Astartes of the Bear School

Chapter 1134 1116 Abnormal!

Chapter 1134 1116. Abnormal!

But at this moment, a crisp sound of horse hooves stepping on the stone bridge sounded in the noisy battlefield.

It was a white horse with two elves sitting on it.


The elf holding the reins on the horse shouted.

"Legolas! Legolas Greenleaf!"

Gandalf's eyes lit up and he approached them.

The two elves, a man and a woman on horseback, were agile and their bodies were obviously adjusted to a very light state.

And the white horse also seemed very flexible in this situation.

The war horses trained by the Woodland Kingdom were not frightened by the noisy and bloody battlefield. Instead, they flexibly crossed the fallen corpses, the chaotic enemies, and the flying arrows, and came to the bridge in front of the Dale City.

Behind Legolas, Tauriel's two short knives were covered with blood, and it was obvious that she had killed all the way.

The situation was urgent, and Legolas did not have any extra greetings, but went straight to the point on horseback.

"There is another orc army, Mithrandir! It's coming soon! Starting from Gundaba!"

Legolas leaned over on his horse and shouted to the old wizard, while Tauriel behind him had already jumped down lightly, drew his bow and arrows and began to clear the surrounding orcs.

"It's Azog's son, Bolg! We chased him to Gundaba. At first, he only dispatched a small army, but then Azog sent a herald, and now he has almost dispatched all the troops in Gundaba!"

"In other words, the orcs have new forces?"

Lane interrupted at the side, and Legolas nodded solemnly.

"Then we can't wait! Go to Raven Ridge now!"

The demon hunter narrowed his eyes and said decisively.

"Go to Raven Ridge?"

Legolas had just entered this battlefield not long ago, and had just heard about the decapitation plan. He looked at the towers on the hills in the distance with some surprise, emitting a hazy halo under the sunlight and morning mist.

"Borg's army will rush straight from Gundaba! The first direction they will go is Raven Ridge!"

"Is there still time to hesitate now?" Lan En walked past his white horse and looked straight in the same direction.

The Elf Prince nodded silently.

Yes, there is no time.

The witcher put away the powerful but conspicuous sword and rushed all the way to the towers on the hill!

The Elf Prince simply nodded to Gandalf and turned his horse's head.

"Tauriel! Let's go together to help him!"

The female elf smoothly used the short knife in her hand to cut the neck of an orc, and when she turned over gracefully and left, she took out all the arrows in his quiver and stuffed them into her own quiver, and then jumped on the white horse.

"Let's go!"

Tauriel patted Legolas's shoulder, and the white horse once again galloped on the battlefield.

"Good luck." Gandalf looked at the elves and witchers leaving in the distance and whispered a blessing.

Then he protected the Hobbit beside him behind him: "Bilbo, you go into the city too! Hide and protect yourself!"

The Hobbit swallowed nervously and nodded, trotting all the way to the back.

In such a chaotic battlefield, a weak Hobbit can only survive by hiding himself.

So Bilbo used his "little trick". He put his finger into his pocket and put it into a shiny ring familiarly.

Suddenly, a living person disappeared.

The Hobbit entered the [Underworld], and he also saw the projection of the images of the orcs and dwarves in the Underworld, and the glowing outlines of the elves.

And Gandalf stood in the middle of the city gate bridge, behind him were small groups of orcs invading the city, and the elves fighting with them. In front of him was a large number of orcs gradually approaching this side in the chaos.

The old wizard's beard and hair grew long, and his appearance remained unchanged, with messy beard, dirty gray robe, and muddy nails after sloppily trimming.

But he suddenly possessed incomparable majesty.

Bilbo, who entered the [Underworld] with the magical ring, avoided the elves and orcs fighting each other, and ran towards the city, but only felt a noticeable but not strong light coming from behind him.

The hobbit did not dare to look back, but just ran forward with his head down.

Then came Gandalf's majestic voice.

"Your! shall not! pass!"

The light in the underworld disappeared immediately after the words, but in the material world, a violent collapse sound followed.

That was the stone bridge at the gate of the Dale City. When the real orc army was about to advance here, the stone bridge had not been damaged for many years, even on the day when Smaug came.

But it broke with a loud bang a few centimeters in front of Gandalf's toes, where he raised his staff with both hands and stabbed it hard!

And the few people who rushed towards Raven Ridge began to climb up.

The Smaug Desert was yellow due to the evil spirit of the dragon, but in the hilly area, there were mostly gravel and rocks, so the surface was black and gray.

The rocks piled up, and in the past, the construction of the city of Dale built a tower in this hill.

However, after years of disrepair and the sudden attack of the dragon, most of the towers here collapsed.

The already steep terrain was cut off and destroyed by large pieces of fallen building debris, making it even more difficult to climb.

Even though Legolas and Tauriel were as light as snowflakes, the white horse could never carry them up, so they could only walk.

Lan En didn't brag to Gandalf either. He moved quickly and crisply, even one step faster than the elves' white horses.

The scope of this battlefield is actually not large, because it is mainly a surprise attack by the orcs.

All parties came in a hurry and did not have time to spread out their troops.

Crow Ridge is only more than one kilometer away from the main battlefield.

The three people didn't say much when they arrived at the foot of the mountain. They all started climbing towards the mountain in a surprise attack.

The bodies of the elves are strong and light, and no blue sheep living on the mountain wall can move more flexibly than Legolas and Tauriel at this time.

The two of them often only need a very small foothold and friction to send their bodies upward for more than two positions.

What seemed like a dangerous cliff to ordinary people, to the two elves, was nothing more than a change from normal walking to "occasionally having to look down at the road."

Lan En does not have a body as light as an elf, but while he is powerful, he is also running the [Light Body Breathing Technique], paired with the projector hook lock on his left hand.

Although it is not as smooth as the elves, the movement efficiency is not low.

The advance of the elves and witchers from the foot of the mountain was obviously unexpected and made little noise.

But as Lan En had predicted before, it would be foolish to rely on the enemy's negligence on the battlefield.

At the seventh minute when the three of them climbed the mountain with super efficiency, they still had to defeat a group of guarding orcs head-on.

And from there, a quick dash turns into a forward dash!


A shock wave with magical cold light burst out from the palm of the witcher's forward push.

On the narrow mountain road, a group of orcs were pushed backwards without warning.

Amidst the noisy shouts, more than half of the orcs fell towards the cliff next to them, while the other half were smarter and knew that they clung to the inner mountain wall for dear life.

But he was also stumbled by the sudden impact.

Immediately afterwards, a boot with external plate armor stepped on the fallen orcs.

Underneath the dull trampling sound was the dull 'click' sound of bones breaking in flesh and blood.

Immediately, the mouths of the orcs who were lying on top of each other were still opening and closing, but blood could only leak out from inside, and even no sound could come out.

It looked like the ribs and internal organs were completely crushed.

After being exposed, Lan En did not hesitate at all, immediately changed his action mode and began to charge forward violently.

Sure enough, in a very short period of time after the conflict, the entire Crow Ridge seemed to be mobilized.

Orcs with various deformities, disabilities, or fleshy growths poured in from the various passages of this dilapidated tower complex!

They brandished all kinds of vicious weapons and swarmed towards Lan En and the others with the malice of wanting to hurt and abuse others.

The terrain here is narrow and not suitable for using a big sword, so Lan En just pulled out the Sword of the Lake Lady from his waist.

There was a sharp sound of "rubbing", and the clear silver light left a sharp trace of light in mid-air.

Immediately after entering the narrow passage, a group of orcs swarming from the opposite side separated their bodies neatly.

In front of Arondette's blade, few things can stop it even for a moment.

After swiping the knife once, Lan En moved half a step to the side as if he had a telepathic connection.

Immediately afterwards, an arrow that even caused the air flow to scratch the skin hurts, passed through Lan En's floating silver hair, penetrated three orcs in a row, and finally nailed two more orcs to the corner wall.

Legolas, who shot the bow and arrow, turned behind him the moment the arrow left the string, and aimed an arrow at the head of the orc who had reached behind him at an extremely close range.

Orcs were coming from all directions now, and they were all behind them.

There was no time to delay, as any stay for half a second now would only cause more orcs to surround him.

You must constantly attack and move.

"Follow me!" Lan En shouted loudly without looking back, and then suddenly started!

A dozen orcs stood together at the corner of the passage ahead, but in front of the charging demon hunters, the bodies of these orcs could only make a dull explosion.

Lan En's strong body leaned forward, using his shoulders as a collision angle, and pushed forward directly!

Although it was crowded, the dozen orcs who were still able to stand were reduced by half after the demon hunter's collision!

Part of the body of half the orcs has been squeezed into the bodies of other orcs.

A dozen orcs opened their mouths so wide that their eyeballs almost popped out, but they could no longer take a breath.

And more than a dozen people were huddled together, but they couldn't be separated.

Lan En didn't stop, and the reaction force of the impact was insignificant in front of the [Tendon Coils] all over his body.

"This isn't right!"

Lan En shouted as he just broke through a path.

"They gathered too quickly!"

The current scene was within Lan En's expectation, but how could the orcs gather so quickly?

From the first time they fought against the guards to the time when enemies were swarming in the narrow passage, was there half a minute of time difference?

This kind of personnel scheduling and response speed is completely inconsistent with the estimates given by Lan En and Mentos based on the organization level of the orcs!

Something must be wrong!

Lan En thought to himself, while in his mind, Mentos was also raising various possibilities.

The crowded and narrow mountain passage was broken through, and Lan En, who came out first, looked up.

Among the Crow Ridge towers, one was built on the highest tower. A pale and calm orc with a broken hand was looking at them with a grin.

"But this is our only chance now!"

Legolas called from behind in response to Lan.

"Gundaba's army is coming!"

The elves were right. This was the best chance to end the war before the orcs' new force arrived and caused more casualties.

So although he still couldn't capture the reason for the feeling that something was wrong, Lan En still stared at the pale orc on the broken tower and rushed forward.

However, just when Lan En had just taken two steps.

His keen eyes captured Azog grinning and uttering two sentences on the tower.

The first sentence, "Aha, you're here, Dragon Slayer."

And the second sentence is

"Zhaoge Luyin, he is yours!"

And just after Lan En recognized the words that the other party deliberately said without using black language, a sudden chill suddenly tingled from Lan En's side to his heart!

Without thinking, Lan En, whose pupils suddenly shrank, raised the Lake Lady's Sword to his side.

And in the next moment, "Crack!"

A huge claw appeared out of thin air and slapped the demon hunter's resisting blade!

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