Astartes of the Bear School

Chapter 1153 Toll Station on the 1135 Bridge

Chapter 1153 1135. Toll booth on the bridge

"I, I really won't be infected by germs?" The fur trader asked tremblingly as he followed Lan En, "Even, even my hands can be saved?"

He had lost a lot of strength due to the panic and the previous struggle with the water ghost, and was dug out of the wet soil by Lan En. His teeth were trembling as he spoke.

"I said, as long as there is a place to rest, your injury will not be a problem to treat. Can you be more alert? You are still far from death."

Lan En, who was leading the way in front, looked back at the fur trader speechlessly.

This action made his body tremble, because this was the first time he saw Lan En's eyes that glowed slightly in the dim environment.

When saving him before, in order not to stimulate his already weak nerves, Lan En deliberately lowered his eyes.

"Are you a demon hunter?"

The fur trader said carefully, with surprise in his tone.

Previously, in the woods, he could only see a dark area, and even Lan En's figure could not be seen.

"Yes, sir. But you should pay more attention to yourself now."

"Huh~ You are right." The fur trader tried to take a deep breath, "You are right."

"I know there is a toll station on the bridge nearby. People can rest when passing by. We can go there. It only takes half an hour to walk."

At this time, the sound of bean-sized raindrops hitting the leaves has gradually sounded and is getting louder and louder.

The heavy cumulonimbus clouds in the sky have finally reached their limit and began to condense into water.

The deadly dull air also became fresh and comfortable with the rain.

Unfortunately, this is not good news for the fur trader.

The rain is taking away the vitality in his body.

Fortunately, the water ghost's nest is not far from the river.

Walking out of the already extremely wet woods, even the weak fur trader can see the figure of Qilin on the other side of the river at a glance.

A huge and elegant horse.

In the thunderous sound in the sky, it did not seem to be frightened at all, but rather was contented.

The fur trader was obviously stunned at first, and his eyes, which were originally distracted by the injury, barely gathered their energy.

His eyes swayed between Lan En's back as he walked out of the dark environment of the woods, and the horse on the other side of the river.

"You, you are Lan En from Cintra?"

The fur trader, who was supported by the demon hunter, said in an unbelievable tone.

After walking out of the dark woods, Lan En's figure was completely revealed in front of him. After all, the demon hunter didn't even wear the hooded cloak at this time.

So the differences from ordinary people were obvious.

But it was just a moment of surprise, and then the fur trader regained his calm.

He felt very bad now. Even if the characters in the legends and ballads stood in front of him and helped him escape from the mouth of the water ghost, he really didn't have the energy to think about anything else.

So all he had left was to sigh.

"I'm really lucky today? It's an honor."

"Whether it's an honor or not, wait until I take care of your hand, man."

Lan En supported the fur trader and waved to the Qilin on the other side of the river bank. Then after a vigorous jump, the Qilin came to their side with the flannel ball on its back.

Under the guidance of the fur trader, they rushed to the toll station on the bridge in the rain that was getting heavier and heavier.


"Hey, sir." A sergeant in the toll station shouted from a distance, "You came at the wrong time. To be honest, this timing couldn't be worse."

What the sergeant said was right, and Lan En couldn't refute it.

A toll station on a bridge, although this kind of facility is usually guarded by soldiers, they basically just stand guard in shifts, and sometimes even put their weapons against the wall.

But now, the entire toll station on the bridge has been alerted.

It was raining heavily, but the soldiers on guard still stopped Lan En and the fur traders when they came over from a distance, and could only communicate by shouting.

They showed a high degree of alertness.

And Lan En could see that this was necessary.

Ordinary people's eyesight could not penetrate the rain curtain, but he had heard the general situation inside the toll station.

This kind of toll station usually has three soldiers, a groom, and a toll collector who also serves as a clerk. At most, there are a few passing merchants. But now, it is already overcrowded.

There are at least more than 30 Temerian light infantrymen and more than 50 sword and shield soldiers camped around the low fence.

The rain is a disaster for the soldiers wearing cotton armor. They are like a group of chicks huddled together for warmth under the extremely limited eaves.

The rest who really couldn't squeeze in pulled out a few large oilcloths from somewhere, at least they built a few rainproof sheds.

There were crowds of people inside the open door. It turned out that there were still many people in the toll station.

On the top of the slightly crooked observation point, two soldiers holding crossbows were always on guard.

There were several farmers' ox carts and two merchants' horse carts parked on the old bridge.

In the yard, an unloaded ox was drenched in the rain, with its head down sadly, looking at the mud and feces on the ground.

"There are only two of us, one of whom is injured, soldier."

Lan En brushed back his wet hair and responded loudly.

"If he continues to be in the rain, he won't be able to hold on."

On the other side of the rain curtain, the sergeant who was shouting had a discussion with several people around him, and finally he was relieved.

"It is an unspoken moral code to help people who are in trouble on the road. Please come in. But please be careful with your words and actions. Everyone is nervous now."

The fur trader's face, which was already a little pale, suddenly relaxed a lot.

Lan En helped him walk onto the bridge, and the hooves of the unicorn behind him made a dull "clack" sound on the wooden bridge.

At first, the two crossbowmen at the observation point were still staring at Lan En and his approaching people, and the sergeant who was responsible for shouting was the same.

But as the demon hunter and his horse gradually approached, the cover of the rain curtain gradually disappeared due to the distance.

"What the hell!"

The crossbowman at the observation point was the first to speak in astonishment.

First, as Lan En and the unicorn approached, these people gradually realized that the body was unusual.

Just now, through the rain curtain, they thought that the wounded standing next to Lan En was a child!

But now

"This person." The sergeant who was originally standing upstairs and shouting shook a little, subconsciously pressed down the helmet on his head, but his eyes were fixed on the figure getting closer and closer below.

And the eyes widened as the figure got closer and closer!

"Who is coming?"

The sergeant leaned forward, not caring about being exposed to the rain, and stretched his head down to ask.

"Lan En." The approaching demon hunter looked up calmly and said, "Lan En from Cintra."

The sergeant who finally saw his appearance up close was stunned at first, and then he ran down the wooden stairs with a "thump thump thump".

"Shit, get out of my way! Get out of my way!"

After a burst of noise, the panting sergeant pushed away a group of people blocking the way and ran to Lan En.

He was panting, not knowing whether it was because of nervousness and excitement, or the insignificant amount of exercise just now.

The sergeant opened and closed his mouth several times, but he didn't know what to say.

"I finally have the honor to see you again, sir."

Finally, he stuttered out this sentence.

"Forgive me, soldier." Lan En raised his eyebrows at this, "Have we met before? I don't quite remember."

"Ah, of course! Of course!" The sergeant first adjusted his helmet, and then held his hands together and rubbed them nervously, and even the smile on his face seemed at a loss.

"That was the Battle of Sodden Mountain. I was in the Seventh Infantry Regiment of Temeria at the time. You and your squires whizzed past our front line with flag guns. It was a glorious and great battle! Many of us will never forget it until we die."

On the battlefield at that time, Lan En was the first time in history to fully open his legion command ability, combat ability, and group emotional perception.

Unlike fighting alone, under his adjustment and control at that time, the entire Northern Alliance had contact and cooperation with the Knights of Ashes led by him.

It was impossible not to be affected by him at that time.

The incomparable glory, the will to forge ahead, and the feeling of invincibility inspired every soldier.

Who can refuse this on the battlefield?

And these emotions were created by Lan En leading his troops to break through one line of defense after another!

For the soldiers on the battlefield, the shock and prestige that Lan En brought to them at that time were even greater than their king.

"But why are you here?"

The sergeant said in confusion, and at the same time, as if he had just reacted, he drove away the officers and soldiers who gathered around like flies.

"Get out of the way! Get out of the way! Let the Duke of Cintra get wet outside in the rain? Are you all crazy!"

After making way for a passage, the sergeant said apologetically.

"Sorry, sir. I really didn't see you clearly before."

"It's not your fault, soldier." Lan En shook his head indifferently. "I just found a place to shelter from the rain. You have your work, you should relax, I'm not your superior."

Lan En smiled politely at the soldiers who came around to watch the excitement, led the wounded, and followed Qilin into the room.

That smile instantly quieted down the buzzing chatter.

"Wounded, go this way." The sergeant led the way. "We were attacked last night. The military doctor is taking care of the wounded inside."

"If we hadn't come to support in time, this toll station would have been burned to the ground."

Lan En took the fur trader into a simple wooden house according to the sergeant's instructions.

This house was considered to be quite good in the toll station, which was not big to begin with.

Before Lan En and his men entered, a body covered with a white cloth was carried out.

While carrying the body, the military doctor saw the sergeant coming and reported to him.

"This is the one with the arrow stuck in his stomach. He didn't make it."

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