Astartes of the Bear School

Chapter 1139 1121 Desire Struggle

Chapter 1139 1121. Desire Struggle

The elves who were defending against the River Valley City could get a lot of support from the humans behind them, so the losses began to decrease greatly.

Qilin and Flannel Ball also helped them in time.

So the elves were able to stabilize their position in the black wave of orcs.

But in another direction, the situation of the dwarves who chose Lonely Mountain as their backing was not optimistic.

Although on the temporary gate built by Thorin and his men, Fili, Kili, Bomb, and more than a dozen dwarves were desperately shooting arrows from bowstrings and crossbows, how high could the shooting density of just a dozen people be?

The orcs' shoddy armor, which was almost barely hammered into shape, seemed fragile when facing the real dwarf craftsmanship.

The dwarf's arrows easily penetrated the black iron-like armor and pierced into the orc's body.

But this was far from enough.

A round of volleys from a dozen dwarves caused a dozen orcs to fall, but then more orcs rushed over.

"Form a formation! Regroup the team!"

Dain roared as he stepped back, but even so, he was still at the front of all the dwarves.

The heavily armored boar mount had been overturned by several orcs in the melee just now, and then stabbed to death.

Dain's first roar was obviously to greet his Ironfoot Army.

And the second roar was to the temporary gate of Lonely Mountain: "Where is Thorin!? My brother! Why doesn't he fight with us?!"

Dain was also the most annoying among the dwarves, stubborn, bad-tempered, and rude.

But no one could deny his courage, and the fact that he was a good warrior and a good leader.

At this time, he was roaring with his hair and beard on the tragic battlefield, like a tiger that had been injured but would never admit defeat.

The dwarves in Lonely Mountain heard Dain's roar clearly, and their apple muscles bulged because of gritting their teeth.

"Open the city gate!"

"Let's go down and fight with them!"

"We live and die together!"

Groin spoke first, and then everyone responded. More than a dozen pairs of short legs started to move and were about to walk down the city gate.

But in the darkness deep in the Lonely Mountain, a voice came.

"Don't move."

All the dwarves who were still excited just now cast unbelievable eyes in that direction.

Because it was Thorin's voice.

"No one is allowed to act rashly! Guarding the Lonely Mountain and the treasures here is our greatest responsibility!"

Ignoring these loyal friends and subordinates who trusted him wholeheartedly, Thorin turned around and walked away.

These dwarves were gathered by Thorin and joined the expedition from their already stable and stable lives.

Thorin took over the leadership when the dwarves of the Lonely Mountain were in the most difficult time.

His grandfather was beheaded by Azog, and his father disappeared in the subsequent revenge. The dwarves of Lonely Mountain had already lost their hometown and property because of the dragon, and then even a leader who could make decisions was gone.

At this time, it was Thorin who led the tribe to persevere through the huge psychological gap and practical difficulties.

From a dwarf sitting on a golden mountain, facing reality, to a dwarf working hard to make a living.

The life of the dwarves of Lonely Mountain gradually stabilized. Although it was difficult, everyone knew it was not easy. So they also built a hall in the name of Thorin, called Thorin's House. To remember his contribution.

So even though they knew they had to adventure in the wilderness, work hard for a whole year, and finally face Smaug's dragon fire, there were still twelve dwarves willing to follow Thorin.

But now these twelve dwarves felt that they almost didn't know Thorin.

Thorin sat on the throne drowsily, wearing his grandfather's luxurious cloak and his grandfather's gold and iron crown on his head.

Behind his throne was a cliff. Looking down, he could see the entire treasure hall.

A dreamy and charming golden color. Under this golden light, it seemed that even the dragon odor was no longer a problem.

Thorin felt a headache, but he couldn't help but indulge in the golden light.

He held his forehead with his hand. The warrior who used to be able to fight for a whole day with a heavy helmet was fine, but now he felt that his head was extremely heavy with only a crown.

"How long have I been sitting here?"

When the mumbling voice came out, even Thorin himself was shocked.

This voice was too dull, too hoarse, and too unlike the sound that a human voice could make.

Instead, it sounded like Smaug!

Thinking of this, Thorin's body instinctively shuddered.

When he drove the dragon out of the lonely mountain that day, Thorin once rubbed the dragon flame and cursed the dragon to wear down its rationality.

The dragon's voice at that time made him unforgettable.


A voice and footsteps came from afar, with great momentum.

The throne of the Lonely Mountain was built at the end of a towering stone bridge. The entire stone bridge had no guardrails, and the king on the throne could overlook his wealth and kingdom.

When others came to see the king, they had to walk across the unobstructed stone bridge to get in front of the king.

The man was Dwalin.

The most experienced professional warrior in the Lonely Mountain expedition, he had served in the Lonely Mountain army since before the dragon attacked.

He was Thorin's most loyal friend and subordinate, and he could even use his status as an elder to reprimand Thorin's two nephews in the expedition, and no one thought there was anything wrong.

He could fight for Thorin, and he had fought for him many times.

Since he started his journey, he had always been concise, doing more than talking, and carrying out Thorin's orders without compromise.

But today, everyone felt that if he couldn't make it clear to Thorin, then no one could.

"When can we abandon our own people?"

Dwalin, the tough dwarf, curled his lips downward, looking so angry that he was about to cry, and the veins on his bald head were bulging.

"Dain's Ironfoot Army is bleeding and sacrificing! Even the elves are fighting bloody battles down there!"

"War. Yes! There's a war outside."

But Thorin seemed not to see the expressions of his loyal friends and subordinates. He just stared blankly at the hazy golden light reflected from under the throne.

"There are caves in this mountain. As long as we transport the gold deeper, we can be safe!"

"Yes! That's it!"

Thorin stood up suddenly.

He was wearing a luxurious fur coat, standing next to Dwalin in his simple travel outfit, they were like people from two different worlds.

Dwalin's eyes were full of disappointment, sadness, and disbelief.

"Are you listening to me? Dane and his men are dying!"

"Let's just die!" Thorin waved his hand, "How can there be no deaths in a war? There are plenty of people, worthless! But what about the gold here? The gold here is worth our last drop of blood!"

Dwalin's face, which always showed a tough guy attitude, was sobbing from the corners of his mouth due to sadness, and the tears in his eyes could hardly be suppressed.

He closed his eyes: "You are wearing a crown and sitting on the throne now. But Thorin, you are smaller than ever before!"

"Don't say that!" Thorin shouted out of control, "I am the king! You say that as if I am still the tiny, tiny Thorin Oakenshield"

Dwalin left, and Thorin felt a splitting headache, and didn't know when he was left alone.

He stumbled and didn't know how he got down to the treasure hall.

Countless gold, silver and gems were piled up like a mountain.

He, a dwarf, stood in the pile of gold coins, his footsteps stumbling and rustling.

He was obviously the owner of these wealth, but Thorin felt that he was so insignificant in front of these mountains of gold and silver.

His face was pale, and he felt that there were ten thousand voices whispering to him in his mind.

Those were all voices he was familiar with, but now in this magnificent and golden treasure hall, these voices seemed to be alienated by the treasure.

Became vague and distant, as if whispering and mocking him.

'People are dying outside, Thorin! '

'Human lives are not as high as gold! '

'Is gold more important than you and the honor of your family? '

'Gandalf, that gold has been occupied by the dragon, it will corrode people's hearts! And we all know that there is dragon disease in Thorin Oakenshield's family bloodline! '

'But I believe in him, a noble soul will overcome greed. '

Dwalin's voice, Lan's voice, the voice of Gandalf talking to Elrond

These voices seemed to penetrate Thorin's brain, making him kneel down in pain.

Kneeling on this sea of ​​gold and silver.

Not only these voices, but also the tragic fighting sounds, the dying roars of the Ironfoot dwarves, and the sound of steel clashing, all seemed to come to Thorin's mind far away from Elbor.

This sea of ​​gold and silver, which was not stable to begin with, slipped because of Thorin's walking and kneeling.

The gold coins slid down, and the stench of dragons buried deep in them emanated from the cracks of the coins.

The towering gold mountain collapsed, the hills slid down, and the other side bulged because of the accumulation.

It was as if there was actually a creature under this boundless sea of ​​gold and silver.

A huge and evil creature was slowly moving its long tail and its wings!

It's like... there's a dragon down there!

Thorin stretched out his hand, trying to hold back the roars of the past and the whimpers of the dwarves before they died. It seemed that as long as he held on to these, the dwarves would not die.

But he didn't dare to stretch his hand too far, as if he was afraid of awakening the 'evil dragon' under the pile of gold coins.

Confusing, fearful, struggling. Thorin almost wanted to tear his brain apart.

'Thorin, I'm worried'

This was Balin's voice, the voice they had before they embarked on this journey to restore their country.

'You know, your grandfather, your father, they were all afflicted with dragon disease. Maybe we shouldn't go back to Elbor. '

More and more gold coins fell, and the gold coins on the top of the gold mountain seemed to be falling down. It seemed to completely drown Thorin, who was kneeling on it.

"But I'm not... my grandfather."

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