Astartes of the Bear School

Chapter 1197 1179 Silent creeping fog

Chapter 1197 1179. Silent creeping fog

"What exactly did you summon?"

Lan En asked seriously.

At this time, he felt that his knowledge and accumulation were not enough.

Because it is obvious that there is no record of this so-called ‘Gluttonous Demon’ now appearing in the Mahakam Mountains.

The Mahakam Mountains had been a historical residence of the dwarves long before humans landed in the north.

The dwarves should have recorded most of the powerful monsters that have appeared in this place for thousands of years.

But until now, Foltest, who is also known as the 'Protector of Mahakam', has still not received any news from the dwarves.

The dwarves themselves were so frightened that they completely sealed off their fortress in the mountains during this period.

It is enough to show that when this thing appeared, there was no beginning or end, no trace or reason.

Eighty percent of it is something brought over by the small-scale celestial sphere convergence.

And once it involves the intersection of heaven and earth, who knows what kind of monster is running over in so many worlds?

No matter how knowledgeable the monster expert is, he would not dare to make a conclusion before formal contact, not even Vesemir.


The female elf lying on the ground showed a fierce smile.

The elves in this world do not have canine teeth, which was considered by Oxenford scholars to be a symbol of a more complete evolution and separation from bestiality.

But now, inside those smiling lips were teeth stained red with blood. They were as ferocious as wild beasts.

She didn't speak, which already showed her attitude.

This beautiful elf beauty just lay helplessly on the ground, smiling mockingly.

"You can't escape, humans."

As she spoke, she spread her thighs and faced Lan En, smiling.

"Come on, don't you want to use me before I die? Am I not beautiful enough?"

She has a strong figure, and her plump and powerful thighs are wrapped in tight breeches, showing her graceful curves.

"No, I'm not a beast." Lan En shook his head, "And I think you just want to castrate another human before you die."

She smiled boringly: "Oh, it seems that your brain is not controlled by the genitals. You know that people are most vulnerable during orgasm."

"You also know that we are summoning something. It seems that you have indeed found a lot of information. There are some smart monkeys among the monkeys."

Faced with the other party's discriminatory remarks, Lan En looked calm.

"It is never wise to fight discrimination with discrimination, ma'am. Especially when your race is at a disadvantage in terms of force."

"Now, tell me what you summoned."

The female elf smiled indifferently: "You want to torture me? Come on, let's see if I'm a weakling!"

Lan En looked at her: "No one survived where that thing passed, and you are also in the river valley now."

"Do you think we care?"

"The feeling of death is not as simple as you think, madam." The demon hunter said in a professional tone, "Even people who commit suicide will most likely have an instinctive struggle when they are near death. This It’s the nature of living things.”

"And that thing can eat all kinds of creatures no matter how big or small in such a wide range. I think the process must be unpleasant and not easy."

At this moment, Lan En saw obvious and subconscious fear in the female elf's eyes.

No doubt she had seen it.

And judging from this performance.

"You want to lure that thing to the floating port or Haji Fortress?"

Lan En said suddenly.

The female elf suddenly froze for a moment, but soon forced herself to calm down.

"You want to hold back Siward's convoy, but you will escape immediately after the battle and go in other directions. The human convoy is left behind who is frightened and still on guard."

"Then that thing can find the convoy after eating elsewhere, but you can leave?"

A series of logical and clear inferences were clarified through the cooperation of Mentos and Lan.

The female elf's expression also showed the correctness of this inference.

Lan En suddenly realized that although at the individual level, most of the Scoia'tael warriors were not afraid of death because of hatred or instigation.

However, as a guerrilla team, the priority should always be to preserve oneself and preserve the organization.

Only by maintaining the existence of the team itself can we have a chance to continue fighting later.

For the military, being brave and fearless without brains and unable to control emotions is just recklessness when faced with difficult situations.

As for this team, according to their plan, they should safely evacuate this troublesome place after completing their mission.

That's why when Lan En said, 'They will be eaten by that monster,' someone like her would show an unexpected look of horror.

It doesn't look like you've already done some mental construction.

But just when Lan En wanted to use this as a breakthrough point to further break through the opponent's psychological defense... it started to fog up.

Some mist that looked light but was actually heavier than air was spreading silently and odorlessly from the dense forest floor behind them.

The fog is always difficult to detect until it becomes thicker.


"Don't even think about it?!"

The female elf lying on the ground still seemed to want to say something with a sneer.

But strangely, Lan En looked at the female elf who was only a few feet away, and felt that her voice seemed to be very far away and very light. It was as if such a thin layer of fog blocked most of the sound.

And not only did he notice this strange phenomenon, the female elf's face suddenly showed a trace of fear.

Even the words that had not yet been finished were choked back.

"What is this!"

Lan En asked the female elf loudly, but he found that the sound he had shouted was now like a soft whisper.

The surroundings suddenly fell into a deathly silence.

The roaring bear head pendant on the demon hunter's neck began to jump up and down.

The fog had spread silently, and all the sounds in the place covered by the fog seemed to be absorbed.

Lan En held his breath and glanced at the members of the Squirrel Party who were knocked to the ground by him.

He found that although they coughed a little uncomfortably in the fog, the other physiological indicators did not fluctuate too much.

So he began to breathe carefully.

"It has a metallic smell but is not highly toxic. For ordinary people, it is just like drinking water from a lead pipe."

The fog gradually thickened, and the visibility was less than ten meters.

And the surroundings were even quieter.

No sound could be heard, only the friction of bones, the flow of blood in blood vessels, the breathing of one's own lungs, the heartbeat, and the expansion and contraction of tendon coils in the body were highlighted in the silence.

They are transmitted to the sensory organs by the vibration of solid substances in the body.

Lan En moved his feet carefully, and the friction sound that should have been made between the soles of his shoes and the grass and the land disappeared.

But the soles of his feet could clearly feel the resistance.

The necklace on his neck should have made a "clattering" sound when shaking, but only the touch of a slight collision on the chest was left, without any sound.

This contradictory and counterintuitive phenomenon of making an action but no sound feedback made people feel panic.

That's not all.

Lan En frowned, and the vertical pupils in his eyes shrank slightly.

Opposite him, the eyes of the female elf looking at him also shrank slightly.

The hair on the side of the demon hunter's neck seemed to sense something and suddenly stood up out of thin air.

Without thinking, the Sword of the Lady of the Lake was unsheathed from the waist.

The clear silver light blocked Lan En's side directly.

A not-so-big force came from the blade, accompanied by a disproportionately small "clang" sound, and sparks bursting out due to the collision.

Although it was just a trivial attack and defense action process.

But at this moment, the flow of force was recorded by Lan En's body and analyzed in the biochemical intelligent brain.

The enemy's strength, the general structure of the body, and the offensive action model were instinctively established in Lan En's mind.

The technical points of [Ashina Style·Dengli] originally meant to understand the enemy's moves and physical condition through the power transfer generated between attack and defense, and then break the enemy's posture.

So Lan En didn't even turn his head at that moment, but his body had already made a counterattack accurately and quickly.

He took a step back and suddenly swung to the side when he landed!

As he expected, the enemy's body was very light, even thin to the touch.

But this kick just hit the knee joint of the opponent's legs.

Then Lan En turned smoothly, and the connection between the movements seemed to have been planned long ago, flowing like water.

His palm accurately caught the opponent's head, which was already shorter than him, and then became even lower after stumbling.

After fixing the head, Arondette, who was originally used to resist, thrust down!

The blade pierced into the opponent's side neck collarbone, which was forcibly bent, and went straight into the chest!

A handful of mist like blood sprayed, but the color was white, sprayed out from the knife wound on the opponent's collarbone.

But there was no "puff" sound of the blade entering the flesh. The opponent's hideous and ugly mouth opened wide, but there was no piercing scream.

Lan En frowned and pulled out the long sword with a small golden light on the rune on the blade.

He also let go of the enemy's head and let it fall freely.

The opponent's body just fell to the ground, but it disintegrated into a ball of white mist and melted into the environment.

".Mist demon?"

The demon hunter's lips moved silently as he watched the opponent's body disappear.

The face of the thing that wanted to dig his neck from the side just now was completely seen when he turned around and stabbed the long knife.

Gray skin, pointed ears, human-like deformed skeleton, sharp claws, arms longer than knees. The face and mouth are hideous and dirty.

Combined with the current fog, this is indeed in line with Lan En's speculation after getting the information.

The fog demon is likely to release this kind of magic mist that can absorb sound and is slightly toxic.


Is this a large scale that the Mist Demon can accomplish?

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