Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Vol 2 Chapter 988: Incompetent director

Chapter 188 Incompetent Director

"In this year, although the heart of the victim can't be there, but the heart of the prisoner can't be without it." Zhao Tiezhu said faintly, anyway, the brothers' death is a common thing in this kind of giants. Zhao Tiezhu is too lazy to go. What is the cause and effect, this thing is nothing more than a dispute over the inheritance of family property, not all brothers and sisters have to love each other, let alone this half-blood relationship.

Zhao Tiezhu believes that if he successfully returns to Zhao, then waiting for him will definitely be the same trouble.

"Thanks to you, the iron column." Sogra gratefully looked at Zhao Tiezhu. "If you are not your person at night, you may be confused."

"Haha, there is the merit of the director Wang." Zhao Tiezhu said with a smile.

This said that Director Wang, Director Wang arrived.

At this time, the director of the king, has already taken off the police cap, and the hair of a head and a head is a bit messy. It can be seen that the riots in the past have really ruined this small department-level cadre.

"It’s all right.” Wang said with a long sigh of relief.

"The director of the night was tired." Zhao Tiezhu said with a smile. "This incident, although it has been calmed down, will definitely have relevant reports tomorrow! It will almost cause mass incidents, and the relevant responsible persons will not be able to get rid of it."

"You mean??" Director Wang looked at Zhao Tiezhu tentatively.

"I didn't say anything." Zhao Tiezhu shook his head. "Everything will be said tomorrow."

Talking about it here, Lin Lei on the stage also simply finished the end of the lyrics, and then ended the evening game. In the eyes of outsiders, this is just a riot caused by a system error. Event, since the system is already good, then tomorrow's game should have to look at it, the *** has to be ***, and after such an incident, the super woman's ratings have also risen a bit, after all, The nature of the Chinese people still prefers to watch the lively. In the evening, there is such a big drama. Maybe there will be such a play tomorrow? So for the next day's ratings, Socrata did not take much care, but after the game, Sogra did not leave Zhao Tiezhu to eat a night, but after Zhao Tiezhu sinned, he hurried. Busy leaving, Zhao Tiezhu did not ask him to do it, anyway, the things of other people's home, but also his Zhao people are not worried.

These seemingly coincidental things, in the eyes of some people with a heart, are seeing a lot of tricks inside, such as the disagreement between the two young masters of the Su family, such as the super-organic discipline of the Blood Soul Hall, and Li Gang. The incompetence of the city bureau chief in dealing with this matter.

As soon as the riots began, Li Gang had already left. In fact, he did not blame Li Gang for not doing it. When Su Gang found Li Gang to ask him to be responsible for on-site security, Su Di also found Li Gang. His request was very simple. When appropriate, let Li Gang’s eyes close one eye, and then Sudi said that he will definitely thank Li Gang after the event and will control the riots in a small scope, which will not cause big problems. commotion.

Since everyone has agreed so, maybe it is good, then Li Gang is naturally not guilty on both sides, both sides are pleased, on the one hand promised Socrata to be responsible for security, on the other hand, he agreed to Su Di, at a suitable time, blink of an eye Hey, then you can get certain benefits from both sides. Li Gang feels that this approach really highlights his own slickness, which is the way of today's mainstream society.

It’s just that Li Gang didn’t think that this matter was finally controlled by Zhao Tiezhu’s Blood Soul Hall. In the meantime, there was also an inexplicable police station director. It seems to be the director of a suburban police station. Li Gang is wondering. The director of this police station is brain-dead or drunk, not staying in his own area, and even ran to the center of this fj, is this not to plug himself?

While Li Gang was going to give the director of the surname Wang a good look, the director of the king and Zhao Tiezhu were eating and staying in the box of a hotel.

At this time, it was not long after the end of the game. There were not many people at the banquet. It was also a Zhao Tiezhu, a Li Linger, an iron hand, a director of the king, and a Lin Si. Lin Lei originally planned to come. But when I heard that Zhao Tiezhu called Lin Si, I was a little bit interested in the lack of appearance, and I would not come to participate.

"Tomorrow, I hope Lin Si, you have helped a lot." Zhao Tiezhu took a glass of wine and touched Lin Si on the side.

"This news has a lot of risks." Lin Si frowned.

"Nothing, you just have to point it out at the right time, then you can." Zhao Tiezhu showed a confident look on his face. "As long as you point it out, I have a way to operate."

"Well, I will discuss it with Taiwan tomorrow." Lin Si still dared not to fully explain Zhao Tiezhu's own affairs. Although she was only a show host, she presided over the news at noon, naturally knowing what news can Broadcast, what news can not be broadcast, and Zhao Tiezhu now confessed to her news, it is a category that can not be broadcast, so it is also not to be careful.

"Well, then I will thank you first." Zhao Tiezhu sipped the glass of wine, but the director Wang was holding the glass alone, and said to Lin Si, "I will accompany the iron column." dry.

The simple day and night did not last long. When it was more than twelve o'clock, everyone went to each other. The iron hand carried Li Linger and Zhao Tiezhu to go home. In the car, Li Linger looked at Zhao Tiezhu, a little bit of words. It looks like it.

"How?" Seeing Li Linger’s tangled look, Zhao Tiezhu’s heart and blood trembled. Wouldn’t it be that this little girl planned to settle down on her own oily thing in the autumn?

"Iron brother, why do you want Lin Si to broadcast the news?" Li Linger asked with a frown.

"With your IQ, can't you think of it?" Zhao Tiezhu happily leaned halfway on the door of the car.

"You are trying to get rid of Li Gang?" Li Linger asked tentatively.

"That is of course." Zhao Tiezhu said with a smile.

"But, Li Gang and you have no deep contradictions, as far as I know, Li Ziqi and you are a bit contradictory." Li Linger said.

"This stuff, to put it bluntly, there are no contradictions." Zhao Tiezhu squinted slightly, his mouth was full of alcohol, "I told you, you don't understand."

"Oh, iron pillar brother, you tell me about it!" Li Linger took Zhao Tiezhu's hand and spoiled it.

"You are not very smart? Is the IQ not very high? Guess it, you can't guess it." Zhao Tiezhu has calmed down a lot this time, and has not been confused by Li Linger's delicate appearance.

"But people can't guess it!" Li Linger looked at Zhao Tiezhu with his watery eyes. "There is a high IQ, but it doesn't mean that the emotional intelligence is high! And you are all intriguing, people are so pure children, what do you think?" Come out?"

"Pure..." Zhao Tiezhu looked at Li Linger with disdain. "Pure people will call me all day?"

"It's okay." Li Linger shyly bowed his head. "Don't you often seduce people?"

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