Astartes of the Bear School

Chapter 1054 1036 Rivendell

Chapter 1054 1036. Rivendell

He seemed to be shouting something loudly, but even with the ear of Lan En Demon Hunter, he was so far away and the terrain was so open, he had no idea what this sloppy old man was talking about.

There wasn't even a simple spell that could amplify or transmit sound. Lan En complained again in his heart how on earth this wizard could be.

Then, in full view of the elf and Lan En, Radagast turned around and got on the rabbit sleigh and ran towards the distance.

"Uh, he is"

Lan En pointed blankly at the rabbit sled going away, a little speechless.

Elrond, who was still next to him, said to him very thoughtfully.

"I think he just left you here, Lan. Radagast has always been a solitary and elusive person."

Lan En understands this situation quite well.

He was originally going to get out of the Dark Forest, but now Radagast took him out while delivering the message, and it was all over.

The witcher nodded, accepting this statement.

But then

"Okay, now you can go to Rivendell with me."


The witcher turned his head to look at Elrond without knowing why, but there was no special expression on his face.

Elrond said matter-of-factly.

"Radagast doesn't often come out of the Dark Forest, but his appearance in the outside world this time gave me a bad feeling."

"You should be his agent? No matter what, please go to Rivendell and tell me what is going on. We will also give you meticulous care."

Lann felt that Elrond might have misunderstood his identity with Radagast, and thought that their relationship was a little too close.

In fact, they had only known each other for less than a month, only a few weeks.

But it is obvious that Elrond now has a bad feeling because of Radagast's appearance, and is eager to know more.

Radagast sneaks back to enjoy some leisure time with his animal friends, but Lann is grabbed by Elrond.

Lan En's character has always been that he can't hit the smiling man with his hand.

Elrond's touch was measured, kind, and courteous, leaving no room for rejection by the witcher.

Moreover, Lan En is actually very interested in the elves in this world. To say the least, the person he is looking for is also an elf.

Maybe Elrond and I know each other?

After making his decision, the witcher stopped dilly-dallying.

He turned over and sat on Qilin, during which the magic rune cloth on Qilin's body was slightly lifted by his movements.

The elves seemed to be able to appreciate the posture of the ancient dragon's body and the beauty and power contained in it, just like Radagast.

The elf knights were so impressed by Qilin's appearance that they even sang hymns of praise on their way back.


The elf's poetic talent seems to be a gift from heaven.

They can get a beautiful melody at their fingertips, and their voices are clear and clean, and singing a cappella is beautiful enough.

At least Qilin Benlong, although he didn’t understand it very well because there was no Lan En translation, but somehow he also knew that this was a poem praising himself, and he was quite happy to hear it and shook his head.

Plus, the flannel ball also gets his own poem.

The kitten was also apparently very popular, especially when the elves also discovered that it could talk.

The elves were singing and galloping on horseback, elegant and vigorous, not at all as ferocious as they had been when they killed dozens of Orcs and Warg Cavalry half an hour ago.

Lan En just followed Elrond and turned left and right in this hilly area, seemingly without any rules or routes.

But a strange feeling came to his mind involuntarily, as if he had suddenly entered another realm from the ordinary world. This feeling made Lan En a little confused.

"Adanisil, do you feel it?"

Elrond said with a smile from his horse.

"It seems that you have keen senses and extraordinary talents!"

Adanisil, the witcher learned from the previous conversation that this is the name the elves give to Lan En, and its meaning is 'a person like the elves'.

This is a word in the Elvish language. When the elves saw Lan En's face for the first time, they thought it was the blood of an ancient and great elf family, and only later did they recognize that he was a human.

In the long poem "Narn y Sheen Hurin", a tragic human hero who fought against the dark enemy Morgoth in the First Age - Túrin Tulumba also once enjoyed this title.

"What's this?"

Lann asked doubtfully, and Elrond answered generously.

"This is an invisible but extremely powerful magic, used to protect a place."

"a place?"

"Yes, a place." Elrond easily controlled the horse and stopped, "And this place is close at hand!"

After turning a sudden hillside corner, the scene in front of me suddenly became clear!

This is a quiet and beautiful valley, with waterfalls on the mountains flowing into the city in the valley.

The sun's rays always maintain a gentle and warm tone, shining on the city's buildings and the large trees in the valley.

Magic did protect the city, because Lan En felt that even the wind and air he breathed were relaxing.

Even the cliffs located behind the city did not appear steep or dangerous in this atmosphere. Instead, they felt safe and protected.

"Imladri Valley."

Elrond controlled the horse to turn sideways and introduced Lan with a smile.

"Or as the world calls it more commonly, Rivendell (Rivendell)."

"Welcome, Lan En, Qilin, and Velvet Ball."


Not only Lan En was slightly shocked by the bright and warm scene in front of him, but the three-flowered cat also straightened up on the saddle and leaned forward, with its tail raised.

Following the elf knights, Lan En stepped onto a small stone bridge entering this glen city.

The crisp sound of horse hooves echoed on the stones.

But as he walked, Lan En heard the shouts from the front of the team.

"Ready to fight!"

"Gather together! Shrink the formation! Do it with the elves!"

The voices were messy and rough, and they were those of the dwarves.

It seemed that the heavily armed elven cavalry made them nervous.

At the end of the small stone bridge was a platform, just big enough for the knights brought out by Elrond to stand in a circle around the dwarves.

When Elrond and Lan finally appeared, the tense atmosphere between the elves and dwarves suddenly dissipated.


The dwarves waved happily when they saw Lan En!

"The big guy is still alive! No injuries at all! It's amazing!"

"Well done!"

Elrond turned around on horseback and looked at the witcher with some surprise.

"Adanisil, it seems you have a reputation among stubborn dwarves?"

"We have fought side by side, just now."

Lan En nodded in response without being humble or condescending.

Among the crowd, Gandalf raised his eyebrows slightly as he watched Lan talking to Elrond.

After getting the answer from Lan En's mouth, Elrond shook off the cloak covering the horse's butt behind him, greeted Gandalf, and dismounted.


Elrond shouted enthusiastically.

According to his treatment, Lan En felt that this should be the name given to Gandalf by the elves according to the Elvish language.

"What brings you here?"

Elrond asked Gandalf as he handed the riding crop to a handsome elf in civilian clothes.

The elf appeared to be Elrond's steward.

"I come to see you, Elrond."

"Find me?"

Faced with Elrond's surprise, Gandalf asked first.

"What are you doing with a group of knights?"

Elrond raised his hand, and it was holding an orc weapon. It was rough and twisted, but enough to kill.

"We are controlling the number of orcs in nearby areas. I don't know why, but they have become more numerous and bolder during this period. Today they even dare to move not far from Rivendell."

"They must be extremely vicious and want to chase someone or something."

"Ah ha, we are the ones chasing you."

Gandalf spoke his mind and took the opportunity to introduce the dwarves to Elrond.

Elrond recognized the leader of the group at a glance.

"Thorin Oakenshield?" He looked down at the dwarf, "Son of Thrain, grandson of Thror?"

Thorin's response was harsh, as if the elf in front of him made him hostile.

"We probably haven't met before."

"That's true, but I have met your grandfather. When he ruled the Lonely Mountain and served as the king under the mountain. You have the same demeanor as he did back then."

"Unfortunately, I never heard him mention you. Not even once."

When one party is full of rejection, no amount of conversational skills can save the mood of the conversation.

Elrond's kind and handsome face opened his mouth, and finally he could only look at Thorin and said helplessly to the steward behind him.

"Lindil, light the fire and serve the wine. We have to entertain guests from far away."

After saying that, Elrond took the lead and walked thinking about the city in the valley.

Gandalf expertly led the dwarves to follow.

Lan En was enthusiastically surrounded by the dwarves, and several pairs of strong hands patted him up and down.

The dwarf's enthusiasm is direct and unabashed.

"Oh my god, Turin! How did you train these muscles? It makes your palms hurt even if you pat them!"

"Armor! Look at the armor! This iron is really good!"

"It's all false! He is so powerful that he can face so many wargs and orcs! Right!"

Lan En didn't hate the dwarves, but this enthusiasm still made the corners of his mouth twitch.

Same goes for flannel balls.

The kitten was pulled off Lan En, and several dwarves surrounded it. Until I found that it was not injured, I was praised and happy again.

"The kitten is good too!"


The flannel ball was startled by the dwarf's enthusiasm. His big watery eyes were at a loss, and he quickly stepped on the heads of a row of dwarves, then rushed to squat on Lan En's shoulder.

The dwarves below were not annoyed, but laughed happily.

At this time, Lan En was bending down and whispering to Gandalf.

"Elrond seems to recognize me as Radagast's messenger, agent or something."

"I couldn't say it clearly at the time, but Gandalf, can you do it during dinner later?"

Gandalf was holding his pipe in his mouth. When he heard these words, he first pondered. After a very short time, he pursed his lips and nodded up and down with his eyes closed.

A look of 'No need to say more, I'll take care of it'.

But for some reason, Lan En didn't feel relieved at all when he saw Gandalf's expression.

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