Astartes of the Bear School

Chapter 1108 1090 Fierce!

Chapter 1108 1090. Fierce!

As Smaug spoke viciously, his entire spine was like a spring that was compressed and charged.

Then the big mouth suddenly opened in an instant, and the long dragon head leaned sideways to the ground to increase the coverage area, biting forward!

Smaug's sharp teeth and claws are as deadly as his dragon flame.

Even solid metal and stone piles can be torn to pieces by it!

However, Lan En, who had emptied two heavy crossbow magazines in a series of attacks, suddenly calmed down his sarcastic expression at this time.

At this time, the fragments of the wooden boat he was standing on had hit the wall of a building wreckage.

The demon hunter put the heavy [Dragon Roar] into the alchemical leather bag on his back with his backhand.

Then he turned around and kicked the wall in an instant, and jumped high!

With the [Light Body Technique] reducing his own weight and strengthening his muscles and tendon coils to increase his strength, Lan's wall jump this time was at least nearly ten meters high!

The wall he stepped on was directly broken by the force of his legs, and the stone brick wall exploded!

Smaug, who was biting at the ground, was about to pass under Lan's feet with his big mouth.

But "whoosh~~~"

The sound of violent airflow came from the sky!

The already hazy moonlight and starlight suddenly cast a hideous shadow like an opening and closing knife wheel!

The demon hunter's animal eyes, which were slightly shining in the dimness, looked up. That was Smaug's wing claws raised up in the process of rushing forward and biting the dragon!

On the dragon head lying sideways on the ground, the dragon's eyes were distributed on both sides. At this time, one of the eyes happened to be looking at Lan who jumped above him.

Those dim dragon eyes were full of teasing and cruelty!

Do you think I am biting so hard to be fooled by you! ?

Do you think I didn't remember how fast and agile you were before! ?

I told you to hide! Now let's see who's the idiot!

"It seems you are indeed stupid, Smaug."

Hmm? !

The dim yellow dragon eyes widened, but they just happened to meet the slightly shining beast pupils of the demon hunter who was looking down from above.

The demon hunter had no expression on his face. The storm and shadow raised by the dragon's wings made his silver hair darker, but deeper.

The shadow cast half on that beautiful face. In the half-light and half-darkness, Smaug was a little confused about what was going on.

Wait, where is his eyes looking? !

It was just a moment of recovery, and the evil dragon immediately felt something was wrong!

Because Lan's eyes were looking at the direction of the wing root after its left wing was raised!

And behind the broken wall where Lan jumped up, a human archer stood up from the roof with a look of determination and relief!

At the same time, the bow in his hand was fully drawn, and a large arrow like a short spear was already on the string! And the arrow flashed with golden lightning!

This position was exactly what Lan had planned!

"I saw it!"

Bard murmured. That was the flaw left by his ancestors on Smaug's chest!

When he was most afraid and hesitant to move forward, the flaw suddenly appeared in front of him, and a spontaneous hope suddenly filled Bard's chest.

I hope that the expression of hope on the face of humans will be very contagious.

So Bard stood up and shot without hesitation at this moment!

Not only Bard, but also the elves jumped up lightly on the ruins of Long Lake Town, which had been almost destroyed by Smaug.

Eyes wide open, staring at this scene!

Bard's shooting skills were recognized by them, and in this case, it should not be difficult for him to shoot a gap the size of a dragon scale while the dragon was moving.

Seeing that the dragon that dragged the Lonely Mountain area into desolation and darkness was about to die under the black arrow, everyone's heart was lifted.

The black arrow shot out with a crackling sound of electricity, the oil on the arrowhead gleaming, and the humming sound caused by the unique arrow structure of the black arrow sliding in the air.

Bard seemed to gather all his energy and spirit when shooting the arrow. After the black arrow left the string, he was almost exhausted and panting, and his eyes followed the black arrow.

The arrow flew towards the missing dragon scale according to the trajectory he imagined in advance.

Bard saw this and actually relaxed a little because of the feel of the hand.

Just like shooting a basketball, a shooter with a feel can always feel whether the object is hit or not at the moment it leaves the hand.

But then

Lan En, who was still in the air, suddenly felt that the airflow behind him was a little wrong.

This is too strong!

The wind raised by Smaug's dragon wings is too strong!

It's adding power!

In a flash, the mind has finished thinking.

The demon hunter frowned, and the arm armor of his left hand was aimed at Smaug's sharp teeth that were open forward!

With a sound of "whoosh", a sharp tooth in the mouth of the evil dragon, which was not far from Lan's feet, was immediately entangled by the hook of the catapult.

Then the machine bit and shrank rapidly.

Lan in the air was suddenly mixed with gravity and mechanical pulling force, and accelerated his speed to fall down!

And almost brushing Lan's hair in the air, Smaug's wing claws seemed to have squeezed out a bit of strength in the crisis of dying.

The speed of smashing down was one point faster.

This speed was not a problem, because the black arrow shot by Bard was still faster than it.

But the fatal thing was. After Smaug accelerated to swing down the wing claws, the chest cavity was pulled up!


A clear sound of metal clashing.

The moment this sound came out, Bard and the elves in the distance were half heartbroken.

Because if the black arrow directly penetrated the flesh, there would be no such sound!

This is indeed the case.

The black arrow head, like two snakes intertwined, did not fall directly on the flaw in the chest where a dragon scale was lost because Smaug moved his body.

It first collided closely with the dragon scales around the flaw several times, creating sparks.

Because it was sandwiched between several dragon scales, the collision frequency was too high, so it only sounded.

Then, during the collapse after the collision, it stabbed diagonally into Smaug's flesh.

The arrow head flashed with golden current and entered the dragon skin under the dragon scales with a greasy look.

Smaug immediately ignored Lan En who fell on his mouth, but opened his eyes wider than ever before, and burst into a deafening scream!

Its huge dragon body twisted in pain, and its wings flapped wildly, almost causing a storm on the lake!

The [Bulk Golden Resin] used for dragon hunting gave it extraordinary pain.

And the [Higher Dragon Clan] sword oil entered its body through the blood and muscles, and began to poison the tissues around its wounds.

But there is no doubt that these can't kill it!

The flames burning around it were suddenly becoming more vigorous with the dragon's passionate roar!

Even the dwarves far away in the lonely mountain, and the townspeople who had huddled in the ruins of the river city and dared not light the lights, could clearly see the flames of Long Lake Town suddenly jump up!

"You think... this! Can you kill me like this!?"

Smaug twisted his huge body in pain, but his flexible wing claws still grabbed the black arrow on his chest and pulled it out with pain!

"You are dreaming!"

The light black arrow, with its deformed arrowhead visible to the naked eye, was heated to a dark red in Smaug's body and was eventually pulled out and thrown away.

Bard was right to be cautious about the black arrow. Even if it only hit the dragon scales violently a dozen times during flight, this precious and delicate dwarf weapon would greatly reduce its ability to kill the dragon.

If we only talk about the length of the black arrow, even if it is not shot off the target and is shot straight at the chest at a vertical angle, it is at most about the same thickness as the dragon's skin and muscles.

A one-centimeter needle piercing a person's chest is unlikely to kill the person, because the thickness of the chest muscles, fat, and skin is more than one centimeter.

The size comparison between Smaug and the black arrow is similar.

"No, no, no!"

Bard almost lost his mind and couldn't hold the longbow steadily, letting it slip from his hand and fall into the lake along the roof.

He missed the only black arrow in the world!

Just like his ancestor Girion.

At that time, his ancestors lost their lives because of their mistakes, and the city was slaughtered by the dragon.

What about him now? His three children are still in the ruins of Dale City, and Smaug has already figured it out.

Fear, despair, and negative emotions filled Bard's heart almost instantly.

With the support of a sense of responsibility and family affection, he could shoot a life-threatening arrow at the dragon in front of it as a fisherman with good archery skills.

But after the failure, this emotion almost overwhelmed him.

On the other side of Lake Town, the elves who had been providing support and harassment also looked at Thranduil at a loss.

Smaug was roaring and spreading his wings in the strong flames and ruins, showing his authority and power.

When the dragon spread its wings, the area covered by it could cover almost one-fifth of the sky above Lake Town!

At this time, the Elf King unconsciously touched his left face.

This face covered with scars with illusion.

His face was grim and disappointed, but he finally cheered up and waved to the archers around him.

"Let's go." Before turning around, he looked at the frustrated and desperate human archer standing on the roof in front of the dragon with an apologetic look. "There's no chance. It's over."

"Let's go back and prepare for the dragon's revenge. Be sure to stop it in the darkness."

However, just as Thranduil had waved his black-bottomed silver-threaded cloak and turned to leave.

Before he could say the 'dense forest' behind, an elven archer shouted in surprise.

"What is that?!"

Thranduil, who had already sorted out his mood, frowned and turned back.

Just in time, he saw Smaug, who was spreading his wings and roaring, flying low and rushing towards Bard and Lan in front of him.

At this time, they were actually very close, and there was no need for such actions, but Smaug just liked to completely defeat and crush the spirit of the enemies who angered him.

That's why he had to take off with great effort and then swoop down.

But just as Smaug's two hind paws left the ground, the dark clouds in the sky began to flash with lightning.

On the vast lake outside the scope of Long Lake Town, a shadow with blue and white light suddenly appeared and rushed towards the town!

Then the dragon had no time to react, and a thick lightning bolt came directly from the clouds!

"Clang" hit its back!


Smaug roared wildly, and the precious metals stuck in the gaps of its scales had good conductivity.

The gold scattered throughout the body even made the electricity form a network, wrapping Smaug's body.

This still did not hurt it, but the twitching and electric numbness made it fall down again after just taking off.

And the next moment when the current disappeared.

A hook flew towards the flaw on Smaug's chest, and the dragon quickly pulled back its twitching claws to block it.

But then, a man was pulled over from behind the hook.

He did not force the dragon's chest, which was already far away, but stood on the wing bone of the claw.

Lan did not have Bard's distraction, nor did Thranduil's determination to turn around immediately when he saw that things were hopeless.

He just carried out his plan calmly.

A huge sword blade that was exaggerated even by Smaug's eyes was carried on Lan's shoulder at some point.

Then "Bang!!!"

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