Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Vol 2 Chapter 944: Rescue

Chapter 194 Rescue

"Fast speed!" Mario was shocked. The speed of Zhao Tiezhu was beyond his knowledge. Because you are so fast, it is possible to escape the bullets of 5.4 from a distance, but you are so close, ten The distance of more meters, want to escape the hammer, it is impossible!

It’s just that Mario’s own strength is too bad, so he doesn’t even know that there is still a kind of person in the world who can give the sixth sense of people to the extreme. If it is a person above God’s list, It must be seen that Zhao Tiezhu is not really fast, but he has captured all the actions of Mario, this can make a judgment in the moment when Mario buckles the trigger!

This amazing judgment is a fantasy for the people at this level of Mario.

"Oh, not bad, this heart is free to move, the use is still getting started, if it is big, it is a relatively good master!" Thunderstorm looked at Zhao Tiezhu with a telescope, praised, although praised on the mouth But the sniper rifle on the hand, but it is already a bullet, is being held by a thunderstorm, facing the Mario, ready to shoot. It’s just very strange that the thunderstorm did not use the sniper rifle that came with the sniper rifle, as if it was aimed at the telescope held by the hand. If this could also hit Mario, the thunderstorm’s shots were really It can be considered as a fascinating one. You must know that even if it is a eight-finger, you have to use a sight.

After Zhao Tiezhu successfully escaped Mario’s first shot, the sixth sense was obviously stronger than the previous one. In fact, the sixth sense of this kind of thing is that he has to practice frequently. After he is proficient, it is natural. It will slowly become stronger!

"Don't you really be a superman!" Mario smiled disdainfully, the gun head turned slightly and pointed at Zhao Tiezhu, but this time, it was the moment when the trigger was pulled, the gun head was turned forward. One point, according to his estimation, Zhao Tiezhu’s reaction speed is very fast, so he has to set aside a pre-judgment distance when he shoots, and the distance of this pre-judgment is very difficult to grasp because everyone’s speed and reaction time They are all different. Mario is confident that he has been in the mercenary world for so many years, and he should be able to make a pre-judgment.

"Hey!" is another huge gunshot!

However, at the glimpse of this shot, Zhao Tiezhu’s body suddenly had no signs of any warning! In fact, there is no sign, it is better to say that it is a violation of the laws of physics!

That bullet, the real is the face of Zhao Tiezhu flying over it, Zhao Tiezhu did not cut a month and slightly a little long beard, all of which was wiped out by the high temperature generated by the bullet.

After Zhao Tiezhu’s body suddenly paused, his feet slammed on the ground. He was originally rushing out of the body. Suddenly a 90-degree turn suddenly turned into Mario.

"How is it possible!" Mario is simply a stunned languageless watch, because Zhao Tiezhu’s actions are completely beyond his attempts. At least Mario is not able to know among the people he knows. Make such an action that violates the laws of physics!

Mario still wants to be shocked for a while, but the time is not waiting for me, Zhao Tiezhu almost rushed to Mario's body when Mario aimed at him to prepare for the third shot.

"Go to hell!" Mario screamed, and wanted to shoot at Zhao Tiezhu’s body that was close at hand, just...

The spurs of Zhao Tiezhu’s hand, with a chilly wind, have already swept the right hand of Mario’s gun.

Mario suddenly felt a pain in his hand, and then he saw the hammer went down to the ground.

Mario was still wondering why the hammer had fallen off the ground, and then felt a huge pain coming from his own hand, and a warm blood column sprang from his right hand.

"Ah!!!" Mario saw that his right hand was cut from the wrist and cut into two halves. He suddenly yelled out, but the sound of the call has not been communicated for a long time. Zhao Tiezhu’s spurs once again flew up. Mario's painful expression instantly turned into a horror, and then settled.

Zhao Tiezhu did not look at the foreigner who had already cut his head, but a few steps, and rushed to the outside, because Rocky, has taken Xia Lin to a car not far away.

"Who is that!!" Rocky saw Mario's head fly away, and the Shenzhou, who was supposed to be screened, rushed to himself like a ghost.

"Xia Lin, you are a bodyguard, but it is not ordinary!" said Luo Qi, who said that he had already held his hands by himself.

Xia Lin is expressionless, just staring at Zhao Tiezhu not far away, do not know what is thinking.

"Jackson, drive right away!" Seeing that Zhao Tiezhu is getting closer, Rocky knows that this place is not suitable for a long time, and he ordered to drive in the driver's seat. Jackson looked nodded solemnly, fired the car, and then drifted on the ground, and wanted to rush outside.

Zhao Tiezhu looked at the car farther and farther and helpless, and he was seriously injured. He killed 3 people at this time. He had already exhausted his strength. He thought that this Xilin was good, everyone also had a drink together, and it was red. Yun Tie's college classmate, Zhao Tiezhu is planning to save it, but I did not expect that people would not come with Zhao Tiezhu, but drive in the car. If Zhao Tiezhu is in full bloom, it will catch up when it breaks out, but now Zhao Tiezhu Can only play the usual half or so of the strength, to really break out to chase this car, it is estimated that when chasing, Zhao Tiezhu also has to squat, so Zhao Tiezhu resolutely gave up the pursuit.

"There was actually driving to escape, hey, this is too much to lose the face of our mercenary." Thunderstorm shook his head disdainfully, and then seemed to casually lifted the sniper rifle in his hand.

"Touch!" A shot was heard.

Rocky only felt that his car suddenly slammed and then trembled fiercely.

"Head, the tires are blown up!" Jackson exclaimed.

"What!!" Lodge was shocked, because Zhao Tiezhu had no hot weapons on his body, and Rocky saw it, and now his tires were blown up, and certainly other people did it! And the ability to clearly hit the fast-moving car, the strength of this gunner, can not be underestimated!

As for whether it would be a stone pierced tire, Rocky did not think about it in this regard, although this tire, although not bulletproof, but anti-anti-stone or something, still very powerful.

Zhao Tiezhu originally planned to give up and go to appease the red rhyme. As a result, after a gunshot, the caravans of the kidnappers stopped.

"This is Master's shot?" Zhao Tiezhu whispered, then looked at the Rocky, who was jumping off the car, Zhao Tiezhu's face, full of smiles.

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