Astartes of the Bear School

Chapter 1130 1112 Space for Time

Chapter 1130 1112. Space for time

A huge cylindrical creature, resembling a snake or a worm, with a body diameter of at least ten meters, poked out directly from the mountain!

The gray skin is unremarkable, but the flower-shaped mouthparts at the front are still biting a boulder when they rush out.

The muscles on the cylindrical body popped out in an instant. Although the outline was only revealed for a moment, it was enough to show that its entire body was almost entirely made of powerful muscles!

‘Bang, bang, bang, bang’, the tooth-breaking sound spread from the hills to the wasteland.

After the outline of its muscles was revealed for just a moment, the huge creature easily crushed the boulder inside with its mouthparts!

In the blink of an eye, there were several dark tunnels on the originally silent hilly slopes that led directly into the mountain.

The black army of orcs poured out of the tunnel, like a muddy mudslide, gathered together, and headed straight for the elves and dwarves who were confronting and fighting in front of the Gushan Kingdom!

"Forward!" Azog shouted excitedly from Crow Ridge, overlooking the battle situation, "My army!"

Now is the time.

Although if you want to fully take advantage of the surprise attack in the midst of the enemy's chaos, the orcs should move further out of the ground.

But first, they had actually dug these holes a few days ago, and it would be too late to move forward now.

Secondly, Azog's order is not smooth in the ground. It is already difficult to decide the place to break out of the ground in advance and then find the right time to come out together.

There was no spare time to issue more detailed instructions to the orcs who had not yet come out of the ground.

However, it is completely enough!

Azog exhaled excitedly with his sharp teeth.

The elves' formation had been set up, and the dwarves' chariots and goat riders were rushing down the hillside towards them.

At this point, the inertia of the downhill slope not only allows the cavalry and chariots to quickly increase their speed, but also makes it difficult for them to turn.

They will collide, tangle together, and then become scum torn apart by the orcs in the chaos!

But the moment the orcs came out of the ground, the elves and dwarves both had surprised reactions.

But the formation of the elves that had been standing quietly behind Thranduil suddenly changed!

The sunlight shone on the golden armor of the elves, seeming to spread a layer of mist like golden sand.

"Thum, thump!"

A sound that was as neat as a sound came from the elves' formation.

I saw that the elves who were originally standing side by side suddenly turned sideways uniformly, standing with their chests touching their backs.

This time, dozens of passages were vacated in the originally tight formation.


Dane, who had just watched from a distance and almost got into a fight with Thranduil, was now leading the charge on a wild boar, leading the dwarf cavalry and chariots behind him straight into the passage vacated by the elven formation!

At the narrowest point, the dwarves' chariot, which was made entirely of steel and equipped with ramming corners and sharp blades, almost brushed against the elves' calves!

But the elves were at least veterans of archery for hundreds of thousands of years, and they were so calm that there was no disturbance.

Their superb distance control gives them full confidence in themselves.

He also has confidence in the dwarves' chariot driving skills.

The elves and dwarves have been at odds with each other for thousands of years. They each know how far their opponents can go.

"Fight! Fight!"

Dane roared, and the goat cavalry and chariots, which had already increased their speed, passed through the elves' formation and rushed straight towards the orcs!

Azog on Crow Ridge immediately widened his eyes, but then regained his composure as the corners of his mouth twitched.

"Tricking me? Lure the enemy? Okay!"

The pale orc had long been determined to kill when he was marching to the Lonely Mountain. No matter whether the elves and dwarves could fight or not, he would definitely come and kill them.

Although it is obvious that he has been tricked now, killing him head-on is still killing!

The left arm with the double-pointed knife swung toward the dark battlefield, as if harvesting life.

"Send out the trolls! Pin down their cavalry and chariots! I will make it impossible for them to charge!"

"Send flank troops! Attack River Valley City and force them to fight on two fronts! If you dare not save River Valley City, simply cut off their retreat!"

By setting up a command post in advance from a high position, Azog was able to have a smooth overview of the entire situation.

Crow Ridge was a small group of towers built on high hills in the far reaches of the city when River Valley City was still prosperous, in order to monitor evil trends.

However, River Valley City has been ruined to this day, and the towers that were once used to fight against darkness are now being used by dark forces.

The elves and dwarves formed a hasty alliance, and they had conflicts with each other. If Lan En, Gandalf, and Balin hadn't reconciled them, they might have started fighting directly after meeting.

Therefore, there is no possibility of unified command, and the ability to make such tacit temporary cooperation is already the limit.

Now the orcs are coming like a tide, and all they can do is engage in hand-to-hand combat.


The sound of five mechanical trigger strikes in a row was heard.

From the hilly heights formerly occupied by the dwarves, the ballistae fired a huge burst of ammunition.

The ammunition was like a rotating electric fan, spinning and dancing into afterimages, and hit the place where the orcs gathered!

Pieces of armored flesh and blood suddenly flew all over the sky.

The elves used arrow rain from the rear to reduce the resistance of the dwarves' chariots and cavalry in charging into the formation.

"Fire the arrow!"

Thranduil swung his sword forward on the stag, and suddenly there was a uniform sound of the bowstring being released.

Like a rain of arrows from migratory locusts all over the sky, all the orcs in a large area lay down, leaving no one standing.

But there are exceptions.

The trolls, which ranged from three to four meters high, with different development and deformities, rushed out from behind the orc formation.

Among them, the thinner troll can crush an entire dwarf with just one foot.

Most of them have cystic noses, crooked teeth that cannot be covered, disproportionate and uncoordinated limbs, and crudely holding a big stick made of tree roots in their hands.

The stronger ones received more resources from the orcs, and had iron weapons and armor.

These trolls were rough-skinned and thick-flesh. They grabbed the corpse on the ground with one hand to block their vital parts, guarding against the elves' plowing arrows as they rushed toward the dwarves' cavalry and chariots.

The most important thing about chariots and cavalry is their impact. Without momentum, they are close to death.

However, these chariots and cavalry are naturally invincible when confronting creatures of similar size.

Monsters like trolls, weighing at least three or four tons, would be impossible to hit if they stood in front of them.

The trolls cleverly hit it from the side, and the pure steel chariot was flipped over. Then they swung a stick like a whack-a-mole and knocked the crew members of the chariot to death.

If you are not smart, just hit it hard. Most of the trolls in the front will be directly hit, crushed to death, or shot to death by the continuous crossbow arrows on the chariot at close range.

But even corpses are enough to slow down the chariot.

And as Azog's second order was issued, a large section of the black orcs surged towards River Valley City.

"The war has begun."

Lan En, who was still running around the city and arranging the townspeople of Changhu Town, realized this as soon as the horn sounded.

He tugged at Qilin's pale mane, which was floating in the air due to static electricity, and the sound of horse hooves suddenly echoed through the empty streets of River Valley City.

"There you are, Barn!"

Near the base of the city wall, Lan En saw the dazed half-grown boy at a glance.

In fact, he was not qualified to call Barn Boy. After all, the other person looked to be fifteen or sixteen years old, and he was only in his early twenties. But the difference between experience and experience is the key to psychological maturity.

"What happened?"

Barn asked in a panic and at a loss.

"It was a lure just now, and the enemy took the bait." Lan En described the situation concisely. "Have you finished your work? Have your sister, the old, the weak, the women and the children gone to the underground warehouse?"

"Everyone's gone! I sent them there!"

"You go too now."

"Me? I can fight!"

"But the underground warehouse must be guarded by someone, understand? Go there immediately!"

There is nothing to say. Although Barn is at the age where he wants to perform and take responsibility, he is also sensible and knows what to do.

Seeing Baan turn around and run away, Qilin used its four legs to jump directly onto the wall of River Valley City.

"I'm here, everyone, don't panic!"

Shouting loudly, Lan En ran on the city wall while stabilizing the spirits of the militiamen in this way.

At this time, the unstable emotions of our own soldiers may be more terrifying than the enemy's knife.

"River Valley City is not the main attack direction, and we don't need to defend it. We just need to buy time! The main battlefield is not here!"

Lan En's steady and rational voice gave some peace to the militiamen who were breathing heavily before they even saw the enemy.

This is what it means to be a general when the training and quality of the soldiers are insufficient.

Lan En used his every move to sort out the emotions of the Changhu Town militiamen, making them nervous but not nervous.

He controlled the mental state of this rudimentary unit, refreshed and evaluated it at any time, and made on-site fine-tuning.

He has always excelled in this level of detail.

"Just shoot all your arrows downwards. If you can't hold the wall, retreat to the city. I left marks on the buildings along the way. The topography and topography of those places can be used as temporary fortresses, and we retreat layer by layer. ,Understand!"

In a very short period of time, Lan En completed a series of tactical arrangements.

Riverdale City was not the focus of this battle, Lan En realized this immediately from the beginning of the war.

So the thing he arranged for human beings was to delay time, even if they exchanged space for time.

After running around the city wall, the flannel ball also jumped up from below, put it on Lan En's shoulder, and looked at the battle situation below the city wall seriously.

Seeing that the orc troops were already swarming over, Lan En simply pulled out the black sword from the alchemy leather bag on his waist.

As [Turbid Current·Destruction] was completely exposed in the militiamen's 'saw a ghost' expressions, a ferocious and brutal aura also overflowed.

Lan En saw the expressions of the militiamen.

When the quality of our own soldiers is not high, this sword is not suitable for display in the crowd.

Fortunately, Lan En didn't plan to stay on the city wall.

He has arranged everything he can, and the key to ending this war now does not lie in River Valley City.

With a 'click' sound, Qilin's hooves had landed outside the city.


Hot air gushed out of its moist nostrils, and the kirin's ruby-like eyes looked at the surging orcs.

On its back, Lann also gripped the hilt of the greatsword.

Gandalf once reminded him that Sauron had "made some arrangements" for him.

To be honest, he was quite curious.

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