Astartes of the Bear School

Chapter 1154 1136 Secret Culvert

Chapter 1154 1136. Secret Culvert

The fur trader was taken over by the military doctor, and Lan En also prescribed medicine for him. The method and raw materials were not complicated. The military doctor said he could handle it, and the medicine was also good for the wounded here.

After walking out of the room where the wounded man was, the leading sergeant's expression became much calmer.

Although he was still visibly nervous when he was around Lan En, it was much better than when he was awkward when speaking at the beginning.

"Two soldiers here died, including the ones sent out just now."

"In addition, two of our reinforcements died, and two more were from the other side."

Six corpses covered with white cloth were placed outside the room, the sergeant said to Lan En.

"Do you want to take a look?" Before the demon hunter could respond, he came to the body and lifted a corner of the white cloth.


Lan En said with a little surprise.

"Of course they are elves." The sergeant said with certainty, "Squirrel Party."

"This name is so weird, do you have any explanation?"

"Yes, Sir. That's a strange name." The sergeant explained to Lan En.

"But this is their ancient name for themselves. Some people say it's because they always hang a squirrel tail decoration on themselves. Others say it's because they live in the woods and can only eat Live on nuts.”

"But all I can say is that they are causing more and more trouble."

The sergeant covered the white cloth again and wiped his palms on his tunic.

"Come on, ser. I'm sorry for wasting your time. You shouldn't have been nagging me, a junior officer, for so long."

"No, I'm very grateful to you." Lan En shook his head, "I didn't know what the Scoia'tael meant at all earlier."

"It seems that you have been away from the civilized world for a long time, hunting monsters in the wilderness?"

"So, it's not an easy trip."

Later, the sergeant introduced Lan En to the commander of their unit, who was a knight.

The knight saluted the Duke of Sintra out of etiquette.

But Lan En could feel that the knight did not respect him as much as his men.

He didn't look like he had been through the Battle of Sodden Mountain.

On the contrary, the respect his men had for Lan En made him feel a little repelled by the witcher.

The conversation was not pleasant, what can only be described as tepid.

Fortunately, Lan En didn't have any expectations, and his identity was confirmed, and it was enough to be recognized by the northern countries.

He just came here to spend the night out of the rain.

"The Scoia'tael."

The Witcher, who was watching the raindrops under the eaves, chewed on this word that he had just reacquainted with today in an incomprehensible way.


Early the next morning, the sky was bright after the spring rain.

Lan En rode his unicorn away in the eyes of most of the soldiers in awe.

His story is indeed told endlessly, and his war deeds on Sodden Mountain are indeed wonderful and full of honor.

But this is the magical Middle Ages after all, and people who have not personally fought alongside him still have doubts about those stories and descriptions.

Or curious.

These soldiers were more curious and concerned about Lan En's body shape and appearance than they were about whether those stories were true or false or exaggerated.

After all, a story is just a story, not to mention that it has been passed down through countless hands.

People may cheer loudly and get excited when listening, but when the protagonist of the story appears in front of them, it is estimated that most people will still remain rational.

Only a few people will have the same irrational and fanatical mentality as when they listen to the story.

Walking all the way towards Gos Velen, Lan En thought that Qilin would be able to arrive no matter what today, so he took a turn along the way.

He went to O'Riden to see his old friends in the small fishing village.

Thanks to his contribution in opening up fishing waters and the sudden death of everyone in the village, Duke Stesa, the life of the villagers is much better than before.

And Lan En would come back for a drink from time to time while Willen was running around. So the relationship between everyone is not raw.

The son of Bernie Orion, as well as the son of the blacksmith who mended Lan En's silver sword, are now working in Gos Velen's Valyrian steel workshop.

I can also get wages sent home every month.

I heard that Mrs. Donna is planning to let White go there to look for a job in a few days.

After hearing this, Lan En patted his chest and promised to find a reliable master to take care of Little White.

"I just heard that Sir Wesselard wants to renovate the tower on the island in the center of the lake and use it as a villa."

Old Allen had gained a lot of gray hair in the past few years, and he complained to Lan En.

"I don't know if there is any good place to live on that broken island. He can do whatever he likes, just don't let us work for him."

"He won't force you to do work for him. Even if he does, he will negotiate the wages."

Lan En calmed the old man's worries with a speechless expression.

"Veserad has made a lot of money in the Valyrian steel business. It's normal to want to build an extra villa when you have money."

The Valyrian Steel business can now be said to be the best interest of the province of Velen.

Due to technical confidentiality considerations, the output of Valyrian steel billets must be controlled under the eyes of the Academy of Arethusa, that is, Goth Velen's workshop.

Although Gos Velen is also a port city, not all sales places that require Valyrian steel are convenient for receiving goods via waterways.

The caravans and convoys had to go all the way to the westernmost part of Velen to reach Gos Velen and pay for the goods.

Traffic means business, and money!

The business tax of Valyrian steel directly doubled the total tax revenue of Velen, the poorest province in Temeria, last year.

Now many villages along the trade route, which were originally half-dead in the harsh environment of Velen, have gradually opened taverns and hotels.

The villages on the road also began to frequently ask demon hunters to clear monsters along the roads before and after their villages to ensure road safety.

The so-called economy, when a vibrant and promising profit point appears, it will naturally drive a large number of industries to develop in a positive direction.

A powerful demon hunter, facing the poor and dangerous ecological environment of Velen, can only do nothing. Even if the monsters around the village are killed for free, what's the matter?

The demon hunter satisfied his sense of justice and left, but the villagers still have to make a living here.

Money is not made out of thin air, and neither is the livelihood that allows people to survive.

But a new industry can change this difficult life.

Of course, Viserad also made a lot of money from it. The money for renovating the tower on the small island in the middle of Lake Oriden probably came from here.

Old Allen was just worrying without knowing anything.

Just because Foltest had not re-divided Oriden after he killed Stysa, Viserad did not dare to touch this small fishing village.

But why should we ask an old man who has not received any education to see the inner meaning of things?

Lan En drank the last sip of Livia Cherry Beer from a brand new wooden wine glass, and said goodbye to old Allen and the bartender.

He left the village while greeting others.

This small fishing village built on the edge of the lake, many wooden barrels and fishing nets in the village have been replaced, and the road sign at the entrance of the village is also new.

Several children were playing around the unicorn and flannel balls at the entrance of the village.

The fluff ball was a little helpless. After all, it had to prevent the children from messing up the leather that was tied and placed, and it was not too fierce.

Fortunately, Lan En's arrival saved it and Qilin.

After scaring away a group of children, Lan En and his team soon arrived near the wall of Gos Velen.

The demon hunters estimated well, and they arrived just in the afternoon.

As usual, they did not enter this increasingly noisy city from the main gate, but let Qilin go to the sea by water and make a big circle.

After going around the big reef behind the Aretuza Academy, they reached the secret room from there and went ashore.

"Hua La La~"

The Qilin had already started to kick impatiently.

The bundles of wolf skin, dragon skin, wolf teeth, dragon scales, etc. tied on its back were not heavy but large in size, which made it very unhappy.

But according to Lan En, these dragon scales are also intended to add some armor to it, so Qilin carried it all the way.

Now that we are at the place, it doesn't want to carry it at all.

"Don't worry, don't worry! I'm taking it off for you!"

"Qilin is too lame!"

The hooves stepped back and forth on the reef floor, and Qilin changed direction so that Lan En and the fluffy ball could take off the things on its back.

The secret culvert maintained by magic always has a constant temperature and humidity. The beds and display cabinets inside look homely under the warm light of candlelight.

The waves can't invade even at high tide, and there is only the sound of waves breaking.

After putting a large roll of dragon skin wrapped in wolf skin on the ground, the demon hunter and the cat breathed a sigh of relief.

The fluffy ball was relieved because he had finished his work, but Lan En felt a sense of inner relaxation.

Gos Velen and Aretusa, this city and the sorceress academy in this city, have become a fixed place for "half-time" during his journey in the numerous and dangerous worlds.

It gives him a sense of security that he is in a safe zone.

Although the fish market in Gos Velen still smells bad and is noisy, and although the students or professors in Aretusa still have their eyes shining when they see him

"But these are all too easy to deal with, right, Flannel Ball?"


The cat, who was sitting on the ground, dealing with a large package of things he had placed in the secret culvert, turned around in confusion.

But he saw the demon hunter smiling and waving his hand.

So it lifted its hind legs, scratched the back of its neck, and then continued to devote itself to the sorting process.

As the journey grew longer, and Flannel Ball grew up, its trophies, souvenirs, and combat supplies became more and more, and finally it had to put a large package next to Lan En's display cabinet to place it.

Seeing that Elu Cat was busy sorting out the harvest, Lan En also walked to his display cabinet, opened it, and adjusted the hair ornament on the doll he brought from Yharnam.

But at this moment.

"Welcome back, dear."

A voice that sounded careless and charming came from the entrance of the culvert.

But the demon hunter raised his eyebrows.

The voice continued: "But can you explain why one of the rings on your hand is missing?"

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