Astartes of the Bear School

Chapter 1112 1094 Holy Pure Light

Chapter 1112 1094. Holy Pure Light

I am being ‘preyed on’.

After realizing this, nothing can describe the feeling in Smaug’s heart at this moment.

It is an evil dragon.

In this era where the supernatural power gradually hides in the western immortal holy land of Valinor because of the laws of the creator god Ilúvatar.

It should be the most unscrupulous and powerful one.

Even if it forcibly captures a country and eats and burns all the dwarves inside, no one dares to care.

Even if it guards a mountain of treasure, no one dares to rob.

The dwarves dared to regroup a team and return to the Lonely Mountain, which was enough to surprise Smaug.

It thought that it had killed the dwarves and scared them and had no spirit.

But this is not incomprehensible. After all, hatred has been one of the sources of powerful action since ancient times.

And the hatred of destroying the Lonely Mountain Kingdom is the most irreconcilable and irreplaceable hatred for the dwarves.

Smaug was a little uncertain about Thorin Oakenshield's arrival at first, but then he figured it out and understood it.

But what about now?

I'm being 'eaten'!!!

"Get out! Get out!!"

Smaug shouted indistinctly with his broken jawbone.

This dragon, who once slaughtered a dwarf kingdom and a human city, now revealed an indescribable panic in his tone!

It never knew that being 'eaten' was so horrible and painful!

And it was not only the dragon's flesh that was being devoured by the Valyrian steel mixed with the material of the Nergigante, but also on the giant sword that Smaug felt was too big.

Every drop of blood dripped on it, Smaug could feel something was wrong.

The sword was not only 'eating' its flesh!

There was something more important and essential, which suddenly disappeared after every drop of its blood dripped onto the sword.

It was like... liquid dripped onto some kind of hot flame and was directly evaporated!

Blood can regenerate, but the thing that Smaug didn't quite understand, a little bit less would make the dragon feel terrified, even confused.

But Lann felt great.

[Tendon Coil] is already a part of his body.

After being nourished by the dragon's flesh and blood, he now has a sense of tightness and pleasure.

The steel cables under the skin and superficial muscles of his whole body have become tougher in this process. And it has a little bit of the luster of the black thorns on the Nergigante, which are extremely hard and have a bit of crystal characteristics.

The stronger texture of [Tendon Coil] pulls, squeezes, and rubs against the muscles, transmitting vibrations in Lann's body, and in the cochlea, it becomes a "crunching" sound like the friction between cooked leather.

This gives him the feeling of wrapping a sports bandage around his body.

The appropriate sense of restraint does not bring discomfort, but a kind of refreshing feeling that the whole body is congested and full of strength under the restraint!

However, the repair ability of [Belisarius Furnace] is not to be underestimated. After [Tendon Coil] temporarily acts as a "feeding organ" and feeds back this direct and abundant nutrition to the body, the wound on Lan's hand heals faster.

In less than half a minute, the skin of the entire palm and fingers healed again, just like before.

Of course, the efficiency of "eating" on Lan is not comparable to that of [Turbid Stream·Destruction].

And in terms of psychological oppression, it is not at the same level.

Smaug's horrified roar shook the entire Long Lake Town, and even the elves in the distance covered their ears in pain and showed an unbelievable look.

They didn't understand what Smaug was saying.

The dragon said that he was being "eaten"?

But it doesn't matter whether you understand it or not. What matters is Smaug's current actions.

The dragon, who was originally aggressive and seemed to want to destroy everything, now keeps drooling from his mouth due to tension and fatigue, and there is minced meat and blood falling out of the wound.

Its huge and strong body seemed to have lost its sense of proportion in panic.

It was flailing its injured wing claw in panic, not caring about the excruciating pain of the wound.

It was not caring about the fact that its body had lost its center of gravity and stability due to these violent and unsystematic actions.

It was like a frightened deserter who only wanted to escape from the battlefield.

"Get out of here!!!"

Smaug was still roaring.

But it had become timid, and the dark atmosphere that had originally enveloped the sky over Long Lake Town due to its arrival began to dissipate.

The gloomy dark clouds in the sky gradually thinned, and the moonlight and starlight began to penetrate through the gaps in the dark clouds.

Even in panic, Smaug's chest and throat lit up with a scorching light again.

This was a sign of dragon fire breathing.

Smaug wanted to spray dragon fire directly on himself again!

Its vicious long neck swayed in fear, and the dragon fire was ready to go.

"But I've seen through your flames!"

On Smaug's broken wings, Lan's deep and slightly shining animal eyes looked at the scorching red light coming out of Smaug's throat without panic.

He held [Turbid Stream·Destruction], and with a steady pace and super balance, he actually ran on Smaug's body, who was swaying irregularly!

Towards the dragon's chest!

Running from the wings to the chest, it was okay at first, the shape of the wings was arched after all.

But the closer to the chest, the harder it is, because Smaug's chest is vertical to the ground.

Now Lann holds the great sword in one hand. If he only uses the hook of his left hand to assist in movement, the movement efficiency will be too slow.


"Swoosh!" A sharp explosion!

An arrow with a rapidly flying airflow tail flew to Lann's foothold at the middle point between Lann's wings and the dragon's chest!

Thranduil, who was standing in the ruins in the distance, was blown by the strong wind raised by Smaug, and his white hair flew wildly, but he put down the bow in his hand with a smile.

His arrow could not penetrate the thick shell on the dragon's chest, but it was stuck on the tightly biting and interlaced scales, which was very simple for his archery.

The Elf King's tough special arrow was inserted into the dragon scales, unable to go in, but it did not need to be pierced.

Lann stepped on the arrow in the next second.

The specially made arrow of the Elf King was bent to a dangerous arc, but it supported the weight of the demon hunter.

Without using the one-handed hook, Lan En ran directly to the predetermined position.

His eyes stared deeply at a certain position on Smaug's chest, and then the light red fighting spirit on his body burst into flames!


[Great Sword Technique·Air Charge Slash]!

With a melodious and long "bang" sound, the red light on Smaug's chest seemed to be suddenly splashed with cold water, and was choked back in the dragon's uncontrollable cough.

Only a little powerless residual fire was left, leaking from the corner of the mouth, shining.

As if resisting Lan En's approach, the dragon coughed and clawed the ground frantically, retreating.

It was really scared!

Was the dragon flame that was at the mouth forcibly hit back?

When it was hit just now, it felt that the dragon flame that it had been able to spit out freely since birth suddenly became unfamiliar. It was uncomfortable no matter how it spit out, it was simply pressed back into the chest.

It didn't know that its dragon flame and body could be affected in this way!

The opponent really saw through my flame! And my body!

After understanding this in his heart, Smaug collapsed and became more afraid.

Now he was full of thoughts to stay away from Lann!

But Lann's initial combat strategy for it was: never give it a chance to leave the battlefield.

The hook flew out under the ejection of the mechanical device, grabbed the bulge of Smaug's chest scales, and pulled Lann over in the dragon's terrified eyes.

And in Smaug's new round of rolling and smashing, Thranduil and the elf archers accurately shot a bunch of arrows near Lann's foothold.

As a foothold to improve the efficiency of movement.

"Don't come near me! Don't come near me!!"

One of Smaug's wing claws didn't dare to leave the flaw on his left chest, while the other wing claw was like crazy, shouting and slapping in front of him.

But when all the movements were seen through by Lan's [Spiritual Vision], Lan knew where it would hit even earlier than it did.

After dodging lightly, Smaug's wing claws only broke a row of arrows in vain, but the next moment, the elves accurately sent Lan a new foothold.

In this process, the blood of the evil dragon flowed more and more, and the starlight and moonlight in the sky also shone through the dark clouds more and more, gently and quietly.

Suddenly, Lan seemed to have a strange and unexplained feeling.

His left hand grasped the handle of Arondette at his waist.

And when he slightly pulled out the long sword, a pure and gentle white light also overflowed from the scabbard.

On this battlefield fighting with the evil dragon, he actually felt a sense of comfort from his heart.

After receiving the long sword adjusted by Lady Galadriel, Elrond seemed to have something to say about it, but chose not to say anything because he was not sure.

Lan himself felt that there was something deeper in this long sword.

And now, a ray of starlight from the sky was hanging down from afar, connecting with Lan's long sword.

In the night with cruel firelight in the black, a erratic, slender, but unbreakable light band was connected.

A beautiful poem naturally emerged in Lan's mind, and he recited it softly.

"Hail to Eärendil,

the brightest of the stars.

From the land of Middle-earth,

rising to the sky."

Lan looked at the long sword in his hand that was shining with gentle and pure light, and his expression was a little confused.

But his confusion did not affect the effect of this light.


An unprecedented scream came from Smaug's mouth, even the scream that Lan made when he tore off half of its wings just now was not half as good as now!

The movements of its rolling and beating its chest were stopped in pain, and the whole huge dragon body froze! It fell down and remained lying flat on its back.

And this was only because the soft light on the sword of the Lady of the Lake was slightly closer to Smaug's body.

This light seemed to be far superior to all weapons, and any evil thing that approached would be mercilessly burned.

The dragon scales on Smaug's chest, which could only be shot off by a black arrow, were as fragile as crumbs of shortbread in this gentle light.

"Is that the light of the Great Star of Hope?!"

The elves in the distance were also stunned. They stared blankly at the thin light band floating down from the sky and connecting to the long sword in Lan's hand.

Elves are creatures who love light, but they like different kinds of light. The elves of the Woodland Kingdom love starlight more and are more familiar with it.

Eärendil, the great star of hope in the sky.

He was originally a half-elf of human and elf descent. In the First Age, he bravely endured the suffering given by fate and overcame them.

In the end, he wore the most precious treasure in the world on his forehead, one of the three Silmarils, and defeated Ancalagon, the first winged dragon created by Morgoth, and also the strongest and largest dragon.

His achievements were praised by the Valar and given a mission. In the end, he and his white ship rose to the sky to wander and patrol, and became a star with the Silmarils, that is, Eärendil.

And in this world, the very few people who still have the light of Eärendil are in a water bottle in the hands of Lady Galadriel.

This light is so precious that Elrond dared not speculate or convey it without confirmation.

Any evil thing will be burned painfully under the light of this Silmaril, no matter who it is, even Morgoth will not be spared!

"No! This is not fair!"

Smaug seemed to suddenly understand his fate, and his long neck struggled upward, roaring towards the sky with only the moon and stars.

"This is not fair!!!"

"Then what is fair?"

Lane did not look at the long sword in his hand. He just raised the big sword in one hand and slammed it towards Smaug's bright chest again.

Smaug's dragon flame was smashed back.

After being burned by the light of Eärendil, this sword directly made the wide sword sink half a meter into the flesh of the evil dragon!

And this holy and pure light continued to burn Smaug's chest shell.

"Do those people you ate and burned say it's unfair to the dwarves?"

"I have seen beasts so fierce that they inspire respect, and I have also seen evil people who will never repent even if they die. They may not be as strong as you, Smaug. But there is no doubt that you are much more disgusting than them!"

"You have no will and no persistence. When the possibility of injury arises, you immediately run away and then seek revenge on weaker people."

The demon hunter's voice was so steady that there was no surprise or ripples.

Because he was going to kill Smaug anyway, revealing and seeing through the secret of the knife now was just a little faster and more convenient.

"In my eyes, you are just a gangster with the power of a dragon, a piece of mud, not even a gangster leader! Because gangster leaders know that persistence is the only way to get to the top!"

"And those dwarves and human heroes who were slaughtered by you just because of the difference in power! This shitty difference in power! Have they ever said it's unfair?"

With a 'puff', the sword of the Lady of the Lake, which was emitting a bright light, was held upside down by Lan En and easily stabbed into the scales of the dragon's chest.

Before Smaug screamed, the huge, broad and wild sword body of [Muddy Stream·Destruction] was inserted in the same position as the sword of the Lady of the Lake.

The great sword with a total length of more than three meters was stabbed by Lan En so that only the handle was left outside.

"You are about to die, can't you die more beautifully, bug?"

After returning the words that just scolded him, Lan En raised his hand and wiped the blood of the dragon off his face.

As the demon hunter looked up at the starry sky, the dragon's eyes, which had been shining with the dragon fire in its chest, turned into a cold gray.

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