Astartes of the Bear School

Chapter 1107 Gold on the 1089 chest shell

Chapter 1107 1089. Gold on the chest shell

Smaug’s chest was covered with a layer of gold that looked messy.

This was mainly because the dwarves pressed it under the liquid gold melted by a whole golden giant in the Lonely Mountain, and then it ran out.

The dragon’s chest was full of dense, interlocking scales. The gaps in these scales were originally stuffed with a lot of gold coins because Smaug buried himself in a mountain of gold and silver to sleep.

Later, it was covered with liquid gold, and it was even more messy and shapeless.

Although Smaug finally spun at high speed in the sky and threw off a layer of brilliant liquid gold on his body before it cooled and solidified.

But it was normal that his huge body, which was more than 140 meters long, was not thrown away.

After listening to the report of his elite archers, Thranduil’s originally calm face became more solemn.

The Elf King, who was wearing a full set of armor but still had a light body, unconsciously looked in a certain direction on the other side of Changhu Town during his swift and erratic movement.

That was the location where they planned to deliver the "killing blow".

Bard hid on the corner building of Changhu Town, with a bow on his back and a black arrow in his right hand that looked like a short spear but was extremely light.

At this time, the arrowhead of the black arrow, which was like two venomous snakes entwined and coiled, was shiny with oil, and his left hand was holding the triangular oil paper bag that Lan En gave him.

The duration of [bulk gold resin] was not long, so Bard was going to rub it up temporarily before shooting.

At this time, the human archer lowered his body and tried to stick to the roof.

His eyelids twitched uncontrollably, and he bit his cheeks tightly as he looked at the dragon in the middle of Changhu Town, roaring and spewing flames!

He was nervous.

There was nothing to hide, not everyone dared to face the dragon.

Although Bard is a descendant of the former Lord of the Valley City, he has been a fisherman and archer since he was a child.

He is confident in his archery skills, but now he has the fatal blow of this battle in his hand, and his fear of failure is even greater than death.

If he succeeds, the entire Lonely Mountain area will be freed from the shadow of Smaug.

After a long period of dark rule, this place may prosper again.

And if he fails. The dragon has used its cruel and vicious mind to think of all the possible places for the townspeople.

It is nothing more than killing everyone after getting out of here.

The chance of an arrow determines the rise and fall of the entire area, as well as the future life and death and well-being of the townspeople.

The fear that a sense of responsibility can bring to people is sometimes heavier than life.

A person may die in a fit of rage, but will collapse and retreat under heavy responsibilities and expectations.

Bard's hands are shaking now as he holds this ancestral black arrow!

There were still large pieces of floating ice on the lake, and dragon fire was raging in the town. Bard was sweating coldly from his forehead in the fierce alternation of cold and heat.

His eyes swept up and down Smaug, but he didn't dare to rashly put the black arrow on the bowstring.

"Where. Where exactly?"

Bard's lips trembled and muttered.

In fact, from the angle he observed Smaug just now, he had the opportunity to shoot the black arrow directly into the dragon's wide-open and roaring mouth.

But he didn't do it.

Because he knew the performance of this weapon very well as he held the ancestral black arrow.

This is the best arrow in the world, even the elves would envy it.

It uses the precious minerals in the Lonely Mountain, the superb smelting methods of the master craftsmen of the Lonely Mountain, the top forging techniques, and the mysterious and unknown dwarf magic.

These things are combined on an arrow, which is why the black arrow can "kill the dragon with one blow".

That is why, even with the close cooperation between Riverdale and the Lonely Mountain Kingdom, the city lord Girion could only buy these four black arrows in the Lonely Mountain.

There is really no more.

But while precision and preciousness can bring strength, they also bring trouble.

This weapon is actually very "fragile".

Just like Lan's sword of the Lady of the Lake, after the Lady of the Lake, the "second knife", changed its shape without knowing it, Lady Galadriel teased it more than once.

Any slight change will damage the excellent killing performance of the black arrow.

So in Riverdale, those black arrows that Girion shot and bounced on the dragon scales because of the wrong angle cannot be recovered and reused.

Even if they only deformed slightly after hitting the dragon scales.

So Bard did not dare to shoot the black arrow into Smaug's mouth facing the hot dragon fire.

After all, being spit out by the dragon fire should be more serious than the impact caused by slight deformation.

After the black arrow was hit by the dragon's flames, could the disturbed and destroyed dwarven magic on the arrow still kill the dragon?

Bard couldn't bet.

At this moment, he could only anxiously look for the flaw left on the left chest of the dragon in the legend of his ancestors.

But just as the elves had observed, Smaug's chest was covered with a piece of shapeless gold!

"Bang, bang, bang!"

Just as the dragon was spewing flames wantonly, and the light of the dragon's flames even illuminated the fog and dark clouds in the dark night from bottom to top, another three bursts of movement came from Long Lake Town.

The heavy crossbow ammunition rushed straight towards the dragon with the fire from the tail!

The dragon scales were still indestructible, but the impact caused Smaug's original action of swinging his head and spitting fire to suddenly stagnate because of the precise strike position.

The dragon's head failed to swing over, but stopped breathing halfway.

Then "Snap!"

A sharp and huge crisp sound!

That was Smaug who immediately understood the direction of the attack after being hit. Since his turning head was interrupted, his huge body's inertia was also huge.

Turning around was inconvenient, so he just swung his tail over!

The tough tail with thorns came down from the sky with a heavy "woooo" sound of breaking wind.

The houses blocking this long track were immediately shattered!

Even the layer of lake water on the huge rock in the lake was stirred up by high and thin water splashes!

However, as the person who fired the heavy crossbow, Lan En had anticipated Smaug's possible response early.

And he immediately moved his position after firing.

The huge rock in the lake where Long Lake Town is located has a height difference between the rock and the lake surface of an ordinary person.

Lan En stepped on the large pieces of wooden building debris around him. The small whirlwind wrapped around his legs and the [Light Body Technique] made him move quickly and lightly.

The waves caused by Smaug's tail hitting behind him could not catch up with him at all.

And then, just when Smaug was about to turn around and face the angry bug head-on, arrows with small metal balls were shot from other directions.

They could not hurt Smaug, but made him sick again.

The elves' archery skills were amazing, but the arrows could not penetrate the dragon scales and lacked impact. But they could hang alchemical bombs on the arrows.

Although Lan's heavy crossbow could not penetrate the dragon scales, the impact force that could penetrate the dragon scales was huge. As long as he could see through Smaug's movements and the operation of his muscle strength, he could accurately use the impact force to block his movement smoothness.

With Lan's skills and eyesight, Smaug's movements were very obvious to him.

"Bugs! A group of bugs who want to take away my treasure!"

Smaug became more and more crazy when he could not catch Lan, and even when the elves fired arrows out of nowhere!

It began to flap its wings, wings strong enough to stir up a storm, allowing it to fly low.

It wanted to use its flying speed and advantage to burn these annoying guys directly from the air.

But Lan, who was Smaug's biggest target of hatred, didn't even try to escape at this time.

Instead, he retreated, raised the unknown weapon in his hand, and replaced a new magazine with a mechanical bite sound.

Then there was a continuous sound of three consecutive "bangs!"


Smaug roared madly, and it swooped down, trying to crush and tear Lan below with its weight!

But the demon hunter quickly shuttled through various dilapidated buildings that blocked his vision.

Occasionally, he stepped on the air, and the next moment, there were exquisite arrows shot from a distance, nailed on the walls at various angles, providing a foothold for the demon hunter.

"Do you think you are a hero? Will you be praised after today?"

Smaug bared his teeth, grinned, slid his body like a snake, and smashed every building that dared to block his way!

The cruel beast eyes stared at the demon hunter not far ahead.

"To be honest, you are all abandoned! You fight with me here, but what about those people you sent to the ruins of Dale City? They have now run to the lonely mountain and run to my gold mountain to move gold!"

"Do you think your life will be more valuable than gold? Don't dream!"

Smaug's viciousness lies not only in his cruelty, but also in his malicious whispers.

It not only wants to destroy the enemy's body, but also the enemy's spirit.

It's a pity that its skills in talking are not up to par in Lan En's opinion.

"Gold, gold. You're full of gold. Is it because of that gold that you've become this old, fat fool? Did the dwarves chase you away from the Lonely Mountain?"

Lane stepped on a broken but still large piece of wooden boat debris.

Smaug's pounce caused a huge shock and waves in the lake.

And Lan, relying on his stability and timing, stepped on the wooden board and stayed away from Smaug's pounce because of the waves.

By the way, the [Dragon Roar] in his hand never stopped.

It seemed that because of the undulations of the water, the heavy crossbow ammunition that had been bombarding Smaug's head and face, now shook and several of them went to his harder and more unshakable chest and abdomen.

Chunks of irregular gold, flashing with a psychedelic luster under the firelight, fell from Smaug's chest shell.

But it no longer noticed the small pieces falling from its body.

The gold was too light and too small to be worth noticing.

It just stared at Lan, baring its teeth and breathing heavily.

"Go on, bug. Keep talking. I'll see how long you can talk!"

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