Astartes of the Bear School

Chapter 1122 1104 Mental Disease

Chapter 1122 1104. Mental disease

Lan En's voice turned cold.

He went up and grabbed the collar of Thorin's neck, which had been so uneasy under his words just now that it was fluttering in panic.

The loyal dwarves wanted to start a fight, but halfway through, these dwarves looked at the leader who once served as them.

Thorin, who led the dwarves to open up a new home and overcame many difficulties, now looks like he is lost, confused and obviously abnormal, but he can't move his legs.

Lan En, on the other hand, looked directly into Thorin's eyes with his pair of beast eyes.

Thorin instinctively drew his neck back and turned his eyes around in an attempt to escape from those beast eyes.

There are vertical pupils in the amber irises. This feeling.

Thorin felt like he was back to that night when he faced the dragon.

But obviously only a few days had passed since that night, but it already felt like a very long time to him.

Thorin, who had dared to curse the dragon at the corner of his angry mouth for so long, now felt himself shrinking.

"You spent one night building a temporary city wall, but so what?"

"Even the original city wall that was built during the heyday of the Lonely Mountain Kingdom will fall under Smaug's minions and fire. This gate was knocked open by it!"

"and I?"

Lan En's tone gradually turned from angry to calm, but everyone present could not feel relieved because of this. Instead, they felt an indescribable chill in their hearts almost at the same time.

"I tore Smaug's wing claws and let his blood spill from the night sky into the sea of ​​fire! I smashed his mouth so that he couldn't even speak! I stabbed his chest with my sword and extinguished the blazing fire. Dragon Flame!"

"The walls cannot stop Smaug"

Lan En continued softly.

"Then it can stop me?!"

"Can fourteen of you stop me? If I want to get gold, then you shouldn't be standing here now, but should be lying on the ground!"

The witcher pushed Thorin away with resentment and anger.

The king under the mountain stumbled and fell backwards, but in the end it was Dwalin who supported him from behind.

But this most loyal and experienced warrior among the dwarves, while supporting Thorin, pursed his lips, unwilling to look at Thorin's pale face and thick dark circles under his eyes.

"What made you become like this? Weak, suspicious, fearful and greedy to the point of risking your own life, Thorin? It was clearly not like this until you left Lake Town a few days ago!"

Lan En looked at the king under the mountain with disappointment.

A faint white light emerged from his left hand, like light refracted.

[Yaxsi Dharma Seal].

"King under the mountain, your promise, your reputation, and the reputation of your family tree, are they not worth gold?"

With the cooperation of the seal, Lan En's voice sounded distant, like a whisper coming from the bottom of his heart.

But Thorin's eyes were still wavering and dull.

He pushed Dvalin away and stood still, shaking his head and holding his forehead as if he had a splitting headache.

Thorin then panicked and pushed away all the dwarves who gathered around him to care about him. As if he was escaping, he stumbled away into the darkness deep in the lonely mountain.

"No, I will never share it, even if..." He stumbled over some scattered rocks while walking backwards, but he staggered up and continued running, "Even if it's a piece of gold, gold!"


"Follow me quickly! Don't get into trouble!"

The dwarves swarmed into the darkness, and only Balin and Bilbo stayed behind, sighing.

"We all feel that Thorin is not normal right now. But..." the hobbit scratched his head in pain and said, "But he is Thorin after all. He has led us hard for a year and has always taken the lead and been brave and fearless. "

"So now everyone knows that he is abnormal, but still habitually doesn't want to contradict him?"

Lan frowned and looked into the depths of the Lonely Mountain, speaking for Bilbo what he didn't say.

In Bahrain next to it, people tend to look calmer when they get older.

But he was only calm on the surface. Looking at Thorin like this, this old dwarf who had assisted Thorin's father and grandfather in the days of the Lonely Mountain Kingdom was now sobbing a little when he spoke.

As soon as he came out of age, he went on an adventure to restore the kingdom with Thorin, fighting orcs and dealing with trolls along the way, without ever frowning once.

At this time, the sadness that was suppressed but couldn't help but be revealed made the bystanders feel uncomfortable.

"This is, is dragon disease."

Balin took a deep breath to suppress the sobs in his throat.

"I thought Thorin would not follow in the footsteps of his grandfather and father. He was better than them all and had a nobler soul."

"He was tenacious. After losing the Lonely Mountain, he led us to seek a livelihood and go out to work in difficulties. In the Battle of Moria, he also bravely faced Azog with only a piece of oak as a shield."

"Look at Thorin's expression just now. That excessive desire, the morbid pursuit of treasures and the possessive mentality once drove Thrall crazy!"

"This is dragon disease, a disease of the mind that has no cure."

Several people present fell silent for a moment.

Lan En looked down at his left hand that had just used the seal and shook his head.

How is this a 'disease'? It's a curse.

At this moment, Bilbo moved his steps and pulled Balin, Lann, and Velvet Ball together, standing closer.

The hobbit said hesitantly, tentatively.

"Bahrain, I mean... Look at Thorin looking for the Arken Stone like crazy now. If, I mean if!"

"He suddenly 'found' the gem. Would that be better?"

When he said 'found', Bilbo pronounced the accent meaningfully. Suddenly, both Lan and Balin looked at Bilbo thoughtfully but uncertainly.

Only the flannel ball was calmer.

"Is this possible?"

Lan En leaned down and looked at the old dwarf Balin seriously.

Although the words were not said clearly, several people present actually understood it tacitly.

"Will having the Arken Stone calm Thorin down? Judging by your experience, Balin."

Balin's white beard trembled, and finally he sighed dejectedly.

"The Arken gemstone is extraordinary. It is not just a precious gemstone that is unique in the world. Among the dwarves, it also symbolizes the power of the king!"

There was a quiet despair in the old dwarf's eyes.

"Then do you think things will get better for a person who is pathologically hungry for treasure and takes power? Whether it is the situation or himself?"

Everyone was speechless except Balin who sighed quietly.

"Perhaps it would be better for the Arken Stone to never appear again."

"But there must be a way." Lan En said with slightly narrowed eyes.

"After Smaug conquered the Lonely Mountain, didn't Thrall and Thrain escape with you? And after escaping, Thrall, who you said was 'driven mad by dragon disease' organized an attack. The Battle of Moria."

"That doesn't sound like something a madman could do."

Balin was stunned for a moment when Lan En grabbed the details and asked the question, but then, the old dwarf's eyes also burst into light, as if he had thought of something.

"Wait. It is indeed!"

"Ever since Thror was forced to leave Lonely Mountain and Gold, he suddenly became normal! But we all thought it was excessive grief and anger at the time, allowing him to draw the strength to support his soul from hatred! But now think about it"

"Perhaps leaving the treasure and losing the wealth can bring him back to normal?"

Lane began to try to summarize the characteristics of Thrall's case and find out the key points.

Demon hunters in the Magical Middle Ages would often use this trick if they received the task of lifting a curse.

"Or perhaps, a strong enough emotion, such as the grief and anger of losing one's home, can also support a soul corroded by treasure?"

Balin quickly pulled Lan En's arm sincerely, his lips trembling under his white beard.

"Then let him lose his wealth, Lan En! Even if it is part of it, it will alleviate his condition. Save him! Save the kingdom we took back!"

"In this situation, maybe you are the only one who can accomplish this!"

The demon hunter patted the old dwarf on the shoulder: "I will try my best, but you have to understand that Balin didn't punch Thorin just now, which really made me endure it hard enough."

The old dwarf, who was about to cry, smiled bitterly: "I'm telling you a joke. The character and honor of the King under the Mountain have also been shamed. But if you need to beat him, then do it! Thorin's head can even be eaten. Hundred-page hammer!”

"I'm just saying something angry, don't take it seriously. Thorin is out of his mind now, but he is still my friend after all."

As Lan En spoke, he made a gesture to take Bilbo and Velvet Ball aside, and at the same time raised his chin towards Balin.

"You should leave first for what we are going to talk about next, Bahrain. You shouldn't be present for this matter, otherwise you won't be able to explain it later."

Bilbo and Fluffy Ball almost pointed out that they hid the Arken Stone. But after all, it hasn’t been fully explained yet.

If Balin was still present at this time, even if Thorin returned to normal in the future, it would be difficult to explain his behavior. There was a rift between Pingbai and Thorin.

There are benefits to not knowing something, or even pretending not to know it.

Balin pursed his lips and nodded, and walked towards the shadow deep in the lonely mountain.

He is also an old Jianghu who has assisted the king since the Gushan period and knows everything he needs to know.

When only Ellu and two people were left at the temporary city gate, Bilbo looked around carefully and put his hand into his arms.

The Arken gem wrapped in a rag was finally seen by Lan En for the first time.

When this legendary gem appeared, the radiance inside the stone almost made Lan En think he was seeing a miniature galaxy!

So beautiful, no wonder it became a king's gem.

"You are a master snitch, Master Baggins."

Lann chuckled and teased the short hobbit.

Bilbo blushed: "No, I don't steal, and I consider myself an honest person, but this time"

"I stole the thing, right under the eyes of the evil dragon!" Flannel Ball was very proud of his skills and skills, and said with his hands on his hips. "It's just that Bilbo saw something was wrong with Thorin and asked me to stay."

"And now it seems that my feeling at that time was right." Bilbo shook his head in a low voice, "If he had given the Arkenstone to Thorin at that time, he would have been doomed."

"Balin said that Thorin's current situation is just the beginning of dragon disease. God knows how crazy Thror was back then. So I can only leave it to you, Lan En."

Without any hesitation, the hobbit took the rare gem into the hands of the witcher.

"Please save Thorin, Lann! Please!"

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