Astartes of the Bear School

Chapter 1198 1180 Ibirujiu's Tyrannosaurus Rex!

Chapter 1198 1180. Ibirujiu - Tyrannosaurus Rex!

And Lan En was sure that the fog monster he had just stabbed to death was not a common phantom.

Some fog monsters, who have lived for a long time and have developed their abilities well, can mimic their own appearance in fog.

Create a phantom clone that can attack and confuse the enemy.

But when the clone is broken, it behaves like a video that suddenly collapses.

The magic fog structure that constructs the clone is broken to the limit, and the clone will suddenly stagnate and then disappear.

But Lan En just recorded the whole process with his eyes.

The fog monster twitched when it was stabbed, and then fell to the ground. That is not the performance of a magic phantom.

That is a biological characteristic.

Demon hunters are experts in studying and learning monster knowledge. There is a large volume as big as a dictionary in Kaer Morhen about academic works on ghouls and giant ghouls, two creatures of the same species but different.

Any slight biological difference could cost the demon hunter his life during the mission.

So they also strive to be meticulous in their research on monsters, making distinctions and judgments.

Lan En believed that he would not mistake the magic mist phantom for the real fog monster.

But this is even more outrageous. He has never heard of any fog monster that would not leave a flesh and blood corpse after death, but would turn into fog and dissipate!

If the demon hunter took this job, he would not have a head to prove that the mission was completed and collect the bounty!

On the other side, there was a group of squirrels who were knocked to the ground by Lan En.

At this time, they also shook their heads with effort under the stimulation of the fog spreading from the ground, and woke up a little.

Lan En did not fight to kill people, so at most they had fractures or concussions.

After the fog with a metallic smell rushed into the nasal cavity, it stimulated these people to open their eyes one after another.

Then they all screamed in fear as if they had just woken up from a dream, but in the eyes of others, they just opened their mouths in vain, and the sound they made was weak and distant.

Moreover, the mist began to surge silently.

Suddenly, in the milky white mist, another skinny and hunched deformed figure condensed.

Silently swung his claws at a half-elf.

The half-elf was unaware, and a dwarf standing opposite him raised a crossbow arrow at his back.

The dwarf's beard was blown up and his mouth was wide open, but the sound could not reach the ears of the half-elf who was only ten meters away.

A crossbow arrow was fired, rubbed the half-elf's clothes, and nailed to the body of the fog demon.

This made him turn around suddenly, and the one-handed axe in the half-elf's hand chopped at the fog demon in a panic.

The actions of the dwarf and the half-elf attracted the attention of more people, and the people around the half-elf barely suppressed the dizziness and pain caused by Lan En's beating.

Each of them drew out their weapons and surrounded the visible fog monster.

The iron weapon hit it and made it stagger everywhere. It finally dissipated after being hit dozens of times.

The whole process was silent and there was silence.

This made Lan En more certain that the thing was definitely not a magic fog clone.

Ordinary iron weapons were not the silver sword of the demon hunter. The texture of the attack just now was almost the same as hitting a physical monster.

The iron sword was effective, but it was not as direct as the silver sword against monsters.

It was far from the feeling of nothingness that could not be cut when facing the magic clone.

After the squirrel party killed a fog monster, they looked at each other in shock and tried to get closer to speak loudly.

Shortening the distance of speaking did help to overcome the extraordinary sound absorption effect of the fog.

They had at least completed some communication.

Their horrified eyes showed that they actually knew what the fog represented. They had entered the feeding area of ​​the unknown creature.

Lan En stood not far away, and the Scoia'tael looked at the tall but hazy demon hunter in the mist with resentful eyes.

But in the end, no one attacked him again.

Everyone carefully observed the surroundings and kept moving.

The female elf also barely got up from the supine position, one hand covering her back, and the other hand slowly propped herself up a little.

Then, a sharp air passed by the side of the elf's hair.

The sharp airflow even left a vacuum mark in the mist for a short time.

The female elf looked at the demon hunter half a beat late, but found that he had just retracted his kick.

She turned her head again.

Behind her, a silent fog demon was nailed to the tree trunk behind her by an elf long sword, and the body was disintegrating into mist.

Only the elf long sword, the blade was shaking a little bit.

"People always struggle when they are about to die, right?"

Lan En snorted lightly and moved his eyes away from the female elf.

The female elf only saw his lips move, but heard nothing.

But the action said it all.

She bit her bloody teeth and turned her head to look at her saber stuck in the tree trunk.

She first supported herself with the handle of the saber and then pulled it out, making a defensive posture in front of her.

Except for those who were determined to die, most people would struggle before death.

Especially this group of people, their original plan was to protect themselves.

"You just broke a rib of mine!" The female elf walked to Lan En's side, opened her mouth and shouted with veins popping out of her neck.

She seemed to want to vent the pain in her body with shouting, but in Lan's ears, the sound was as light as a whisper.

"You are lucky to be alive today, lady."

Lan's slightly shining eyes looked around, and he also shouted.

"Now we have to work together to find a way, tell me what's going on!"

The sound-absorbing properties of the fog caused so many people to gather together in silence even though their heartbeats and breathing were faster.

And the communication efficiency became very low.

"These things are just small characters!"

The female elf pointed around and shouted, the pain and hoarse shouting made her short hair lie on her forehead.

"You don't want to see the thing in the middle of the fog! No one can see it and still be alive! The only hope is to run away quickly!"

After saying that, the female elf carefully moved closer to the rest of the Squirrel Party.

She said those things to Lan just now, mainly to let this powerful warrior go with them, so that there would be more hope of survival.

Another fog demon appeared silently from the fog. This time it appeared in a blind spot and knocked down a halfling with one claw.

The vibration of the halfling falling to the ground attracted the attention of others nearby, and they rushed over and hacked the fog monster to death.

The halfling stood up staggeringly, holding his head.

If he hadn't been wearing a neck guard, the fog monster's claws would have been enough to dig into his cervical vertebrae from the back of his neck.

The female elf waved at Lan En, signaling him to follow.

Now the concentration of fog is getting higher and higher, and the milky white in the air is getting thicker and thicker. The visibility has been compressed from ten meters to about five meters.

And the bad news doesn't stop there.

Lan En dodged a fog monster that suddenly appeared and swung its claws, and punched back!

There was no sound, but the fist brought out several circles of milky white air waves in the fog.

The fist in the center of the circular air wave hit the fog monster's head. The deformed head was deformed under the heavy pressure, and finally the broken bones broke through the skin and flesh.

A bloody impact surface spread out in a fan shape, and finally dissipated in the mist.

And Lan En's other hand, Arondette, accurately stabbed into the mouth of a fog monster as soon as it appeared, and the sharp blade protruded from the back of its head.

The fog monsters are appearing more and more frequently.

Although the expressions of horror just now, the squirrel party who tried to retreat at least had difficulty moving at this time.

Because they had no idea where the fog monster would suddenly appear silently.

Let everyone monitor the blind spots of vision for others and form a queue to solve this problem.

However, if this queue does not have long-term practice, or super high organization and tacit understanding, then it is just empty talk.

The squirrel party obviously has not practiced this project, and the tacit understanding between each other is not up to standard.

So they walked less than 50 meters after five minutes. And everyone looked haggard and sweaty.

The face of the female elf showed despair.

Because according to their understanding of fog, the thicker the fog is and the more frequent the fog monster appears, it means that they are actually getting closer and closer to the center!

"It's coming towards us!" The female elf shouted in fear, "Why is this happening! It's not passing by us! It's coming towards us! This is not right!"

But under the white fog, her voice was like a whisper.

And it couldn't be heard very far.

On the other side, Lan En was not far away from the Squirrel Party in a straight line.

He began to look around with an extremely vigilant look.

Because beside him, there were many broken trees slowly falling down.

In a normal environment, this would bring a series of "squeaks" of wood being torn, and the muffled sound of tree trunks hitting the ground.

But in this white fog, he could only feel the vibration of the ground under his feet, but there was no sound throughout the whole process.

Those thick tree trunks were easily crushed and broken like crispy stick-shaped biscuits.

The fog was thick and hazy. Behind Lan En, in the depths of the milky white fog, a huge black shadow was slowly approaching.

The closer the black shadow got, the larger it looked.

The trees around it were extremely fragile, but its movement did not seem to cause any vibration at all.

This also led to Lan En only knowing that there was something around him, but he could not determine the location by the vibration of the ground.

Everything was always immersed in the silence of death.

The black shadow in the thick fog, in the middle, a pair of small, yellow reptilian eyes, stared at the demon hunter with his back to him.

And then

a ferocious and huge mouth opened slowly but powerfully like a clockwork, and then fell from the sky!

This process was still silent.

But the demon hunter with his back to it, the amber cat's eyes were turning calmly.

The sticky fog has one advantage - it will be particularly obvious when it is stirred!


Lan En's body suddenly turned into a puff of green smoke and disappeared.

And in the next moment, the devil's huge jaw plowed into the ground fiercely.

Numerous broken teeth flew in all directions under the pressure!

Lan En, who crouched down and slowed down in the distance, narrowed his eyes slightly and saw the center of the change for the first time.


The demon hunter first said the scientific name of the creature in front of him very professionally, and then he said its common name that was rampant and chilling in another world.

"Tyrannosaurus Rex!!!"

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