Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Vol 2 Chapter 943: Strong sixth sense

The ninth forty-three chapters of the powerful sixth sense

Ronnie’s gun, just an ordinary pistol, is at best a little stronger than the domestic 5.4 power, so after passing through a person’s body, the power of the bullet has been reduced indefinitely, and Zhao Tiezhu’s body is almost When it was hit by the bullet, it hardened, and the bullet hit Zhao Tiezhu’s body, only the muffled sound was heard.

Zhao Tiezhu’s body did not stop at all. At the moment when he was hit by bullets, Zhao Tiezhu jumped up and flashed to the side.

"Looking for death!" Ronnie yelled. He didn't expect that he had lost two fighting powers in an instant, and the other person didn't know what was going on. He was hit by bullets and nothing happened. Ronnie was also abroad. I have heard some strange people, or people with special secrets, who did not expect that they would encounter such a place here, and they are still so young.

Zhao Tiezhu is silent, the speed is soaring to the extreme, almost just a breath, Zhao Tiezhu has already rushed to Ronnie's body, and Ronnie has opened four shots in this breathing time, plus the front Two shots, one clip has been finished, but the last four bullets, even the side of Zhao Tiezhu did not wipe.

Ronnie only thought that she could use the hostages to limit Zhao Tiezhu. It was just that everything was too late!

Zhao Tiezhu’s face suddenly appeared in front of Ronnie’s body, and Ronnie could even see the small nose hair that came out under Zhao Tiezhu’s nose.

"Dead!" Zhao Tiezhu sighed low, and it was a cold mang, and Ronnie fell down on his neck. It was a very good force in the average person. In front of Zhao Tiezhu, there was no room for resistance!

At this time, Xia Lin, who has been brought to the outside by the Rocky, is standing next to the Rocky, standing before Mario, who is responsible for solving the summer bodyguard.

"Mario, it's good!!" Lodge praised.

"Ordinary people only." Mario snorted. "Right, why aren't they still coming out? Wouldn't it be a happy life inside?"

Rocky was about to talk, and suddenly he heard 2 gunshots.

"It seems that someone has annoyed Ronnie." Mario shook his head helplessly. "Ronnie likes to see blood, head, you have to talk about him."

Luo Qi smiled and nodded. "I will find a chance to tell him. However, if you do this, you can't see the blood often? Otherwise, if you forget the smell of blood, then we should retire." ”

And the voice of Rocky just fell.

Another four shots.

Rocky frowned and said, "How did Ronnie do it? Did he kill so many people at once? Did he want to be dissatisfied recently?"

"Maybe, haha, wait for this ticket to finish, you have to find a place to play well." Mario laughed.

Just then, a black shadow suddenly appeared at the door of the villa.

"Hey? Who is out." Mario looked at the shadow in curiosity, only because it was already dark, and Mario couldn't see the person's looks for a moment.

The shadow seemed to look around at the entrance to the villa, but then suddenly it rushed over to Mario.

"Not our people!! Damn!!" Rocky's pupil shrank. "Mario, shoot me to kill him."

"Okay, head." Mario grabbed a hammer that was more than a meter long behind him. This is a big killer. It can be used to make a sieve. But there is a disadvantage. It is not accurate if it is far away.

Rocky stopped staying, but ran away, and Xia Lin, who was caught by Rocky’s backhand, looked at the shadow with a strange look, and then showed a surprise smile.

"Master, still can't you come out?" Zhao Tiezhu ran while looking around. Although the thunderstorm just looked away, Zhao Tiezhu knew that the thunderstorm must still be with his side. For this master, Zhao Tiezhu is very clear. At this time, my own serious injury has not healed, and his master is not willing to leave his side so easily.

As Zhao Tiezhu thinks, the thunderstorm at this time is standing on a tree about 500 meters away from Zhao Tiezhu. In the thunderstorm, holding a telescope, behind the thunderstorm, it is very strange and carrying a hand. The dark green sniper rifle, this sniper rifle is very long, about the same height as the thunderstorm. This is a very common sniper rifle. The power and range are only average, compared to the last eight fingers. The sniper gun was far away.

"Hey, kill 3 people, it took 15 seconds. Sure enough, the injury affected his play. It should be put in peacetime. It will take about ten seconds to solve the three people. However, hey, hammer, it’s a hammer. , 乖 儿 儿, your body, can not hold the thing, how do you solve this person?" Thunderstorm while watching, while laughing. There is no worry about Zhao Tiezhu.

"Damn, it turned out to be an air hammer!!" Zhao Tiezhu rushed to the place of Mario in front of a few meters in just a few seconds, but when I saw Mario’s hand, Zhao Tiezhu also took a breath of air. The bullets of the children are scattered, the coverage is very wide, and the most abnormal thing is that the power of each bullet is very strong. Zhao Tiezhu once played this thing abroad, half a meter thick trunk, three shots directly bang!

"It turned out to be a yellow-skinned monkey!!" Mario was a little surprised. He thought it was Xia Lin's bodyguard hidden in the dark. He didn't expect it to be a yellow man, and he still looked so thin.

"Yellow-shelled monkey, I want to make you a honeycomb." After Mario was surprised, his face was full of shackles. Just as Zhao Tiezhu was a nationalist, Mario was also a determined nationalist, he believed, In this world, except for white people, who can be called human beings, other races cannot be called humans!

Zhao Tiezhu’s body paused a little, and when Mario pointed his hand at himself, Zhao Tiezhu concentrated all his spiritual moments on Mario’s finger on the trigger.

The powerful sixth sense, the moment to the extreme, even the weak pulse vibration between Mario's fingers, was clearly felt by Zhao Tiezhu.

Moved! ! !

Zhao Tiezhu felt Mario's fingers and was putting pressure on the trigger. All of this was very fast. When I was in front of Zhao Tiezhu, there was no way to feel so clearly, but at this time, Zhao Tiezhu was after this serious injury. The breakthrough of spiritual power made him feel everything. Therefore, Zhao Tiezhu jumped over at the moment when Mario's fingers made a force.


The hammer made a loud scream, a fire, and spewed from the barrel.

And Zhao Tiezhu’s body is not the slightest pause!

This gun is empty!

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