Astartes of the Bear School

Chapter 1053 1035 First Encounter Elf Knight

Chapter 1053 1035. First meeting with the Elf Knight

Thorin Oakenshield, as the leader of this dwarf team, walked out from the quiet dwarves and looked up at the gray-robed wizard.

He opened his mouth, as if he was struggling in his heart.

As long as they continue to move forward and go into the underground path, the orcs and wargs will definitely not be able to get in, and they can get away.

But above the cave, although they can't see what happened, the fierce howling of the wargs and the sound of steel colliding and tearing each other never stop.

In the end, Thorin gritted his teeth.

"We can't just leave like this, Gandalf!"

"The dwarves of the Durin clan, or all the dwarves! It's impossible to stand by and watch others fight for us!"

"We don't have a family tradition of retreating in the face of battle!"

After saying that, the tall dwarf called out to the dwarves whose morale was boosted by his words. They hurriedly grasped their weapons again and wanted to climb up the slope again!

"That's it! We are dwarves!"

"I'm going to smash the heads of those orcs to pieces!"

The cheerful and heroic voice echoed noisily in the cave.


Gandalf opened his mouth and looked at the group of dwarves in front of him who were happily rushing to the battlefield again.

The expression of the gray-robed wizard was very strange.

He seemed to have hated the stubborn temper of these dwarves, stubborn, rude, unwilling to listen to advice, impulsive, and their heads seemed to be filled with stones.

But at the same time, they were not lacking in integrity, firmness, stubbornness, and unity. These good qualities.

That's why Gandalf's expression was so strange. While he was fed up with the bad temper of these travel companions, he inevitably admired them.

Even the Hobbits, who were not very courageous, drew out the small sword at their waist at this time, with a confused but firm face and ready to follow.

But at this moment, Gandalf stood there with a mysterious smile.

"No." His voice was so loud in the cave that even the loudest dwarf was inexplicably suppressed.

"There is no danger up there. It's over."

"Ah? What do you mean, Gandalf?"

The Hobbit was holding his sword with confidence and uncertainty, but turned around and saw the old wizard holding his wand without any concern.

At the same time, a solemn horn sounded above the cave.


Then came the sound of arrows breaking through the air that was denser, more stable, and more fierce than the archers of the wolf cavalry.

With the sound of "swoosh, swoosh, swoosh", an ugly orc corpse fell into the cave in front of the dwarves and rolled all the way down the slope to them.

The orc's deformed mouth made a "roaring" sound, because a broken arrow was stuck in his neck, and the wooden pole with tail feathers had been broken in the process of rolling just now.

This also caused the body tissue in his neck to be tangled into a ball by the inserted arrow.

Dwalin hit the orc on the forehead with a hammer, and only then did he quiet down.

Thorin squatted down and pulled out the arrowhead, and recognized it at a glance.

"An elf's arrow."

At the same time, he seemed to suddenly understand something, and raised his head to question Gandalf who was smiling behind him.

"Did you plan all this?"

Gandalf did not speak, but just stretched out his hand to the path behind him, making an invitation.


And Lan En was above the cave.

He pinched the neck of a warg in his hand, lifted it up with one arm, and forced it to stand on two feet.

The claws of the warg, which were as big as an ordinary person's head, scratched it, but it was useless.

The neck of the warg was full of muscles, so thick that Lan En's palm could not hold it tightly.

So Lan En just made the tips of his fingers claw-shaped and pierced into the muscles of the warg's neck.

Then the Arondite in his other hand, like an execution, inserted it from the side into the neck of the warg that was in the right position.

Under the demon hunter's swordsmanship, the smelly blood was like a spray, splashed out by the air blade.

Under Lan's feet, with a "click", he stepped on the neck of the original knight of the wolf.

The solemn horn sounded, and at the same time, Lan lowered his head slightly.

A sharp arrow flew past the edge of his original position!

With a "whoosh" sound, it pierced into the head of an orc knight in the distance.

The person who shot the arrow was a warrior on a warhorse, and he almost followed the arrow and passed behind Lan.


The two of them also heard each other's surprised voice almost at the same time.

Lan's surprise was: he didn't expect the accuracy of the other party's arrow to be so high!

If he hadn't lowered his head slightly just now, then the arrow could really pass his scalp at an extremely small distance and hit the orc behind him without any influence.

And he just lowered his head.

This means that even with the help of Mentos, his prediction of the trajectory of the arrow just now did not reach the level of the shooter.

Shooting speed, accuracy, and the shaking of the arrow in the air.

What kind of immortal archer is this? !

As for the immortal archer who rode and shot, and then passed by Lan En, his surprise was much simpler -

This person can predict the arrow I shot? !

Although he did not get the complete trajectory of the arrow, he was only a little bit away.

Even in his long life, he had not seen many such characters.

The cavalry archer who leads the way is indeed very powerful, and he is not alone.

The sound of horses' hooves was completely different from the sound of wargs running.

A group of knights suddenly appeared from the hollow of the hills not far away.

The style of this group of knights is two extremes from that of the orcs.

Elegant and neat, each of them wears standard and artistic armor.

In comparison, the twisted and haphazardly spliced ​​armor of the orcs can simply be called weird.

Beneath the work-of-art helmet is long, golden or black hair.

If this group of people were not on the battlefield, it would not be out of place to appear in an oil painting with a beauty theme.

They all have superb riding skills and impeccable skills in using weapons.

Although after the leading knight, the rest of the people are worthy of ordinary human beings who have practiced hard for a lifetime.

But it didn't give Lan En any dazzling feeling.

Their skills are good, but they are only 'good' within the realm of mortals.

These people are elves.

Although he hasn't seen the iconic ears yet, Lan En can already see clues from the skills of this group of people.

Stable and impeccably skilled technology. This is not something that a race with a limited lifespan can do.

Even if they are talented, how can such talented people appear in such a large number and form a cavalry?

The number of orcs and warg cavalry was reduced to less than twenty after Lan En drove them away.

The number of this group of elven cavalry is less than ten.

However, with less than half the number of the enemy, they were slaughtering the enemy with great ease by virtue of their superb individual soldier qualities.

Not only the armor, but also the weapons of the elves are like works of art.

Their engraved spears stabbed into wargs' shoulder pits as they charged, and their etched bows and arrows rarely missed even when shooting at moving targets on galloping horses.

Orcs have a kind of fear of elves.

This fear is even more effective than Lan En's execution-style killing before.

After almost two rounds of charges, only two warg riders were left, fleeing into the distance without looking back.

Qilin and Velvet Ball, who were originally wandering around the outside, saw that it was no longer necessary, and then returned to Lan En at a trot speed.

The orcs ran away, and these elf knights didn't want to catch up.

On the contrary, under the leadership of the leading knight, they circled around Lan En, Qilin, and Velvet Ball with great interest.

There was no malice in the eyes under that helmet, just curiosity.


Lan En vaguely heard this word being said among the group of elf knights surrounding him.

He didn't know what it meant, but he assumed it didn't mean anything malicious.

"Yes, Adanisil."

The leading knight took off his helmet and placed it on the saddle, and the horse approached Lan En under his superb control.

The elf on the horse looked at Lan En's face with a kind smile.

"The hair is like molten silver in the sun, the skin is delicate, and the face is more beautiful than all humans. Except for these eyes that are like beasts."

"Salute to you, the warrior who dares to fight against the orc and warg cavalry. Can I know your name?"

The elf on the horse bowed slightly politely.

In addition, he has smooth black hair and a delicate and meticulously groomed face, which makes people feel good about him out of thin air. He is very personable.

Lan En has seen elves from the Magical Medieval Times, but compared with these elves, the Ain Siddi tribe seems a little less 'elven'.

"Lan En." The demon hunter, also surrounded by the elf knights, calmly said his name and stretched out his hand to signal back.

"There are also Qilin and Velvet Ball, waiting for your orders."

"Elrond." The leading elf smiled and bowed again on the horse, "I am also at your disposal and that of your companions."

Elrond's eyes were deep but bright, like the night sky twinkling with stars. No, that might not be 'like'.

This elf really has stars in his eyes!

Lan En opened his mouth silently.

Elrond nodded with interest.

"Ah, let me see. A tall, strong, extraordinary human being? And this noble wild creature. A cute cat with a sword."

The war horse could not move under the control of Elrond, and could only plow the meadow in place boredly, and the elf's body also rose and fell.

"I saw Radagast in the distance. Did you come together?"

Elrond said without surprise.

"Of course, besides this guy, who else in Middle-earth can meet such extraordinary creatures? Let alone form companions with them."

At the right time, Radagast jumped up on the grass on the hill in the distance, waving towards this side and waving his wand.

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