Astartes of the Bear School

Chapter 1132 1114 Earth Devouring Giant Insect Collision

Chapter 1132 1114. Collision of giant earth-eating insects

With Qilin's mobility and Lan En's destructive power, these orcs and war beasts have no room to fight back.

The war beast is indeed huge and powerful. It can even use its own body as a mobile base for a trebuchet.

Although it is a small trebuchet.

For a large trebuchet in a serious war, the thickness of the wood on the base alone would be half a person's height. The height of the entire trebuchet must be tens of meters.

In the magical Middle Ages, this kind of trebuchet would also be specially configured by warlocks.

But the body of the war beast is still powerful.

The reaction force can make a stone weighing several tons fly hundreds of meters away, and they can stand it with all fours on the ground.

Unfortunately, their bodies are powerful but slow. Not only are they unable to hurt Qilin, they can't even block Lan En.

With a 'swish', blue and white lightning flashed, and Qilin led Lan En past a giant war beast.

[Turbid Current·Destruction] was lifted above his head by Lan En. When he passed by the side of the war beast, the blade was just under its neck.

"Stab!" There was a juicy sound, and the sword blade opened the stubby neck of the war beast with the blessing of speed and power.

The wound went from shallow to deep, and eventually turned into a huge gash with the cervical vertebrae inside visible from the front of the body.

Black-red blood flowed down from the neck of the war beast like a waterfall.


Qilin's horse's hooves paused for a moment.

In just half a minute, all five war beasts that were throwing stones at River Valley City had been killed.

The entire hillside where they originally occupied the high point was now filled with smelly blood and mutilated limbs.

Without the violent suppression of catapults, the walls of River Valley City, although in disrepair, can still give the defenders a terrain advantage.

The Changhu Town militiamen now let go of shooting arrows downwards, and for a while the orcs left more corpses and blood under the city wall.

But the situation has not improved in the general direction.

Just as Gandalf feared.

These orcs have been under Sauron's hidden spell, under the nose of Radagast, and have been recuperating in Dogul for who knows how long.

They expanded, forged weapons, formed alliances with more wargs, and accommodated more trolls

They all went out this time, and Gandalf didn't know how big a team they could pull together.

There were so many enemies, and the mountains and plains were covered in black with the rough armor of the orcs.

Malformed and rough spears, halberds, and blades stood like trees in the cold light.

Compared with the orcs, whether it is the thick and geometrically beautiful equipment of the dwarves or the streamlined and gorgeous equipment of the elves, they are as inconspicuous as the waves in the dark tide.

The entire wasteland was submerged, and orcs were still pouring out from the hills in the distance.


The rocks collapsed, and the earth could not stop the giant earth-devouring insect's body, which was almost a stick of muscles.

These four giant earth-devouring insects did not retreat after digging through the hill.

Several vicious iron wedges were nailed to their bodies, and two iron chains were attached to the wedges. The orcs were on the backs of the giant earth-devouring insects, holding the chains to control the direction.

This is the power to dig through hills!

They are ancient creatures that have been walking through those huge mountains like earthworms since ancient times.

To this day, those cylindrical passages can still be found in the hills and mountains in the distance of Gushan.

The dwarves and elves simply did not prepare powerful enough weapons on this battlefield to deal with this kind of enemy.

Without the risk of being restrained or killed, the giant earth-devouring insects cut up the battlefield almost in a rampage, making it impossible for the dwarves and elves, who were already at a numerical disadvantage, to look at each other.

Lan En looked seriously at the giant worm that was lifting the orcs, dwarves, and elves directly into the sky like a boat on land in the wilderness.

Having a rampaging and unstoppable unit on the battlefield is scary.

Whether it's for the actual battle situation or for morale, it's terrible.

Because Lan En himself has played this role many times, he knows better.

And to be honest, the cylindrical body has a diameter of more than ten meters and a length of several hundred meters.

The male fire dragons of the New World are only a dozen meters long.

This world is really peaceful when it is calm, but once it becomes chaotic, all kinds of monsters and monsters will appear.

It can only be said that this is a world that was created not long ago, and the remaining amount of ancient creatures is astonishing.

Immediately, Lan En was about to turn his horse around, wanting to see if he could deal with these four giant earth-eating insects at close range.

But then "Over there! Look over there, meow!"

The flannel ball straightened up on Lan En's shoulder and shouted anxiously towards a section of the wall of River Valley City.

It was another orc force flowing across the dry moat from the ford.

But unlike the previous troops, the leader was a five-meter-tall troll.

And on the troll's dusty, dirty skin, there was a solid stone helmet like a battering ram on his head!

The ground was shaking, and the huge troll lowered its head, roared, and started to run faster!

It looked like he wanted to use his body weight, momentum, and the helmet on his head to hit the city wall and use it as a battering ram!

The militiamen on that section of the city wall were completely panicked.

In just a moment, Lan En had seen the situation clearly and made a quick decision.

He turned over and dismounted, patting Qilin's neck.

The information in his mind was transmitted through the variant [Yaxi Seal].

Immediately, Qilin snorted loudly with the fluffy ball, and then flashed towards the city wall without looking back.

The fluffy ball got off Qilin's horse halfway, because although it was light, it could not withstand the power of Qilin after it really accelerated.

After the calico kitten jumped off the horse, it landed on all fours and ran towards the direction of River Valley City.

And the Qilin who was released from the restrictions.

[Flash of Lightning]!


Although it could not control the thunder as efficiently as before because it lost the Qilin Cangjiao, after this short sprint, when Qilin stopped, the land under its four hooves became charred due to the high temperature of the thunder.

There were even traces of reflective vitrification.

Just now, Qilin was still watching the ogre accelerating on the hillside opposite the moat.

But in the next moment, it was already standing at the wall in front of the ogre!

At the same time, Qilin also lowered its head and dug the soil with its hooves habitually.


'Who the hell are you trying to hit! '

The ogre, with his head down and wearing a stone helmet, had already rushed up and didn't see a tall and elegant horse suddenly appear in front of him.

Until the end, it kicked its feet and flew straight forward, like a battering ram.

But Qilin's head, which had temporarily lost its horns, also pushed forward in an instant!

The Qilin's body skeleton is very similar to that of a horse, and there are not many attack modes for this body type.

In addition to the horns on its head that can be broken by even the strongest fist muscles of a golden lion, lowering its head and pushing forward can be said to be the strongest attack method for creatures like Qilin in melee combat.

The adaptability and evolution speed of the creatures in the New World are beyond doubt.

And because of this attack method of using the head to push out, the Qilin has specialized the stability of the skull and the neck muscles to disperse the impact force.

Although the body of this ancient dragon is not perfect, it is always growing and moving towards being stronger.

So in the head-to-head collision, "Bang!!!"

A thunderous explosion!

The contact point between the front ogre's head and the Qilin's head burst out a diffuse circular air wave!

The solid stone helmet with a hammer-shaped style on the ogre's head was unable to withstand the hardness of the Qilin's skull at the first time, and the whole thing crackled and shattered.

The broken stones exploded with the circular air wave.

Not only was the stone no match for the Qilin's head, but even the ogre's strength and momentum could not match the Qilin's rush!

The ogre's already deformed head was directly pressed into the chest cavity during the collision with the Qilin! The entire cervical vertebra was completely broken!

The body that lost control fell like a pool of rotten meat, and Qilin snorted and shook off the stone powder, blood and minced meat on his head as if nothing had happened.

"Awesome, meow!"

The flannel ball that was jumping over at this time praised Qilin loudly, and at the same time threw a bomb into the group of orcs below.

After the explosion, the kitten stood on Qilin's back, pulled out the Thundercat Sword behind him with full momentum, and raised it high.

"Let's defend this city together, meow!"

"Hi, hi, hi!"


River Valley City is not the main battlefield after all. Although its geographical location is also important, the intensity of the battlefield is limited.

Because the real killer moves and the most important orc group were pushed to the front battlefield by Azog, that is, the khaki wasteland in front of the gate of the Lonely Mountain Kingdom.

But now, the black blood and black armor of the orcs have almost replaced the khaki and become the main color of this land.


The solemn and distant sound like the evening bell resounded on the battlefield.

After this unique sound, a group of orcs were like rag dolls, with their bodies, limbs, and blood flying straight into the sky.

The violent and wild momentum made even the orcs who were intoxicated with killing and cruelty tremble in their hearts.

The originally intoxicated expression on his deformed face suddenly froze.

"Oh my God."

Gandalf swallowed his saliva and looked at the scene not far away.

His face was also splashed with the black blood of the orcs. At this time, he held a staff in one hand and a long sword in the other, and turned like a sharp blade whirlwind among the enemies.

Wherever he passed, the orcs were either knocked crooked by the staff head or had their limbs cut off by Glamdring's sword.

He looked like a sword master.

But he was still a little dazed in the bloody storm wherever Lan En passed.

After all, this scene was really a bit like when Sauron faced the coalition of humans and elves in the Battle of the Last Alliance.

At that time, Gandalf had not yet come to Middle-earth, but there were many relevant records, and Gandalf knew it well.

"What? Gandalf, what did you see?"

Bilbo was too short, and he looked up at Gandalf anxiously and a little scared.

He was also a member of the group that bet gold to leave Lonely Mountain. He drank a little too much last night. After all, this was a hope for his good friend Thorin to recover, and he was very happy.

But because of this, he did not catch up with the dwarf team returning to Lonely Mountain. He just followed the elves out of the city, but he did not expect that the orcs would jump out and start a war after he came out.

It should be said that Hobbits are indeed good snitches. Their footsteps are silent and flexible, and they are still small. From the beginning of the war until now, Bilbo has been following Gandalf around without any problems.

"Found you, Gandalf!"

Without Bilbo asking any more questions, the owner of the voice had already appeared in front of them.

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