Astartes of the Bear School

Chapter 1055 1037 Tasting

Chapter 1055 1037. Appreciation

Amid the worry about Gandalf's unreliability, Lindir, the steward of Rivendell, the black-haired male elf in casual clothes, led a group of people to the dining venue.

As the host, Elrond had to take off his armor first, wash himself, and then change into formal clothes before sitting down.

On the way there, Lan saw the general appearance of this beautiful city.

In fact, according to his impression, this place is a bit like Lothric or Yharnam.

The city built in the mountains, because of the uneven foundation, the buildings are also overlapped and staggered in the three-dimensional direction.

And the elves don't seem to like to install guardrails on those narrow bridges across the abyss. They are all straight walkways extending to the opposite side.

The timid and clumsy humans will probably be so weak that they can't walk when they stand on it.

However, the atmosphere of Rivendell is very different from Lothric and Yharnam.

The only thing that is similar is the arrangement of the buildings.

It is warm and leisurely here, the sunshine of all seasons is intoxicating warm colors, and even the breeze blowing through the mountains and forests is fresh.

And Lothric and Yharnam may be eye-catching in their heyday.

But unfortunately, when Lan saw them, they were already in a stage of decline and ruin.

There were only devastation, and monsters and lunatics wandering around.

While the dwarves were rushing forward because of hunger and the desire for the banquet, Lan was able to have a private chat with Gandalf, who was also slowing down.

"In my opinion, you should have led those wolf riders here."

Whispering quietly, Lan said something that made Gandalf's eyes widen.

"When you heard the wolf howling, you fiercely questioned Thorin whether he had revealed his whereabouts, but at that time I felt that you were a bit like you did something bad yourself, but you pushed it onto others, so you were anxious to grab the conversation and gain the right to speak."

"And when Radagast and I led the wargs away, you led the dwarves who had no opinions to follow us. No matter how I think about it, it's not right, Gandalf."

The old wizard licked his lips awkwardly with his tongue, his eyes wandering around.

He opened his mouth, and it seemed that he wanted to prevaricate something.

But Lan had already confirmed his thoughts from his performance, so he ignored him at all.

"Don't say stupid things to deceive me, Gandalf. To be frank, I really don't understand what good it is for you to call the orcs' wolf riders. Can you kindly help me solve my doubts?"

Gandalf hesitated for a while, then moved his feet closer to the witcher, and lowered his voice, which was not loud to begin with. His eyes were still carefully looking at the dwarves who were fighting in front of him.

"This matter is of no benefit to me, but it is very good for the dwarves and this team."

"What do you mean?"

Lane looked like he was listening attentively.

"You have seen their appearance. I assure you that everyone in this team has lost at least five kilograms since the beginning of the journey."

Gandalf spread his hands, and his gray beard that grew to his belly was waving.

"Long journeys are too difficult. After all, they are just mortals and need a good rest, just like horses need to eat fine food to grow fat quickly. Rivendell can provide the "fine food" they need."

"And we have a question related to the ultimate goal during the journey, and it must be answered in Elrond's wise and profound mind."

"Then can't you tell them directly? Must the wolf riders bite their butts and let them enter Rivendell when they are desperate?"

Lane frowned slightly.

Gandalf looked helpless, and the old man spread his hands.

"You don't understand dwarves. The gap between the dwarves of Durin's bloodline in the Lonely Mountain Kingdom and the elves, as well as the dwarves' stubbornness and vengeance. Really, if Thorin hadn't been sober at the time and I hadn't taken him away, I think he would rather die in the mouth of a warg than come to the city of the elves."

"Are they really that stubborn?"

Lan En said in surprise. He had dealt with dwarves a lot in the Magical Middle Ages, but he had never seen a dwarf who refused to bow his head when a knife was on his neck. He had never seen a dwarf who didn't even bow his head, but refused to say a soft word.

The old wizard pouted and continued to refresh the witcher's cognition.

"They are ten times more stubborn than you think!"

"What about now? I think they are still looking forward to eating in the elves' territory."

"That's because the matter is done, Lan En, my friend."

The old wizard held the brim of his pointed hat and blinked at the witcher.

"Don't underestimate the old man's ability to do things. The stubborn tempers of these dwarves are still immature. I have dealt with dwarves of their grandfather's generation before."

"I have learned a lot." Lan En stepped aside and extended his hand in a respectful gesture, "Please go first, respected grey wizard."

"Ah, thank you. Then I will be respectful."

Gandalf's beard trembled with a smile, and he walked forward with his wand.

This is a small terrace. The elves' artistic architecture makes it more like an art exhibition than a restaurant.

Outside, you can see the mountain wall and waterfall on one side of Rivendell, as well as the red autumn leaves in the forest.

Several elves are playing harps and flutes.

The elves' casual and formal clothes are so exquisite that it is almost impossible to tell the difference.

The dwarves, the hobbits, and the velvet ball were placed on two small tables, while the tall Gandalf, Lan En, and Thorin, who was basically a short human height, sat at a high table. .

Elrond, who had changed into casual yellow casual clothes, also entered the dining place at this time.

When he wears armor, no one can doubt that he is a powerful and experienced warrior, but when he puts on formal clothes and an exquisite elf headband, no one can doubt that he is a profound wise man.

The extraordinaryness of elves and the accumulation brought about by immortality are vividly reflected in him, which can be regarded as a model.

He took his seat at the high table as Lan En, Gandalf, and Thorin stood up to welcome him, and Lindir, the steward of Rivendell, stood behind him.

"Thank you for your hospitality, Elrond."

Gandalf negotiated very skillfully.

"You're welcome, Gandalf. We are old friends."

Elrond chuckled and waved.

"Please enjoy. I hope the elf food can satisfy your tired bodies."

The same size of food is placed on the high table and the two low tables, and there is no difference based on status.

The elves' silver and porcelain plates looked more like works of art than tableware. Lan En took a quick look and found that the plates and bowls were actually filled with exquisite reliefs and inscriptions!

But the food served on these tableware seems a bit bland.

Most of them are cold salads of green leafy vegetables, as well as cakes, buns and the like. There are only a few slices of sliced ​​sausage, which are also garnished on the salad, which feels more decorative.

Lan En took a bite of the cake and found it tasted surprisingly good, very much to his liking.

And it’s full of nutrients and energy.

It felt like dinner at Tom Bombadil's house, except that the content of pure life force in the meal was incomparable.

But this feeling is just Lan En's taste.

He didn't go on a long journey without food, fatigue, and fights with trolls.

Although these meals are full of energy, they lack the greasy and meaty satisfaction, which makes the dwarves who have long since faded away from eating food unable to satisfy their mouths and tongues.

As they ate, they murmured and complained that the elves were feeding sheep.

The music of the elves is as tranquil and elegant as their food, and the female elves who play the flute and the harp are all beautiful.

Their skin seemed to be glowing under the warm sunlight of Rivendell.

While they were playing with their instruments, they often passed by Lan En curiously and looked at his hair and face.

This observation did not make Lan En feel as awkward as he did in Aretuza Academy.

Because the eyes of these elves do not contain the fierce desire of sorceress apprentices, their curious eyes are clear and natural.

It seemed that he simply wanted to see what the elf-like person called ‘Adanisil’ looked like.

Under this clear gaze, Lan En smiled and nodded to them.

They also responded to him in a friendly and elegant manner while continuing to maintain the beautiful music.

"This is Oakcrest, also known as [Beast Biting Sword]."

On Elrond's side, he is using the knowledge and knowledge accumulated in his long life at the high table to serve as an appraiser for the dwarves and Gandalf.

Elrond gently held a sheathed sword in his hands, slightly opened the blade, looked at the inscription on it, and considered it.

This is Thorin's sword, and the half-sword on Gandalf's waist is said to have been dug out of the troll's lair.

Out of trust in his guests, or out of confidence in himself, Elrond allowed Gandalf and Thorin to enter the banquet armed with weapons.

This long knife is adapted to the arm span and height of normal humans. Thorin can use it freely because he is considered tall among dwarves.

And when Elrond gently pulled out a small section of the knife, a wisp of metal suddenly trembled and melodious, and a chill that made people's hair stand on end vaguely spread out.

There is no doubt that this is a rare and good knife.

Even Lan En, who was nodding to the female elves just now, was attracted by this feeling and turned his head.

He is sensitive and intoxicated with the art of swords, and it is difficult not to notice a superb sword.

On the other hand, he felt that this sword was on the same level as the Lake Lady Sword on his waist!

"Can you let me see it?"

Lann put down the glass of wine in his hand and looked at Thorin and Elrond with questioning eyes.

After the dwarf nodded, the elf smiled and passed the sword in his hand over Gandalf and handed it to Lan En.

The witcher pulled out the entire Orcrest, took off his gloves and rubbed his fingers on the delicate and graceful blade surface, like the most tender touch.

Lan En's eyes flashed with surprise. There was no doubt that this knife was really a weapon comparable to his divine weapons.

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