Astartes of the Bear School

Chapter 1138 1120 ‘Human Shield’

Chapter 1138 1120. ‘Meat Shield’

“Yeah! You must have thought of it, Dragon Slayer Lan En!”

Zhagulyin howled at the sky, and then a storm with flying sand and rocks was raised! Rushing towards Lan En!

The wolf kiss opened wide and still bit nothing.

But when the demon hunter appeared around the wolf like smoke, Zhaogulyin simply waved his claws at the ground around him.

The huge earth and rocks were directly lifted by the wolf!

Its claws and teeth seemed to be completely free of resistance, leaving extremely smooth cutting marks on the surface of the material.

The ground was first cut by its claws, and then lifted up.

Such a large area was lifted up together, even with Lan En’s reaction, he could only quickly withdraw and move backwards to leave this range.

The ground was broken, and when the huge stones flew up, their shape and structural strength could not support their own mass, so they broke into large and small pieces in mid-air.

Under the power of Zhao Ge Lu Yin, they flew out.

These rubbles even flew all the way to the main battlefield in the wilderness! They spread out many eye-catching bloody roads in the crowded and fighting crowd!

Because this direction is the direction where the orcs rushed out of the cave to attack, most of them are the black blood of the orcs, and their screams when they were dying.

The screams of the orcs were insignificant in Zhao Ge Lu Yin's ears, because evil does not care about "unity" and "alliance".

It was just because of the pain in these screams that the evil nature of the demon wolf was happy.

And just when the scene was full of smoke and dust and chaos


A flash of light red flame suddenly broke out in the gray smoke!

Then, the activated fighting spirit was stimulated by external pressure and activated itself!

The scattered flying stones were all automatically sensed by the fighting spirit with increased activity within a time window, and then drove the body to dodge.

[Tachi Technique·Mi-kiri Slash]!

Zhao Geluyin was obviously startled, but its claws on all four limbs were very flexible.

After dodging [Kikiri Slash], the second half of the automatic counterattack was blocked by one of its hind paws.

Then the whole huge wolf body rotated and turned a full circle.

After one of its hind paws blocked the automatic counterattack and a burst of dazzling sparks burst out, its front paws just happened to be in a position to resist.

From the air, Lan En, who naturally connected [Air Blade Great Spin] after [Kikiri Slash], and Zhao Geluyin almost simultaneously turned two circles, one large and one small, on the messy ground.

The demon wolf's quick reaction prevented it from exposing the rest of its body to the blade of the Lake Girl's Sword, and Lan En's skills also prevented him from suffering any damage.

However, after [Air Blade Great Spin] slashed against the demon wolf's claws, a faint white light naturally lit up on the blade.

[Rising Blade·White Blade State]!

The activated fighting spirit broke through a threshold through [Air Blade Great Spin], and then could temporarily stay on the blade, improving the blade's cutting and chopping ability.

Without any pause, Lan En put the Lake Girl's Sword into the scabbard again.

And near the opening of the scabbard at the waist, a high-pressure airflow began to gather abnormally.

[Heartless Flow·Dragon Flash]!

He suddenly drew the sword and chopped it down! The blade gathered more power in the scabbard through extraordinary technology.

These surging forces affected the huge amount of airflow around, extending a 30-meter-long airflow blade!

The high-density airflow blade even materialized due to the refraction of light!

With a "sizzle", the airflow blade spanned the distance between the demon wolf and the demon hunter, tearing the ground and the smoke and dust splashed by the gravel.

Originally, Zhao Geluyin had just spun a circle and used his flexible limbs and claws to block Lan En's blades twice, and then he simply jumped back a step with the force of the rotation.

But with its huge body and huge power, this step is several dozen meters.

Originally thought to be a safe distance, but the next moment a cross-over air blade chopped down on the head!

The air blade carried a little power of the blade and emitted a bright light. Zhao Geluin did not dare to take it lightly just because it was an air blade.

But it actually did not need to worry too much.


Facing the incoming air blade, the blue demon wolf roared to the sky.

Then, the shadow in the sky suddenly enveloped!

The huge and heavy object pressed the air and crushed it down!

The tail of a giant earth-eating worm was thrown over by it and blocked Lan En's air blade trajectory!

The sharp air blade made a tooth-grinding sound like a saw cutting meat on the thick insect body.

The constantly flowing high-pressure airflow cut the thick body of the earth-eating worm into blood and flesh.

The air blade rushed out more than 30 meters, cutting half of the cylindrical body of the Earth Devouring Giant Worm!

The worm body, which was full of muscles and could crush rocks, was cut more than three meters deep!

The blood and minced meat brought by the high-speed air flow splashed out from the upper and lower ends of the incision!

The Earth Devouring Giant Worm has no vocal organs, but the violent twisting of its body has already shown its pain at this time.

However, Lan En, who chopped out this knife [Dragon Flash], had a gloomy face.

"The force and skill of this blow are really strong, Dragon Slayer!"

Zhagulin easily jumped on the twisting earth-eating giant worm and spoke condescendingly.

The voice was sinister.

It only talked about the strength and skill of Lan En's slash, but did not mention the holy light on the Sword of the Lady of the Lake that made it afraid just now.

Lan En knew what Zhaogulin meant now.

He knew it just now, so he only opened a [White Blade] and attacked step by step.

Because the threat of the light was gone.

The airflow blade had some power of Arondette, and the restraint on evil life was still considerable.

But these earth-eating giant worms were not evil life!

What worked on the earth-eating giant worms was only Lan En's own integrated strength and skill slash.

These four earth-eating giant worms were the "meat shields" that Zhaogulin found in front of the Sword of the Lady of the Lake!

It only had claws to collide with the Sword of the Lady of the Lake without being burned by the holy light.

But these earth-eating giant worms can be touched anywhere on their bodies.

"I eroded their simple brains, but I didn't use them at the beginning, nor did I spread the erosion to their bodies, just for now!"

The demon wolf walked on the winding giant worm's body, but his eyes were always looking at the demon hunter below.

The dim yellow eyes were shining with a disgusting yellow light at this time, not knowing whether it was because of controlling the earth-eating giant worm.

The wolf's claws casually scratched the body of the worm under his feet, and several shallow but smooth wounds appeared.

"Look, it's strong and durable."

The demon wolf's face showed teasing and showing off.

The octopus-like mouthparts of the earth-eating giant worm that dug through the hill not long ago also slowly opened and closed towards Lan En below.

This is just one, and the other three giant worms like huge trains are still rolling over the battlefield and rushing towards this side.

"In the situation just now, either of us could be seriously injured by the other, but now I have a meat shield, Dragon Slayer."

"What do you have?! Roar!!!"

At the end, Zhao Geluin, who was standing on the earth-eating giant worm, roared to the sky.

The power in this evil creature surged unprecedentedly.

The giant worms were faster, and in the sky, echoing the vigorous dark power, a gloomy black cloud also spread at a very fast speed, occupying the sky that was originally considered morning.

The gloomy and dark atmosphere enveloped it as the power of the demon wolf spread.

A heavy and uncomfortable feeling weighed on the hearts of every elf, dwarf, and human.

This is the characteristic of this world. Power will bring changes in the atmosphere and feelings around.

Justice and evil rise and fall.

And having fought to this point, the situation on the main battlefield in the wasteland has actually changed a lot.

Thanks to Gandalf's timely entry into Dale City to take charge of the situation, and this wizard who seemed to have only performed the Flash Magic on weekdays, seemed to have particularly strong magic today, and directly broke a solid city gate bridge.

So Dale City has not fallen yet, at most there is some chaos.

Under the command of Thranduil, the elves regrouped with their backs to Dale City, which at least reduced a large area of ​​attack.

Bard was also among them, commanding the Long Lake Town militia on the city wall, using the long-range equipment in Dale City to help the elves with their backs to the city wall to fight.

People have managed to stand firm in the face of the seemingly endless orc frenzy. Compared with the beginning of the melee when they were almost scattered into a pile of scattered soldiers, it has been much better.

Originally, the elves and humans wanted to pull the dwarf army of Ironfoot Dain together, regroup the team and form a joint defense line.

But the stubborn dwarves seemed more willing to believe in the Lonely Mountain Kingdom, the ancient homeland of the dwarves.

Instead of approaching the city of Dale, they re-formed their ranks in front of the gate of the Lonely Mountain, using the Lonely Mountain as a strong backing.


Dane had no idea when his helmet had been knocked off. This stubborn and irritable dwarf was simply using his own head to headbutt the orcs wearing steel helmets.

"Where is Thorin! We need him!"

Dane's head kept banging, and he actually won all the hits!

The orcs' steel helmets were flattened in front of his head.

However, considering that Thorin had been hit directly on the head by the Wolf Riders and only felt dizzy for half an hour, this tolerance seemed normal.

However, the dwarves who were struggling to support the orcs' wave-like offensive did not know whether it was because of fatigue or negligence in their high mental tension.

They did not realize that in the "strong backing" they thought of, in the Lonely Mountain, a faint dragon stench coming out of the gold pile was becoming stronger and stronger.

As for the dwarf soldiers, they felt that the hard steel armor that could be worn as ordinary clothes made it difficult for them to raise their hands.

The lush beards that the dwarves were proud of seemed to hinder their breathing and recovery of strength.

Everyone was in a heavy mood and uncertain.

Everything was too bad.

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