Astartes of the Bear School

Chapter 1119 1101 Army

Chapter 1119 1101. Army

This night went according to Lan and Bard's plan.

The night temperature was even colder after the snowfall, and sitting by the brazier made people feel numb.

Thanks to the underground warehouse that was cleared in advance, the elderly and children were taken care of together, so no one was frozen to death tonight.

The sun rose from the snow line of Lonely Mountain in the early morning, which made everyone feel relieved.

After the fermentation of time, the news of Smaug's death has flown to the ears of caring people in all directions like a bird with wings.

In the southwest of the Wasteland of Smaug, a huge black army is trekking on the barren wasteland.

The shadows of the clouds in the sky will leave gloomy and short traces on the khaki wasteland from time to time.

But no shadow can compare to this army.

They are like a monster crawling forward, about to crush all enemies in front of them.

This is a group of fully armed orcs.

Each of the bodies with different deformities and dirty surfaces is covered with crude but not low coverage armor.

These black steel armors are like large pieces of iron that are barely hammered and spliced ​​into a shape, and then put on the orcs.

There is no anti-friction lining, and comfort is not considered.

The lives of orcs are worthless and don't need to be cared about.

This is not only the cognition of humans, elves, and dwarves, but also the cognition of orcs themselves.

They don't bring supply troops when they march, so what they eat is clear.

It's different from the orcs who chased the dwarves and killed into Changhu Town before.

At the beginning, those orcs mainly chased in the wild, so their equipment was light and agile.

But now this army, they clearly use siege equipment.

Large coverage of simple armor, halberds, war hammers, and battle axes.

Under the simple black iron helmets, the orcs have their own deformed faces, filled with desire for blood and killing.

In the army, there were not only orcs, but also huge and fat ogres, whose heavy footsteps were like small earthquakes.

They were not only armed, but also served as the base of war machines.

Catapults, siege hammers, meteor hammers and other engineering weapons that ordinary people could not use were cruelly installed on them.

Without any consideration of comfort, these siege weapons simply pierced into the flesh and skin of ogres and used them as fixed bases.

The wolves carried the knights and patrolled flexibly around the army. The twitching of the corners of their mouths revealed sharp wolf teeth, and the eager roar in their throats represented their evil desires that were not inferior to those of the orcs.

However, these evil desires were restrained in the army and dared not be scattered or exceeded.

People always think that evil armies will be powerful, but this is a misunderstanding.

Evil is a goal, not a guarantee of power.

The power of the army comes from order.

The order of this orc army comes from an orc at the front of the marching formation.

A pale orc who rides a unique white wolf and has a different skin from ordinary orcs.

The body surface of orcs is mostly dirty yellow and black, and it is not known whether it is their original skin color or the deposition and infiltration caused by the dirty living environment.

And this orc's skin is pale, and there are no distorted deformities on his head and body.

There are messy scars on his strong body, showing that he has been through hundreds of battles.

But his left arm disappeared from the elbow, and the handle of a cruel double-pointed knife was directly stabbed into the broken end, growing together with the flesh and blood. Just think of it as his lost left hand.

He and his wolf patrolled in front of the army, or frowned and looked at the rolling wasteland hills in the distance.

And as long as he is there, all orcs, ogres, and wolves must abide by the rules and obey orders.

Because he is Azog the Blasphemer, the most prestigious and powerful orc leader in the north of Middle-earth!

He is the commander appointed by the Supreme One!

The orcs' strategy for the entire northern Middle-earth is all from him.

It was also him who cut off the head of Thorin's grandfather Thror when the dwarves of Lonely Mountain were driven out of their homes by the dragon and wanted to return to their abandoned hometown of Moria.

"Woodland elves! And a strange human!"

A loud shout suddenly came from the side of the orc army on a deserted wasteland.

The blasphemy and evil in the black language are enough to make people shudder for races like humans and elves, but for orcs, it is just an ordinary speech.

A wolf cavalryman who once followed the invasion of Long Lake Town approached the pale orc Azog who was leading the front from the side of the army.

And stopped respectfully and carefully behind him.

"When Bolger was leading us to hunt down the dwarves, the prince of the Woodland Kingdom and a female elf suddenly appeared, as well as the tall and strong human in the rumors! They helped the dwarves escape to the Lonely Mountain!"

"Later, Smaug also died."

The orc cavalry on the wolf said while panting.

At this point, Azog raised his left hand, which had been replaced by a blade, and the dark orc army behind him stopped in compliance with the order.

The sound of the pause was uniform and shook the wilderness!

This kind of control over the army was even enough to make the nobles of the Magical Middle Ages stunned.

It didn't look like the orcs who usually made a big fuss.

"So. Did Bolger kill them? Cut off the heads of the elves?"

Bolger is the son of Azog and the leader of the orcs who entered Chang Lake Town that night.

Azog spoke in a low voice, and the evil black words in his mouth actually made even the orcs feel a strong sense of threat.

The white orc rode a warg that was slightly larger than the others, pacing around the cavalry who came to report the news, pointing the blade of his left hand at him and asking in a low voice.

"They escaped!" The warg cavalry who came to report was not only tired but also frightened, supplementing in a low voice. "Like a coward!"

"But the coward can live! And come back with the elf army of the Woodland Kingdom!"

Azog's low roar prevented the Warg Cavalry from refuting.

"Where is Bolg?" Azog seemed to know that shouting at a soldier below was useless, so he turned to ask the actual question.

"He went to Gundaba and said he wanted to mobilize more people~"

As soon as he finished speaking, the cruel double-pointed knife stabbed into the back of the Warg Cavalry.

Azog raised the warg cavalryman who had been stabbed through the chest with one hand, and threw the body behind him without looking back.

So a group of wargs who had already been licking their lips and drooling rushed forward to fill their stomachs.

The end of the warg cavalry originally rode also participated.

They are allies with the orcs, and it is unlikely that the cavalry will be implicated in anything they do.

"Go and give orders to Gundaba, that idiot Bolger, how many people can he mobilize without my order?"

Azog gave an order to a warg cavalry who had just grabbed the thigh.

Orcs are naturally cruel and dangerous creatures. Even if he talks about his own son, Azog seems to be talking about an insignificant subordinate.

"Bring out the evil bats! Then hire goblins from the Goblin Kingdom in the Misty Mountains!"

The warg cavalry accepted the order, with a piece of orc thigh in the wolf's mouth, and then ran towards the west without stopping.

"We're all together, okay."

Azog raised the blade of his left hand again, and the footsteps of the orc army sounded again.

"Humans! Elves! Dwarves! Let Lonely Mountain bury them all! War! March!"


In River Valley City, which had just started to boil water for cooking, it also caused a stir in 'Xiao Xiao'.

The refugees in Changhu Town, who had struggled through the cold weather last night, had just gained some life and vitality under the hot water and food.

And then, when they stepped out of the house they had arranged in River Valley City, they were shocked at first sight.

The stairs and platforms up and down the river valley city were filled with a meticulous army that looked like one man.

The elves were uniformly dressed in gorgeous golden armor, with long knives and quivers hanging on their waists, as well as a long bow.

Beneath the golden helmets are handsome faces, and their long lives have brought them incomparable discipline and tacit understanding.

Everyone stood quietly and moved forward lightly, so that the refugees from Changhu Town who were resting in the city did not notice the movement of such a large army entering the city.

The early morning sun shines on the elves' armor, reflecting a blurred phantom light.

The breeze blew the red cloaks behind them, like a red wave in the golden waves.

The fatigue and confusion of just waking up still remained in the corners of Bud's eyes, but after hearing the news of the refugees in Chang Lake Town, he quickly came out to take a look.

After seeing the large number of elven troops, he was much calmer than the townspeople. After all, on the battlefield facing Smaug, the elves said they would come to the Lonely Mountain to find an explanation from the dwarves and provide help to the refugees along the way.

"You have brought too many people with you, Thranduil. What do you want to do?"

Bard pushed aside the townspeople who gathered around curiously when they saw that there was no danger, and moved towards the conspicuous stag and tall figure. He heard these words when he walked next to him.

Bard, who was walking through the crowd, saw Lan scratching his head and standing next to Thranduil's stag mount and asking him.

"I just want this to be resolved as quickly as possible."

Thranduil nodded to Bard, who had just come over, and responded to the demon hunter's inquiry.

The Elf King and the Demon Hunter stood together, and the outstanding aura formed by their appearance and conversation made it difficult for others to get close to them.

"I told you, the situation is in chaos now. I must retrieve our national treasure as soon as possible and then return home."

Thranduil's expression and tone were very calm. At first glance, he just felt that this man was extremely arrogant.

But Lan En and Bard knew him somewhat, this was just Thranduil's common expression.

"The dwarves are stubborn. I just hope that my army can make them have some sense and send the Star White Gem back."

As he spoke, Thranduil waved his hand in the direction of the organized army.

"Since it is used to intimidate, the bigger the scene, the better."

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