Astartes of the Bear School

Chapter 1120 Something is wrong with 1102

Chapter 1120 1102. Something is wrong

"You'd better just shock."

Lan En also just woke up. He scratched his hair in annoyance and complained to Thranduil.

"Is it possible that we can really start a war?"

Bard shook his head beside him, but then looked nervously left and right at Lann and Thranduil.

"Really? You can't really fight, can you? Just for a piece of jewelry?"

Lan En felt that it shouldn't be the case. After all, he, who had heard several descriptions of the treasures in the Lonely Mountain, felt that they should be as exaggerated as gold mountains and silver seas.

According to the aesthetics of elves, a piece of jewelry should be the kind of jewelry that is refined and elegant in style. It can be regarded as "inconspicuous" in any way.

Thorin had to be crazy to hold on to it.

Waging a war over a piece of jewelry To be honest, Lan En has always felt that most of the monarchs in the Magical Medieval were imbecile and impulsive, short-sighted and had no regard for integrity.

He really didn't like it very much.

But even among such monarchs, few would go to war over a piece of jewelry.

However, Thranduil looked non-committal towards the mentality shown by the two people.

"The stubbornness of the dwarf's brain is hard to describe in words, so be careful."

Thranduil said while waving towards the rear of his army.

Suddenly there was a neighing of donkeys and horses, and the elven army uniformly stepped aside to make way for a convoy of pack animals.

There are boxes of vegetables, grains, and even drinks on it.

Bud's eyes lit up, and he quickly called on the refugees in Chang Lake Town to come up and pick up their things.

These are the supplies that the elves promised to send.

Although Thranduil had already sent a batch with the army mobilization last time before people left Lake Town, the current weather and the barren terrain of the Wasteland of Smaug still exist.

Food is purely consumed without any income. Naturally, the more, the better.

"Thank you for your help, Your Majesty!"

After all, Bard was the leader, and the townspeople moved their things with joy, but he had to thank Thranduil first.

The Elf King, who always had a cold face, waved his hand: "No need to thank me, it's just a convenience. I'm just here to collect debts."

After saying that, he grabbed the reins of the stag, turned around and walked back.

Lan En shrugged to Bud from behind: "We don't know how Shun Shui was Shun Shui twice in a row."

Bard smiled approvingly. He was hard-spoken but soft-hearted. He had a pretty good impression of this Elf King.

Lan En called Qilin, then turned over and rode on it. Bard also received a white horse from the elves' army.

The two of them caught up with Thranduil who turned around and was about to walk towards the Lonely Mountain.

"Don't rush to mobilize the army yet, Thranduil."

Lan En said next to the Elf King.

"You seem to want to start a war directly from the moment you come up. You also say that you understand the stubborn temper of dwarves? This war is directly pressing forward, and things that were originally negotiable have become impossible to negotiate."

"Yes!" Bud supported from the side. "We don't really need to use swords or guns. Your formation is so big, Gushan must have seen it. There are only a dozen of them, so they can definitely talk."

Although Bard dug out the weapons reserves in River Valley City, he was also preparing to arm the townspeople.

But that was to protect against the orcs, not to fight the dwarves.

"The treasures in the mountains belong to the citizens of Changhu Town. We stand on the same side on this matter. I think we also have a say, right?"

Bud patted his chest and pointed at the townspeople carrying supplies.

"You want to reason with the dwarves?" Thranduil looked at Bard and Lan in surprise, as if he had seen something incredible.

"There's nothing wrong with being reasonable if it reduces tensions."

Lan En nodded and said.

Thranduil was silent for a while, then shook his head.

"Then you go, but I won't go. As long as I see the stubbornness of those dwarves, I can't help but have a headache."

Thranduil stopped the stag, and at the same time, the golden elven troops behind him also stopped.

Lan En and Bard had no objection to this. In fact, they only relied on the appearance of a large group of elven warriors that showed up in River Valley City.

The distance between River Valley City and Gushan can be reached in less than an hour even by walking slowly.

At this time, the two of them were riding horses, approaching the Gushan Kingdom from the hilly horizon, accompanied by the sound of horse hooves 'tapping'.

After turning a corner, the stone road in front of the gate of the Gushan Kingdom, which had been abandoned for a long time, was still beginning to take shape.

Further ahead is the gate of Gushan Kingdom.

After a night of construction, the progress of the dwarves' project was not unsatisfactory.

The door that was originally broken by Smaug from the inside has been repaired urgently by them.

Large pieces of gravel were trimmed into corners suitable for being stuck together, and then piled at the gate.

A city wall made of large stone bricks was formed.

"Dwarves are truly born masters of engineering."

Both Bard and Lan were in a more relaxed mood, and the witcher seemed to be commenting on the dwarves' temporary walls.

He believed that Thorin had listened to the warning he had brought and was preparing the wall to deal with the offensive of the orcs and dark forces.

But then


There was a sharp sound of arrows, and the relaxed atmosphere between Bud and Lan disappeared in an instant!

An arrow shot at the side of the horse that Bard was riding, and the wooden shaft of the arrow broke into two pieces on the hard stone ground.

This was obviously a way of shooting that didn't want to hurt anyone, but at the same time. This was definitely not a move with good intentions!

Bard and Lan were both shocked. Neither of them was afraid of this arrow. They were surprised by the attitude of the dwarves.

They had just separated two days ago, and their relationship was obviously quite good.

But what happened to the dwarves in this mountain after arriving at the Lonely Mountain?

In fact, not only the two people outside the city gate were shocked, but even the dwarves on the city gate were shocked.

Except for Thorin who put down his bow, almost all the dwarves looked at Thorin in amazement.

After being stunned for a while, Bilbo opened and closed his mouth at a loss, stammering.


The hobbit pointed his finger at Thorin and then pointed outside.

Finally, a voice that was obviously angry came from the dwarves.

"What are you doing, meow!!!"

The fluff ball pushed away the dwarves standing between him and Thorin. The dwarves were shocked or guilty, so they didn't even bother to block him with their sturdy bodies.

The calico kitten pricked up its ears: "You shot arrows outside!!!"

"I didn't shoot Lan!" Thorin frowned, his eyes darkened in the shadows, "I was just warning!"

"Who are you warning?" Lan, who had dismounted from his horse, walked in front of Bard under the city gate, squinting and looking up. "What are you warning?"

"Sorry!" Balin, who looked like a short Santa Claus, hugged Thorin from the side and shouted with a guilty look.

"Sorry Lan, and Bard! Something is wrong with Thorin now!"

"I'm not wrong!" Thorin broke away from Balin and shouted.

"There is an elven army in the ruins of River Valley City now, and they are almost about to hit the gate of the King under the Mountain! We should be on high alert!"

"Who are you guarding against with this gate?" Bard retorted behind Lan En, "Why does the legitimate King under the Mountain now look like a robber hiding in his cave?"

Thorin said expressionlessly.

"Maybe I'm afraid that someone will be tempted by the wealth and lead the army to rob!"

"Of course, this is not about you, Lan En. You have a share of the treasure in this mountain. I promised you this in person. I will remember your help and always want to repay you."

"What about us?"

At this point, Bard asked loudly and angrily.

"You once promised wealth to the townspeople of Long Lake Town in person. Doesn't this count?"

"Help? Doesn't it count?"

Thorin asked Bard in return.

"What kind of help is that? It's forced buying and selling when we have no choice! If I don't do what you say, I can't come to the Lonely Mountain! How can such a promise count? Ah? Tell me how it counts!"

"You said it was forced buying and selling?"

Bard's face showed an incredible expression, mixed with anger.

"The townspeople cheered for your expedition. It was you who persuaded them personally and made them forget the risks."

"Now we have been displaced by orcs and dragons, and are almost freezing to death in the ruins of this wasteland. And all we ask for is the gold we agreed on! Isn't that right?"

"Isn't the promise you said less valuable than gold? Thorin, the King under the Mountain! Grandson of Thror! Son of Thrain!"

The dwarves on the city gate talked a lot, and their steps hesitated and their bodies shook.

But even these dwarves were speechless by Bard's words, while Thorin just had a wooden face, stepped back a few steps, and let his figure disappear on the city wall.

No longer let yourself appear in Bard's sight.

Giving up the reputation of yourself and your family to preserve the gold. Even among the dwarves who are obsessed with gold, this will cause surprise.

Moreover, Thorin's family background is prominent, far beyond the reputation of ordinary dwarves.

Fili and Kili, the two nephews of Thorin on the city wall, were angry and panting and blushing at Thorin's performance.

It was only because of Thorin's usual majesty as a leader and uncle that they restrained themselves and did not quarrel with Thorin.

But even so, their eyes looking down at Bard and Lan on the city gate were full of shame.

They had just invited Lan to be a guest in the King's Hall after the dragon stench in Lonely Mountain was cleaned up.

But after a night, they built high walls and drew their bows and arrows to prevent

Fili, Kili, and other dwarves, almost all of them dared not look down at Bard and Lan's eyes more or less.

Veins popped up on Bard's forehead. He never expected that the link that he thought was the least troublesome would have the biggest problem.

He roared in anger and hammered his saddle.

"Without gold, we can't rebuild our homes and find a place to live. The people under the Lonely Mountain will become history. Damn it! Damn it!"

On the contrary, Lan En, who only spoke at the beginning and then fell silent, looked at the gate of the Lonely Mountain with a serious face.

"You go back first."


Bard frowned and looked at Lan En who didn't turn back.

"This thing is not going right. Thorin is not normal. I will go up to talk to him in person. You go back and wait for news."

As he was speaking, there was a loud sound of stone breaking.

With a ‘crack’, the heads of the dwarf stone statues that were originally standing on both sides of the gate were broken off and hit the stone bridge of the moat in front of the city gate.

The stone bridge broke immediately.

It seemed that the dwarf had shown his determination and attitude with his actions.

Bard shook his head with an unpleasant expression.

“I hope your words will be useful.”

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