Astartes of the Bear School

Chapter 1111 1093 Dragon, delicious

Chapter 1111 1093. Dragons are delicious

Although the entire right hand from the wrist down was basically burned by the dragon flame, there was also a layer of flesh and nerves under the skin.

But when Lann withdrew his hand, the [Belisarius Furnace] in his body immediately began to become active, and the super organ stored in the chest cavity began to secrete its own repair substances.

The skin on Lann's wrist began to grow muscle fibers and new skin visibly, covering the exposed, metallic [tendon coils] step by step, extending towards the fingertips.

During this process, the pain of the hand being burned, and the numbness and itchiness of the super-speed regeneration of flesh and nerves, all made Lann's back teeth clench slightly, and he no longer paid attention.

This world is still in a state where gods are active, and even clearly has a creator god.

So under normal circumstances, Lann is unlikely to directly open [Spiritual Vision] to observe the essence and inner nature of certain things.

But since he is already going to fight Smaug to death, there is nothing to worry about.

Lan's [Spiritual Vision] has been upgraded many times after many worlds and adventures.

For example, now, he can even see through the muscle movements in Smaug's body and the direction of the heat representing energy and dragon flames in less than ten minutes of contact with him.

Combined with Lan's own combat experience and the data model established by Mentos, Smaug's action pattern has basically been figured out by him.

The movements of this evil dragon are very obvious in Lan's eyes.

After all, although the evil dragon is the evil creation of Morgoth, Morgoth himself has been exiled from the world.

What powerful and profound power can the survivor of this evil dragon have to cover it up?

So Smaug aroused the ferocity in his heart, and he was deliberate. After the large area of ​​dragon flames sprayed and covered the wounds on his wings, he immediately stretched his head forward to bite, which was not as sudden as he thought.


The light red fighting spirit flames burst out on Lan's body and the surface of the greatsword!

The two-stage charging [Strong Charged Slash] perfectly grasped the window of Smaug's action.

When the charging was completely completed, and even the activity of Dou Qi could not be raised, Smaug's open mouth just stretched out within the reach of Lan's greatsword!

Everything seemed to be performed by the dragon and the demon hunter, just right.

If it were in the magical Middle Ages, perhaps some people would really think that demon hunters would cooperate with monsters to act and defraud rewards.

After all, demon hunters were not considered human for a long time.

But at this moment, if you see Smaug's appearance, you should never have such an idea.


The fierce roar accompanied by the wide-open mouth bit Lan horizontally!

Inside the mouth stood the sharp teeth like a thousand swords.

But the armor on his body had basically fallen apart, and Lan, who only had a layer of fire-resistant mist brought by [Spell] and the golden light of [Quen Seal], raised the corners of his mouth.

With a happy smile, facing Smaug's mouth.

Then "bang!!!"

Like the ringing of the evening bell of the church, the collision between the chopped [Muddy Stream·Destruction] and Smaug's jawbone caused a shock that even made the surface of the nearby waterway seem to be turned on!

Countless tiny water droplets were shaken up from the water surface, big and small beads falling on a jade plate.

Smaug, who rushed over to bite people with great momentum, had just gained vision from the dragon flame he spewed.

But it never thought that when it just poked its head out of the dragon flame, it was not a panicked or defensive human who was facing it, but a big sword that had been ready for it? !

The dark sword body pressed down on the bone-white blade. It was better to say that it "smashed" Smaug's jaw dragon skin, fine scales, flesh and blood, all the way to the bones than to say it was "chopped"!

Smaug leaned over and bit his head to the side, just exposing the side of his jawbone to the [Muddy Stream·Destruction] that was chopped down vertically.

The dragon's body is indeed a natural super armor, but the sword was also strengthened by the giant godsmith who once forged weapons for the gods of fire, using the wedge-shaped stone original plate.

The huge dragon head was carrying the momentum forward, but it was pressed down and smashed down by the exploding sword that was chopped down!

In the huge roar, Smaug didn't even react, and his own head was pressed down and rushed to the ground diagonally downward!

The dragon's head lost control and was swept by the momentum to break through the buildings and foundations of Changhu Town. In the end, half of its head was buried in the water and hit the huge rock in the lake before it stopped.

After all, its head couldn't hit the huge rock in the lake weighing tens of millions of tons, and it could only retract its neck uncontrollably in a dizzy state.

Even the whole body leaned back after the collision and lost stability.

The super giant body with a total length of 141 meters was pulled back because of the sword in front of the human in front of it!

It was as outrageous as an adult being slapped by a kitten!

But from Smaug's perspective, although this was equally unbelievable, he had to accept it because he had experienced it firsthand.

If one could see through the enemy, grasp the timing, and trust in one's own strength and skills to perfection like Lan, then such an outrageous thing would be possible!


The originally aggressive roar was only a cry of pain when Smaug retracted his neck and leaned back.

But it was still screaming in pain when it realized that its jawbone had been twisted by [Turbid Stream·Destruction].

Originally, Smaug's dragon mouth was a bit overbite, that is, the lower jaw was longer than the upper jaw.

But Lan's greatsword smashed down from the side, and its long jaw was directly broken in the middle with a blunt angle!

Crushed meat, broken scales, and even broken bones that were first smashed and then pierced into the body due to pressure were all mixed in the crooked jaw wound.

Sticky blood and flesh dripped down with hot steam.

Now Smaug couldn't even align his mouth.

And it wasn't over yet!

"Crack" the sound of the claws biting!

While Smaug was leaning back uncontrollably, Lan's left hand, the arm armor with a complete structure, began to operate the mechanism.

The hook directly grabbed the thick scales on Smaug's chest and pulled Lann, who was carrying a big sword, over!

With a "click", the demon hunter held the big sword in one hand, and used the mechanical hook as an aid to fix it on Smaug's chest with his left hand!

The thick scales on the chest had shiny lines similar to lava cracks because they had been subjected to the high temperature before the dragon spit fire for many years.

But this does not mean that this place is a weakness. On the contrary, it is the hardest and thickest defense on Smaug's body!

If it were not for the fact that this place was the largest and easiest to aim at on Smaug's body, Girion, the Lord of the Valley, would not have shot the black arrow at this place.

But even so, the black arrow still shot off a piece of dragon scales here, which shows the strength of the dwarf's technology.

However, if Lann wanted to take advantage of this opportunity when Smaug was uncontrollably leaning back and run to his side chest and stab his heart, it would be too difficult.

Because Smaug himself knew that was his weakness. Ever since half of his wing claw was torn off by Lann, his injured claw had been pressing on his side chest, not giving him any chance.

If he insisted on using his weapon to poke in, he would not only face a layer of dragon skin without thick scales, but also a layer of thick and ferocious claws of the evil dragon, which would be more difficult to break through than other places.

"Asshole! Asshole! Damn bug!!!"

But Smaug still roared loudly because of this.

His roar and the panic reaction made the whole Long Lake Town tremble.

The buildings collapsed like a spreading spread, and the lake water trembled as if it was boiling.

Unknowingly, after only a dozen minutes of confrontation, it was afraid of Lann's approach!

The first time he got close to him, half of his wings were torn off, and the second time his entire lower jaw was smashed into a blunt angle. This would scare anyone.

And this is not the most important thing. The most important thing is

"Are you eating me?"

Smaug's furious, helpless, and even terrified voice spread throughout the long lake.

The first voice was still puzzled, but in the second voice, the dragon's tone was certain.

"You and your sword are eating me!!!"

Lane had already used the hook to help him lie on the huge wound where Smaug lost half of his wing.

Inevitably, [Muddy Stream·Destruction] and Lan's right hand, which had just regenerated the skin on his wrist and whose entire palm and fingers were still in the state of exposing the inner layer of [Inner Steel] steel cable, touched Smaug's wound.

[Muddy Stream·Destruction] is needless to say.

This sword is simply a small-sized Nergigante, and after it was forged, it was strengthened by the giant godsmith of the Fire World. Its greed and tyranny are enough to scare the small animals close to it.

But in Lan's body, the steel cable component of [Tendon Coil] is not bad either.

Originally, [Tendon Coil] should be a high-strength metal device that can self-repair and grow, made by technological means.

But Lann did not have the technological conditions. He used a mixture of biology and alchemy to make his own version of [Tendon Coil].

Using Valyrian steel as the base material, the bone powder of the Nergigante was added to make the steel growable and self-repairable.

In other words.

If his [Tendon Coil] eats well, it can also grow!

It's just that usually, this pile of steel cables in the body collects nutrients through Lann's digestive system and blood. Now that they are in direct contact with the outside world, they can't wait to "eat" themselves.

The huge long sword in his right hand, and the exposed steel cables because the outer skin was burnt and fell off, touched Smaug's torn wing wound intentionally or unintentionally.

It's like a sponge that was originally full of water, and the drying process was accelerated dozens of times.

Smaug's wound, which was originally bloody, now fluttered in the wind created by itself, like a dehydrated rag.

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