Astartes of the Bear School

Chapter 1199 1181 Magic Power

Chapter 1199 1181. Magic

The Dino Tyrannosaurus comes from the world where the New World is located.

This made Lan En not know whether to be in a good mood or a bad mood.

The good thing is that in this vast world, the terrifying creatures brought about by the intersection of heaven and earth are something he understands.

Although he had not encountered this kind of creature head-on during his adventures in the New World, he had learned about this kind of creature when he consulted with the Draconian Bachelor of the New World Survey Team and the leader of the ecological research class.

But the bad side is that this thing is too strong!

Even in the New World, where all monsters have astonishing vitality, body and strength, the horror of this kind of monster belongs to the category that it is best not to involve in the joke!

Dinotyrannosaurus belongs to the species of Therosaurus in biological classification.

The characteristic of this dragon species is that they are similar to the Tyrannosaurus Rex in Lan En's home world in ancient times. They have a strong body, but their two front claws have degenerated into short and thin ones.

The Tyrannosaurus Rex can be said to be the creature that stands at the top of this dragon species' ecological niche!

The shaken earth and rocks fell silently, and the small hazy yellow eyes on the huge body glowed with the ruthlessness and cold-bloodedness unique to reptiles.

This kind of eyes would only make people laugh on other creatures, but on the Tyrannosaurus Rex. Everything about this creature would only make people feel despair and fear!

In the thick fog, the Tyrannosaurus Rex just put its iconic head into the visibility in front of Lan En.

Its whole body is covered with huge muscles that want to burst through the skin!

The visual impact is comparable to those muscular rods and earth-eating giant worms that burst out of the mountainside in front of the Lonely Mountain in the world of Arda!

The dark green fine scales have a strange sticky and slippery feel.

The most iconic thing is its mouth.

That huge mouth, the corners of the mouth open all the way to the neck! The bright red muscles inside the mouth made two openings on the dark green scales.

It’s hard to imagine how big this mouth would be if it were opened to its limit!

And the messy teeth that grew wildly throughout its life, even breaking through the mouth and growing into the outer skin of the upper and lower jaws, greatly increased the weight of the T. rex's head.

Although the dragon only emerged from the thick fog in front of Lan En, Lan En knew it.

In order to balance the weight of the head and balance the terrifying muscles, the thickest part of its tail is almost as thick as its waist!

If the teeth wear out too easily, they will grow like crazy. If the weight of the head and muscles is too heavy, the tail will swell. If the weight of the whole body is too heavy, the muscles will continue to grow until it can support it.

This kind of violence, like the evolutionary tendency of strange creatures with more noodles and more water, is combined to form a creature like the Dino Tyrannosaurus.

Violent, frantic, desperate, just for one goal.

To this end, both the ancestors of the Tyrannosaurus and their current counterparts did not mind modifying their bodies into what they are now.

——For eating!

Since records of this kind of creature have been recorded, no one has ever seen them enter such a state of being 'fed'!

If we insist on classifying the state of a Tyrannosaurus Rex, there is only one state--hungry and crazy!

Every dire tyrannosaurus, every minute, they are all in a state of starvation.

Creatures will want to eat when they are hungry, so except for themselves, all meat is food for the Tyrannosaurus.

This kind of unreasonable aggression, as well as their evolved bodies to ensure food, make this kind of dragon on the mission board of hunters in the New World, and the mission difficulty has never dropped below eight stars!

Under some special conditions, the Dino Tyrannosaurus can even easily reach the same mission star rating as the ancient dragon at the top of the ecological chain, which is nine stars!

Ancient dragons are called "natural disasters" by people in the New World. Just living normally in a place may have an earth-shaking impact on the local environment.

To a certain extent, the Dread Tyrannosaurus is no different from a [natural disaster].

It is a ‘natural disaster targeting the biological chain’!

It is also called [the mudslide of the ecological chain] by hunters.

This kind of monster has a violent and boundless appetite, as well as a body and strength that has grown and evolved for eating.

It can easily eat up all the living creatures in an area in a short period of time without equal obstacles!

Cause regional biological extinction!

If the situation in the Mahakam Mountains during this period were placed on the Dino Rex, Lan En would not be surprised at all.

But then again, can this Dino Tyrannosaurus really be judged by the standard of the Dino Tyrannosaurus in the ordinary books of the New World Survey Corps?

"Sir, based on the known skeleton of the Tyrannosaurus rex and the observation of the head of the Tyrannosaurus rex in front of me, I have completed a proportional drawing and now put it on the retina."

Even in the midst of the tension, a voice of elegance and organization sounded in my head.

In the corner of Lan En's field of vision, a side view of a Tyrannosaurus Rex was marked with data and placed on it by the biochemical brain.

The general appearance is no different from that of the ordinary Tyrannosaurus, but the body length marked on the side view

"Forty meters long!"

Lan En narrowed his eyes, and at the same time relaxed and clenched his lowered palms to activate his muscles and nerves.

"Just because of its extraordinary size, it can be regarded as a [special individual] among the Dinotyrannosaurs."

Forty meters long, this data may make people feel nothing at all.

But if we compare: a normal human of about 1.7 meters tall stands next to the claws of the hind legs of this Tyrannosaurus. Then the thickness of the claws of the reptiles stepping on the ground is only a head and a shoulder shorter than that of humans.

The human head can't even reach its Achilles tendon!

"And there is no doubt, sir." Mentos' tone is still calm, but with a reminder, "The most noteworthy thing about this Tyrannosaurus is not its size, far from it."

The head sticks out from the thick fog, and the ferocious big mouth that is gnawing down is retracted.

The gravel and soil brought out by the messy teeth protruding from the big mouth are falling down, and the monster with an appetite that can never be satisfied has sticky saliva flowing from the corners of its mouth.

After the transparent and sticky liquid drips on the ground, bubbles quickly appear in the soil and rocks, and white smoke rises, which obviously has the corrosiveness of strong acid.

But all this process is silent because of the white fog.

The huge monster looks at the demon hunter with its dim eyes and steps back.

After just two steps, he turned into a black shadow in the thick fog again, and soon even the black shadow was no longer reflected.

Lan En walked cautiously towards the place where the Tyrannosaurus Rex attacked him just now.

And on the way, he grabbed a fog demon's claw without looking back, and then kicked it back with his leg raised high.

The [Xianfeng Kick] wrapped in a high-density air mass directly blew up the fog demon's head.

Lan En did not look back at the dissipated fog demon, but scanned the ground within a visibility range of five meters.

As if he was looking for something.

The whole process took less than ten seconds, and Lan En had already revealed a look of understanding.

"Sure enough." The demon hunter used double the energy and attention to be alert to the surroundings, "The 40-meter-long Tyrannosaurus Rex did not even leave footprints on the ground! The bite of the ground just now caused a substantial physical impact!"

". This guy has magic now?!"

In addition to supernatural power, Lan En really couldn't think of any other way to make the impact of physical properties selectively manifest.

The Tyrannosaurus Rex was born in the New World and now appears in the Magical Middle Ages.

If we exclude the low probability event that "it went to other unknown worlds by the way during the intersection of the celestial spheres", then although the entire ecology of this creature reveals abnormality and brutality, it is still a creature born naturally.

The most likely supernatural power to be exposed is the chaos magic.

No wonder, with its size and weight, it did not leave any traces on the land it passed by!

Although it is still unknown how this Tyrannosaurus Rex did it, since it already has the chaos magic, everything is possible.

And now, the most important thing is not to track down how this Tyrannosaurus Rex has this ability.

What really matters now is


Silently, just above the milky white fog where Lan En is.

A huge and thick black shadow is falling from the sky and expanding rapidly!

Normally, monsters of huge size and mass tend to avoid violent and intense movement, because that would put an excessive burden on their own muscles and joint bones.

It is normal to break a bone by yourself.

But the Tyrannosaurus Rex is different.

When it had the size and weight of most creatures, it was already crazy and out of control because of its appetite.

In order to eat food as quickly as possible, in order to kill the prey as quickly as possible, it can do anything! Dare to do anything!

The hind legs are not as degenerate as the front claws, and every muscle is stretched and twisted! Finally, it stomped on the ground with a bang! This huge body with a length of 40 meters and a body full of solid and bulging muscles actually jumped directly into the sky!

This jump is completely the characteristic of using great strength to fly bricks. No matter what size and weight it has, it is piled up with incredibly strong muscles!

The distance of the jump even completely exceeds the length of this Tyrannosaurus Rex itself! It jumped out of an arc with a height of at least 20 meters and a distance of at least 50 meters!

And at the end of the arc is Lan En!

The texture of the thick fog is sticky, which means that when objects move violently, the thick fog will be involved to reveal the trajectory of movement. But it will inevitably lead to a step slower.

The ripples caused by stirring the glue and stirring the water will always be fast and slow.

When the Devil Tyrannosaurus crossed a distance of at least 50 meters and let himself fall silently, Lan En felt the change from the flow of the thick fog around him at the last moment!

The vertical pupils in the demon hunter's eyes suddenly shrank!

Then, in the split second, his figure turned into a wisp of green smoke.


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