Astartes of the Bear School

Chapter 1131 1113 War Beast

Chapter 1131 1113. War Beasts

"War Beasts! Send them out!"

On Crow Ridge, Azog, who had a bird's-eye view of the situation, shouted and issued orders.

Behind him, two large flags and horns cooperated to broadcast his orders.

The caves, which had been quiet, suddenly heard rumbling noises again.

A terrifying creature came out of each cave.

These creatures looked like ogres, but their bodies were basically more than ten meters long.

The tunnels dug by the earth-eating giant worms were more than ten meters in diameter, but they basically walked out by supporting the upper edge of the tunnels.

The war beast was loaded with a trebuchet on its back, and several orcs, as operators, also stood on the platform behind the war beast.

Amid the mechanical pressing sound of 'Karala', the war beast lowered its body and supported the ground with its limbs.

Then, with a "bang", the trebuchet threw several tons of huge stones into the distance.

The dwarves had originally organized a shield wall defense line, but when a large number of orcs rushed into it, they were smashed to pieces on the shield wall like an egg hitting a rock.

The dwarves' shield wall was originally set low because of their height, and it was more difficult for attackers to exert force than in other situations. Moreover, the spears that the dwarves held up behind the shield wall were all made by the dwarves.

The bodies of four or five orcs in armor hung on it did not bend, let alone break.

However, facing the huge stones thrown by the catapults, the dwarves' shield wall turned into tofu dregs.

Several war beasts were also assigned to the ruins of the Valley City.


Huge stones streaked across the sky and smashed into the exterior walls and buildings of the Valley City, which had already been in disrepair for a long time.

Large pieces of stones that had long been loosely bonded scattered and fell down with a "clang".

These broken stones fell down with a crackling sound, but were mostly blocked by a layer of golden light curtain.

Lan En retracted the [Quen Seal] that held up the protective shield, and shouted to the side in the noise.

"Is anyone injured?"

"My leg is broken! Help me!"

"And me, my arm!"

The range of the rubble splashing was too large, and the force was too strong, so Lan En couldn't stop it all.

"Take the wounded and retreat to take care of them!"

After the order, Lan En immediately rode the Qilin to the bottom of the city. If there were no restrictions on the enemy's actions, the number of wounded would only increase continuously.

Seeing that under the fire suppression of the catapult, a large number of orcs had abandoned the long bridge into the valley city and turned to approach the city wall from the dry shallows.

Lan En's position happened to be the target of this group of orcs.

And behind the groups of orcs, on the hilly slope slightly higher than the city wall, there was a catapult war beast with four limbs supporting the ground.

"Go over and kill them!"

Lan En gently pulled the mane of the Qilin, and the ancient dragon of the new world immediately understood what he meant.

Although the unicorn horns on its head have not grown out yet, and its control over lightning is scattered, the unicorn's physical ability is no different from normal after adaptation.


With a long neigh, the powerful hooves stepped on the ground, and the wide silk rune cloth with a sense of drape on the noble and elegant horse fluttered in the wind.

It was like a blue and white lightning!

The instant push on Lan En's back made his muscles tense involuntarily.

The huge and dark sword was placed on his side.

The tip of the ferocious sword scraped the ground slightly, causing a streak of sparks.

The orcs with grinning teeth and deformities and tumors on their faces didn't even see what happened.


A deep and long echo like the evening bell of a church resounded throughout the entire city wall!

It was a collision of many sounds, which was compressed into an indistinguishable sound under the speed of the unicorn, and the overlapping movements!

The nearly three-meter-long broad sword body was pulled out in a bloody fan shape at Lan En's side.

Smashing, crushing, tearing. [Turbid Flow·Destruction] The special wound was completed in a moment of contact.

The orcs who were chopped were completely different from the gaps on their bodies after being chopped by ordinary swords. They were almost chopped off from the wound!

The whole body was broken into pieces out of thin air!

The orc troops that originally formed a long line to wade through the shallows were like ants that were crushed after gathering.

After Lan En passed, only a black mass of debris was left scattered.

The broken limbs and pieces of meat flew in the air, which was completely consistent with the brutal and cruel temperament of this great sword.

The blood of at least thirty or forty orcs was wrapped by the huge sword blade, pulling it into a smelly, black and red fan shape.

[Ashina Style] The skill of the air flow blade not only envelops the air to magnify the lethality, but also the denser liquid, which will be more lethal!

However, considering the difference in power consumption between controlling airflow and controlling liquid, Isshin Ashina may be able to do it, but the cost-effectiveness is not high.

He is already very old, and even if he is young, it is not wise to spend so much effort on the battlefield.

Other swordsmen in Ashina dare not even think about it.

But today, the power required for this skill has been called "normal" for Lan En.

"Swish", this is not only the movement of [Muddy Flow·Destruction] passing through the air.

It is also the movement of [Blood Blade] wrapped on the blade, brushing against the enemy's body.

The blade of the greatsword was nearly three meters long, but the width of the orc formation was at least seven or eight meters, so half of them were beyond the reach of the blade.

However, starting from the moment the first orc's body was chopped into pieces, the foul blood in the deformed body was sucked out by the skillful blade in a vacuum.

The blood gathered into an extended blade, which then chopped the second and third people into pieces.

Although the lethality of the liquid blade was not as good as the entity of [Turbid Stream·Destruction], it was enough to deal with the orcs.

The blood-red fan left a track in the air. The orcs outside the blade range looked better than those within the blade range. At least the cuts were neat.

The blood-red fan that swept across the entire orc formation even left a mark with black and red blood on the other side of the dry shallows.

The mark penetrated into the stones of the river beach.

After Lan En's sweep, the moat, which had dried up like a stream in winter, suddenly dyed a large section of the river red.

It would take at least ten minutes for an ordinary corpse to drain blood in the water. The demon hunter's move directly drained the blood of dozens of orcs and spilled it out. It would be strange if it didn't turn red.

It takes time for the water to purify itself.

"Take my big bomb, meow!"

The fluff ball was not idle either. It stood on the neck of the unicorn in front of Lan En, with an alchemical bomb [Advanced Honeycomb] in each of its little paws.

It tried to throw it at another orc column that was wading through the shallows in the distance.

"Bang bang" two explosions, no matter how many orcs died, the column collapsed anyway.

Then the Changhu Town militia on the city wall began to shoot arrows downwards. Although they were not well trained and had poor quality, they occupied the city wall and the enemy had already dispersed. For a while, they forced the orcs to retreat to the other side of the shallows.

"Front, jump!"

The fluff ball's support for the side battlefield did not affect Lan En's goal.

He clamped his legs on both sides of the unicorn's belly, and at the right time, the ancient dragon jumped powerfully.

This jump directly jumped to the top of the hill where the war beast on the opposite side was!

The war beast, which was originally supporting itself with its limbs and ready to bear the weight, and was waiting for the gears on the catapult on its back, suddenly found a tall horse and a tall man rushing out in front of it!

The hilt of the heavy sword over three meters long was held under Lan En's armpit with one hand, making a gesture like a knight charging with a lance.

And the next second after he and Qilin appeared in the eyes of the war beast. "Bang~Puchi!"


The momentum of the ancient dragon and the power of the demon hunter made the broad and heavy sword pierce into the shoulder socket of the war beast leaning forward like tofu!

The width of [Turbid Stream·Destruction] and the destructive dragon attribute energy on the blade were so impossible to ignore.

So that the blade that was stabbed in like a lance charge first squeezed into the rock-skin skin of the war beast.

Then it devoured, eroded, and cut flesh and bones.

The sword blade stabbed into the shoulder socket. If we don’t look at the width of [Muddy Stream·Destruction], it can almost be said to be ‘chopped’ into it!

The skin and muscles were cut first, and then the shoulder blade was cracked in the body and squeezed inward by the sword blade.

Under the screams of the war beast, it was almost pierced through from its shoulder to the ribs on the same side!

Qilin landed on the ground, stepped firmly again, and lightly changed direction, and Lan En also pulled out the huge sword blade without any nostalgia.

In theory, the stab wound left by [Muddy Stream·Destruction] is enough to stuff half a person in.

But when Lan En drew the sword and left, there was only a layer of black mist with bright red arcs flashing on it, which was still eroding the flesh and blood.

The posture of the war beast supporting the ground with its limbs was instantly pierced by a bone on one side of the upper body, and it immediately tilted towards the wound and could not hold on.

On its back, on the simple catapult platform, the orcs operating the machine had no time to react to what happened, and they screamed and fell down.

But the ending was still good.

Because the gears of the catapult were in place just now.

At the moment when the war beast tilted, there was a "bang" sound, and its already tilted body was shaken out of a wave of flesh due to its tilted posture, and it was completely unable to withstand the reverse thrust.

And the stone of the catapult that also tilted, smashed in the other direction.

The stone not far from the ground almost rolled away with the momentum given by the catapult.

Not to mention that several orcs were crushed to death on the road, and finally hit the hind legs of the war beast with thick skin and huge weight, and then it stopped.

With a tooth-grinding "crack" sound of bone fracture, the foot of the other war beast was almost smashed to the side at a 90-degree angle!

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