zhao Tiezhu not to get any substantial benefits, Let her participate in such a big thing, this has to make Lin Lei grateful. Lin Lei’s sense of Zhao Tiezhu suddenly changed. “I hope this person is not as inferior and shameless as he thought.”

It’s just that it’s grateful and emotional, and it’s completely broken without a position for ten seconds.

Lin Lei was sitting next to Zhao Tiezhu. When Lin Lei said thank you, Zhao Tiezhu’s hand was placed on Lin Lei’s thigh inadvertently. Then he said it was indifferent: “This, thank you, don’t need to say, 咱Who are the two?"

Lin Lei’s face is red, and then the red is still black. He wants to wave his hand to Zhao Tiezhu. It’s just that people are giving them a big advantage. If they’re slap in the face, let’s News, there is nothing about yourself!

Lin Lei suddenly felt that she was very snobbish, even a little flattering, just... I was suppressed by Lin Si, a fj provincial Taiwanese sister, and Lin Lei felt that she really needed to make some changes.

"Just touch the thighs, nothing, nothing, just be touched by the animals." Lin Lei self-hypnosis.

Hey, this feeling, even if you touch it through the jeans, it’s very ecstasy. It’s really a weapon of the top ten with the sun hand. If you let this thing play with yourself, then you may have More ecstasy.

Yu Dayang is very interested in the low-headed stirring of the coffee in the cup, the whole person is very focused, as if there is any treasure in the coffee, and the thunderstorm is a bit of a playful look at his apprentice, then look at that bit The awkward hostess, the secret said, "This kid, it really has the style of his son!"

"Right, Lin Lei, I have to tell you first, this thing may not be able to become!" Zhao Tiezhu said after he finished his thigh.

Lin Lei's whole person trembled, almost violently gone, Nima you touched it, and now it is not necessarily possible to come to tell my sister. Is this playing me? I have never seen anyone who doesn’t recognize the pants when they wear them!

"Because of this incident, the ocean also said, it is difficult to operate, to win the case, hope is great, but it is almost impossible to put the other person in jail. At that time, you need the cooperation of your TV station." Zhao Tiezhu said.

"This, I think you can let Sogra say hello to our director." Lin Lei suggested.

"This is also true." Zhao Tiezhu nodded, and immediately picked up the phone and gave one to Socrata.

This time Socrata did not do that again, and did not know what was doing, the voice was a little small.

“Are you convenient now?” asked Zhao Tiezhu.

"Someth, wait for me for ten minutes." Socrata said, he hung up.

"What?" Lin Lei asked.

"He will call me back later," said Zhao Tiezhu.

A few people discussed how to operate in the afternoon and then carefully discussed it. In less than ten minutes, Socrata’s phone came back.

"I was just opening a meeting, my mother, mad at me." Sugla said with anger.

"What's wrong?" Zhao Tiezhu asked.

"This super woman is full of power for the ***, I don't know what my brother's nerves are, I have to come to participate in the super woman's game, my dad actually agreed, just now my older brother is saying this time. Super girl's business, it seems that there are a lot of cattle people in this national competition area. These people have called me. He asked me to consider a few people to report to him. Then he will be responsible for the specific operation, but this is The program I made, I wanted to report it to him, and mad at me." Sogra said that the fire is bigger.

"Cancel the fire, your brother is also difficult to do? Is there so many powerful people in the country, wherever they are, there are relations, some people, and indeed can not be pushed." Zhao Tiezhu opened the way.

"I also know that this is just a gadget. Although there is an insider, but the game has its own rules, insider and unspoken rules, it must be done within the appropriate and allowed scope. If it is over, let everyone see it. I know that the show is finished. If the show is over, then I will not finish it. I am the first to ask for help at home!" Sogra said.

"Oh? You really have to look at it." Zhao Tiezhu said.

"Well, yes, what are you looking for?" asked Socrata.

"It's okay, don't you know Taiwan?" This is the case..." Zhao Tiezhu said that he was doing something good and was told by the people, and then hoped that Socrata could fight with the leaders of the province. When you say hello, you say you have to borrow them. If someone puts pressure on them, then he will say that he is screaming at Zhao Tiezhu and has something to look for.

"It's a simple matter, and you don't have to squat with you. I said it was what I wanted. See who they dare to look for." Sogra said proudly. Although the Su family in Beijing is not a five-person, in the capital, it is also a first-class family. It is far from being a bureaucrat who can shake things. Although Sogra is relatively low-key on weekdays, people from the capital still have a sense of superiority.

"Well, I will ask you about this. In the afternoon, I will go to court. Do you want to see it too? I haven’t seen your trial in this life?" Zhao Tiezhu asked with a smile.

"That, what time is it in the afternoon? Where is it? I will go by myself." Sogra asked.

"In the first court of fj, 3:30, civil court." Zhao Tiezhu said simply.

"no problem."

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