Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Vol 2 Chapter 989: To be the director

Chapter 987 is to be the director

"Cut, anyway, as you say, I will not tell you, make you uncomfortable." Zhao Tiezhu smiled.

Just then, the car slowly stopped and the West Lake villa area arrived.

"Iron hand, be careful on the road." Zhao Tiezhu got off the bus and said to the iron hand.

"Know. My life is worthless." The iron hand waved and waved at Zhao Tiezhu, and left the West Lake villa area while driving.

Zhao Tiezhu looked at the iron hand far away, and the psychological inexplicable raised a feeling. From the beginning, he unified the iron hand, the iron hand, until now, a few months have passed, the iron hand has been unknown from the original The little gang, the growth of the sharp into the now the biggest gang of the fj blood soul hall, all of this, although a large part of it is to fight back by themselves, but Zhao Tiezhu knows that if there is no such thing as the iron hand Huang Tian, It is impossible for me to have such a leisurely life now, and it is impossible for the Blood Soul Hall to have such rapid development.

The iron hand, from the beginning of a mixed-race head, has grown into the top of the entire blood soul hall, not only because the iron hand is the earliest iron hand gang, but also because of the iron hand's interest and ability.

From the original reckless commitment, and then to the wholeheartedly help Zhao Tiezhu to help the inside things, and then to take the initiative to mention the iron hand to change the name, these things all reveal the iron hand, perhaps in the leadership of the Blood Soul Hall The iron hand is not as good as the emperor's wisdom. There is no force to rob the heavens, no gunshots of the eight fingers, and no plasticity of Fan Jian, but the iron hand is the most practical and stable person.

Zhao Tiezhu sometimes feels very emotional. When I saw the iron hand for the first time, I didn’t think that this guy had anything different from ordinary people. I didn’t expect that the iron hand was a chameleon, no matter what environment it was. That can be fully integrated into it.

"Iron brother, what do you think?"

Seeing Zhao Tiezhu standing in the same place, Li Linger asked curiously.

"Nothing." Zhao Tiezhu smiled and said, "I don't know if Ziyi is back."

Into the villa, Zhao Tiezhu did not see Cao Ziyi, but saw Sun Jiaying, Sun Jiaying at this time, wearing a tight vest, sweating and sweating with the TV.

"Is there any mistake, so late to do this stuff?" Zhao Tiezhu looked at Sun Jiaying at that one on two two three four two two four, said strangely.

"You don't understand this?" Li Linger said on the side. "This is called evening exercise. It is said that if you do this exercise before going to bed at night, fat will continue to burn while you are sleeping, which is very effective for keeping your body shape! ”

"Hey, I think Jiaying is not bad. Why do you still do this?" Zhao Tiezhu’s eyes swept over Sun Jiaying’s body. The little waist was not the kind of delicate waist that Su Yanni could not grasp, but it was also very Well-proportioned, and the curve is obvious, then look at the thigh, plump and not thick, the calf is very slender, and the chest, although not the size of Li Linger, but it is also a normal category, such a figure, look at Zhao Tiezhu Come, it really belongs to a very good kind.

"Iron brother, you don't understand our women." Li Linger said with a smile.

The trainee of the two talked, Sun Jiaying finished the exercise, the gray vest was already wet one by one, and the long hair at one end was loosely wrapped around the neck, making Sun Jiaying look strange and wild.

"Do you go to see the super woman at night?" Sun Jiaying walked over and picked up the towel to dry the sweat on his neck and asked.

"Well, Jiaying sister, you didn't go see it, it's really a gongs and drums, the firecrackers are screaming, and the mountains are crowded!" Li Linger said to Sun Jiaying, "but only a little bit of a scorpion, but fortunately in the iron pillar brother's Under the brave performance, any blind man is a cloud."

"Oh?" Sun Jiaying glanced at Zhao Tiezhu and smiled. "What is the scorpion?"

Li Linger simply said something to Sun Jiaying at night. When he said that Zhao Tiezhu broke the steel pipe with one hand and one person drank a few hundred people, Sun Jiaying’s eyes flashed in the eyes, and Zhao Tiezhu looked at his eyes.

"Why do you look at me like this? Although I am brave and invincible, I am only selling art and not selling it!" Zhao Tiezhu said with both hands in his chest, shyly said.

"Hey." Sun Jiaying originally wanted to say something, just to see Zhao Tiezhu's appearance, Sun Jiaying swallowed the words again, and then chatted with Li Linger two sentences, went upstairs and returned to his room.

"Right, Tiezhu brother, you haven't told me yet, why do you want to engage in Li Gang?" Li Linger remembered that he had asked Zhao Tiezhu in the car just now, and he took Zhao Tiezhu and spoiled him.

"Cloth your own wash, and help me wash my underwear for a week, um, underwear too!" Zhao Tiezhu said seriously.

"What! Underwear? Tiezhu brother, don't you be so disgusting?" Li Linger said with dissatisfaction, "At most, you can wash your jacket and pants."

"That is also." Zhao Tiezhu immediately agreed, Li Linger suddenly reacted, looked at Zhao Tiezhu with anger, said, "Oh, iron pillar brother, you are the first price and then sit back and pay back?"

"Haha, that is of course, you have promised, no regrets!" Zhao Tiezhu smiled.

"That's okay." Li Linger looked at Zhao Tiezhu. "Let Linger's delicate little hands help you wash your clothes for a week in this cold wind."

Zhao Tiezhu was unmoved and said, "You don't want to know why I want to engage in Li Gang? Hey, can't say it, this word is ambiguous. Actually, I and Li Gang have no hatred, but you also know. I and his son, I can't get together, natural, and Li Gang, I don't really get together, and my blood soul hall is going to be mixed in fj, and it is very necessary to have a good relationship with the police. This is the position of Li Gang, and it is important. It’s not very important. The province’s *** hall is called Niubi, and it’s important to say that it’s important. After all, the provincial *** hall is too far away from us, and the so-called county magistrate is not as good as it is now. In the daily affairs, there are still many places that need the support of the city bureau. Since this Li Gang and I can't get together, then I can only change the individual, isn't it?"

"Change someone up? Director Wang?" Li Linger asked.

"That is natural." Zhao Tiezhu nodded.

"Just... Li Gang is the director of the city bureau. As far as I know, this is a cadre at the level, and the director Wang is just a department-level cadre. How can he even jump 2?"

"Who said that I want to let the authority of the head of the king?" Zhao Tiezhu said with a smile. "As long as the director of the king can go further, to the position of the deputy director, that would be fine. As for Li Gang, it must be done, but After getting it down, the position of the director of the city bureau is not something I can ponder. This position, but it can attract the attention of the provincial and ministerial leaders. I am trying to win a deputy director. If I want to pay attention to this director, I have not yet That qualification."

After listening to Zhao Tiezhu’s words, Li Linger suddenly realized this.

Zhao Tiezhu smiled. In fact, he still has a reason to engage in Li Gang! It’s just that I can’t say it right now.

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