Astartes of the Bear School

Chapter 1121 1103 Do you think it's difficult?

Chapter 1121 1103. Do you think it's difficult?

"Do you know what you are doing, Thorin? You can't go on like this, it's tantamount to declaring war!"

On the wall, Bilbo's hair was disheveled, his clothes were covered with dust and dirt, and he looked at the abnormal Thorin with an expression of "I just don't know what to say".

These days, since driving away Smaug, most of the time, they have been in the treasure room of the Lonely Mountain Kingdom, searching and searching in the mountains of gold and silver, hoping to find the king's gem.

Not to mention the strong dragon stench left by Smaug, even the dust accumulated on the mountains of gold and silver over the years is enough to make people uncomfortable.

The Hobbits were shocked and obsessed with this spectacular wealth at first, but after less than a few hours, Bilbo was already thinking wildly in his heart whether he could exchange the bowl-sized gem for a mouthful of pure Shire tobacco leaves.

And Elbor was too big, they only had a dozen people in total, and the manpower was still looking for gems.

After a few days, there was no place to rest. The living conditions in the whole lonely mountain were the same as the primitive cave, cold and gloomy.

Just like Thorin's dark circles that were getting deeper and deeper.

"This has nothing to do with you, Baggins."

Thorin looked at the river city in the distance coldly, but the dwarves who would have united around him at this time just lowered their heads and said nothing.

"Oh, I think you may need a little reminder!"

Bilbo said with a weird and angry smile.

"There is an elf army outside, and hundreds of homeless fishermen full of anger and desire to survive! We only have a dozen dwarves, we... we can be said to be outnumbered!"

But when the hobbit said this, Thorin chuckled and shook his head.

"This situation will change soon."

"What?" Bilbo was at a loss, thinking that he had heard it wrong. "What do you mean?"

"It means: Master Baggins." Thorin walked up to the hobbit and patted his shoulder, "Never underestimate the dwarves."

"I don't mean to underestimate the dwarves, but your temporary wall is really not built high."

As soon as Thorin finished speaking, a sound came from the top of their temporary wall, and the dwarves suddenly had a small commotion.

They subconsciously raised their weapons and alerted in the direction of the sound, but when they really turned around, they unconsciously put down their weapons slightly.

Lan En jumped down from the top of the wall.

The scattered armor was installed, and only the left arm armor was left, so his [Light Body Skill] was better used.

"You should all know that elves are as light as flying leaves, right? With this kind of wall, even if you smash the bridge on the moat, what can you do? Can't they jump up?"

Lan En said in a relaxed tone.

Most of the dwarves did not dare to look up at him.

This is not out of fear.

In order to go home, the dwarves dared to face the dragon.

Although Lan killed the dragon, whether it was Lan or Smaug, did their strength make any difference to these dwarves?

They originally formed the Restoration Expedition with the mentality of facing death.

What made them afraid to face Lan now was the guilt of being a friend.

The witcher helped them a lot along the way, and he was sincere.

He spoke for the dwarves in Rivendell, and Balin and Thorin told all the dwarves at that time.

Later, he ran to Long Lake Town to help them solve many troubles, providing reminders and help.

When Kili and the others came back, they told everyone that Lan was invited to be a guest in the King's Hall of Lonely Mountain. All the dwarves were really happy and even wanted to clean up the King's Hall immediately.

But now they meet again, but

"Anything to say, Kili? Fili?"

Lan tilted his head and looked at the two dwarf brothers, both of whom blushed and lowered their heads.

The witcher turned to the other side again.

"Or what do you want to say, Bofur? Oin?"

The dwarf who needed a loudspeaker hearing aid simply didn't dare to put the hearing aid in his ear, and Bofur even cursed in a low voice, "Damn it."

The dwarves are stubborn, but also sincere and kind. The current situation makes several dwarves look like they would rather fight with ogres barehanded.

"They have nothing to say, they are loyal to their king."

Thorin came up from the back of the crowd. He didn't say anything else, watching Kili and Fili almost throw their weapons on the ground in shame.

Thorin looked up at the witcher.

"I have nothing to say either, Lan."

The calico kitten squeezed out of the crowd, ran to his boss on all fours, and stood by Lan's legs.

Lan rubbed the head of the fluffy ball, and the cat Elu put his hands on his waist and looked at Thorin with a more serious and confident expression.

It had a good impression of the dwarves. The dwarves' informality and generous character made it feel like it was facing hunters from the New World.

But there is no doubt that Thorin's behavior has completely changed in the past few days.

"As I said, I am very grateful that you have spoken for me and helped us."

Thorin, who was now dressed in luxurious clothes and different from before, looked at the witcher. His eyes were very different from when he spoke to Bard just now, with sincerity.

Lan En noticed Thorin's heavy dark circles and the more white hair on his forehead.

"I will share the treasure of Gushan with you, because you helped us without asking for anything in return and sincerely, then I will repay you sincerely."

"But I will never give it to anyone else! The people in Changhu Town want gold, and they say I promised it to them."

"But what else could I do but say that at that time? We were helpless and in dire straits! We could only trade our future for the hope of the present! The dwarves of Lonely Mountain have been in this situation for so long!"

"We can only use the gold that already belongs to us in exchange for help! They saw that I was on the verge of desperation, so they took the opportunity to raise a price. How is this a fair deal? Why should I keep such a promise?"

The dwarves pursed their lips. Thorin's words really reminded them of their difficult lives.

The Lonely Mountain dwarves were originally rich and powerful, but once they lost their home, the rapidly worsening contrast in their lives made them even more uncomfortable.

But Lan En's expression remained calm.

"But Thorin, is this why you don't want to pay gold to the citizens of Changhu Town? It sounds reasonable. It is indeed shameful to take advantage of others' danger and buy and sell by force."

However, the demon hunter still found the loopholes in Thorin's words with his excellent reasoning skills.

"So Thorin, were the townspeople forcing you to go to Lonely Mountain?"

The face of the King under the Mountain, which was originally as cold as a rock, suddenly froze.

But Lan En kept talking.

"It is you who want to restore the country, and you who want the dwarves of Lonely Mountain to rise again. So you have to enter Lonely Mountain before Turin Day. This crisis and this urgent time limit are all due to your own decision. Set it up for yourself.”

"You chose a dangerous but rewarding road and walked on it. The people in Changhu Town helped you and asked for compensation. Isn't that justified? It's not that they created the crisis and forced you to go on and pay."

"Or are they asking for unreasonable compensation?"

"Because your adventure attracted orcs and evil dragons, the entire town was destroyed. The gold they want now is only enough to rebuild their home. Calling it 'reward' is too much, it is simply 'compensation'."

In Lan En's calm words, Thorin's eyes flickered and his mouth tightened.

His expression was finally similar to that of other dwarves, but he was still more stubborn and stubborn.

"In the end, it's all about gold! It's all about generous rewards! Isn't it?!"

Lan En stopped talking, looked deeply at the current Thorin Oakenshield, and then sighed after a long time.

"If you insist on looking at the problem from this perspective, okay, Thorin. In that case, give the share you promised me to the people in Changhu Town."

The dwarves, including the hobbits, looked at Lan in surprise.

Among them, Thorin's eyes were even more unbelievable. He didn't believe that anyone in this world would refuse a mountain of gold.

But Lan En still said that.

"Those townspeople are homeless. If there is no money, many people will die this winter."

Thorin's originally cold and stoic expression now showed signs of wavering visible to the naked eye.

Pity, guilt, and bewilderment were all complex expressions on his face.

But at the same time, there is also painful self-struggle.

It was as if these emotions were about to tear him apart from the inside.

Part of him did feel these feelings, and another part of him objected.

"No no. No!"

Thorin shook his head in a daze, approached Lan En, grabbed his arm and shouted.

"We can't give it to them! This is our gold! It's the gold we found by working hard and taking risks together! It's ours, it belongs only to us!"

"There is no 'us', Thorin Oakenshield."

Lan En took out his hand, and Thorin's already frivolous steps suddenly tilted to the side. Fortunately, he was supported by Groin beside him and did not fall down.

"If you don't give me the gold, I can't hand it over to you. I'm obviously disposing of my own property, right?"

Lan En's face was expressionless at this time, but everyone could see that he was angry.

His tone was indeed no longer as calm as before, but rather angry.

"Do you have to start a war? Do you have to kill people?"

"Just for gold? This gold is even more important than the honor of your Turin family? Are you kidding me, Thorin Oakenshield!"

"I promised you in Rivendell, because when I first met you, you would be ready to come back and help me after escaping because I was here to help! At that time, I thought you were a responsible person Dwarf hero!"

"What now?!"

"You are withholding the gold you promised to a group of people who became refugees because of you!"

"Do you really think it will be difficult for me to come in and get that gold?!"

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