Astartes of the Bear School

Chapter 1212 1194 Humanoid

Chapter 1212 1194. Humanoid

A thunderous chanting sound came from a distant hill.

Dissaya's voice resonated with the chaos magic and seemed to be mixed with some kind of ritual, which made it a little distorted and extremely grand!

At the same time, Lan En didn't even need to turn on [Spiritual Vision], nor did he need to care about the roaring bear head necklace on his neck that was about to jump out.

His skin and sweat hair could feel a high concentration of chaos magic being swept over during the spell.

The dangerous and deformed properties of chaos magic made people involuntarily repel it.

At the same time, the Tyrannosaurus Rex, which had lost the green dragon in its mouth due to a series of blows, was like many muscles in its body suddenly stopped working, and its huge and ferocious figure began to jam.

"What's going on, meow?!"

The flannel ball, who had just put the two Tyrannosaurus Rex teeth he dug out into the space expansion pack, cried and ran to Lan En on all fours.

"Tissaya is removing the curse!" Lan En was slightly shaken on the back of the Devil's dinosaur because of its irregular movements, "and her method is too rough!"

There was no time to say anything more.

Lan En hugged the flannel ball and jumped under the Devil's body.

In mid-air, the blue-white electric light rushed over and pushed them on their backs, and then landed steadily from more than ten meters in the air.

On the top of the hill, Tishaya's eyes and hands were shining.

The exquisite elf-style necklace was suspended between her hands.

This was a gift from Francesca Findabe, the pure-blooded elf wizard, [Valley Daisy] to Aretuza a long time ago.

At that time, the elves had already declined in the situation on the continent, but their magic technology was still very commendable.

This gift was a symbol of friendship to Aretuza.

It was attached with a magic that was profound and powerful, but not very versatile and practical.

It was a very effective spell to remove the curse.

As Tishaya said, the sorceresses do not have the meticulous observation ability of the demon hunters.

Now there is no patience and time to play "detective role" to remove the curse, to piece together the important factors in the curse process, and finally to remove the curse.

She just wants to do it directly!

Aretuza has accumulated hundreds of years of favors, materials, and technology. Without worrying about the creatures involved in the curse, she just wants to break the curse alive. Who can say anything?

Although this will definitely be a waste of time and effort, after all, there is no accurate investigation to point to the key factors of the curse.

Maybe a great wizard of Tishaya's level will be temporarily weak due to excessive consumption.

But no matter what, the matter has been done.

The chanting of the ancient language is getting louder and louder, and the light on the suspended necklace is getting brighter and brighter.

In the mountains and forests of the Pontar River Valley, those fog monsters are still killing countless animals and delivering nutrients to the Devil Tyrannosaurus.

Their bodies condensed from white mist began to dissipate uncontrollably, until they gradually lost their clear shapes.

When they disintegrated into white mist, they finally stopped their annoying laughter and turned into screams of real pain and panic.

The light of chaos magic on the elf necklace was almost comparable to the moon in the sky.

When the brightness and magic reached a peak, the light with the elf necklace as the core suddenly dissipated.

Like a collapsed water ball, the light dissipated from Tishaya's hands.

Then it turned into a rapidly expanding light wave, sticking to the outline of the Mahakam Mountains, spreading outward with the hilltop where the sorceress was located as the core.

The light wave swept across the mountains and forests under the shadows. Wherever it passed, the fog monsters who were chased by the Ember Knights and delayed their regeneration speed with [Cursed Oil] disintegrated into real white mist.

And they never condensed again.

In Lan En's [Spiritual Vision], the lines directly connected to the stomach of the Tyrannosaurus Rex were collapsing at a very fast speed, and soon there would be nothing left.

Of course, without a targeted direction, the price of violently resolving the curse is that even a great wizard of Tishaya's level can no longer maintain her usual self-respect and discipline.

She held the elf necklace in her hand, but her waist, which should have been straight, bent down due to heavy breathing and fatigue. She barely stood up with her hands on her knees.

Triss and Margarita hurriedly supported her.

At the same time, the sea typhoon that had been blowing for a long time in the inland mountains gradually stopped.

The curse disappeared, and the stubborn white fog no longer reproduced.

The two sorceresses also began to let themselves breathe a little.

And here on the main battlefield.

Lan En and the others were surprised to find that the green dragon that was just held in the mouth of the Tyrannosaurus Rex and had at least half of its bones broken in the tossing and biting. She actually turned into a human form!


The heroic female warrior was now lying where the green dragon was released from the mouth of the Tyrannosaurus Rex.

She stood up as if waking up from a dream, and covered her left hand and shoulder with difficulty and pain. At the same time, she looked up with horror and awe at the dark green monster that was even bigger and more oppressive from the human perspective.

Lan En first shouted in surprise, but then he didn't react any more.

Now a Dino Tyrannosaurus that came from the intersection of the celestial spheres and became a semi-spiritual body after being cursed was in front of us.

There seems to be nothing difficult to accept from a real dragon in the native world that can transform into human form.

However, the injuries Sakia suffered in her true dragon state were life-threatening. She was still able to stand up after transforming back into a human, but she couldn't seem to move her left shoulder and left hand that she was covering.

That was the spot where she was bitten hardest by the Tyrannosaurus Rex when she was in her true dragon state.

It seems that although the injury she suffered in one state will be implicated in another state, it seems that the degree of involvement is not that big?

"It would be unwise to come here alone to help, Ms. Green Dragon."

Before Saskia could react to the shock of observing the Tyrannosaurus from a human perspective, she was grabbed by the waist and placed on the back of Qilin.

Lan En didn't look at her, just curled his lips.

"Besides, what on earth do you think about getting close to it? Can't you see the muscles on its body? If you pick off the muscle on its back shoulder, it could kill you!"

"I was indeed reckless. I thought I could help, but I didn't expect it."

Sakia sat behind Lan En, barely holding onto his belt with her right hand that was still mobile, her tone revealing remorse and depression.

"But how come there is such a powerful monster in the Mahakam Mountains? Is this also the work of the Scoia'tael?"

"They don't have the ability, they just want to take advantage of it. But I guess they also messed up, otherwise this Dino Rex should now appear in the floating port or Haji Fortress deeper in the river valley, not here."

Lan En casually revealed some information to Sachiado.

Ellecat, on the other hand, poked its head out from Lan En's shoulder and looked at Saskia very curiously.

The furry head tilted from side to side, as if it didn't understand how a dragon turned into a human.

It also shook the glass bottle in its hand towards Sakia as if feeding him.

"Can you drink the witcher's medicine, meow? It will heal quickly, but it is poisonous! Dragons can resist it, right?"

"Thank you, I feel much better." Sakia thanked her and took it, and she took a cautious sip. "I do tolerate toxins better than the average person, but that's about it."

"Without the bulk of my dragon form, I still wouldn't be able to withstand these things like a witcher."

"Okay." Suddenly, Lan En spoke up, interrupting the curious back-and-forth conversation between Fluffy Ball and Sakia. "Qilin, Velvet Ball, take Sachia and leave."

The witcher pulled the unicorn's mane and made it stop.

Behind them, the Dino Tyrannosaurus, which had been moving suddenly due to magic, now regained its mobility.

The curse of those fog monsters has indeed been removed.

But they originally only provided nutrition to the tyrannosaurus.

Now the nutritional supply is inexplicably cut off. This is the fighting posture of a real Tyrannosaurus.

A vague roar came from the throat of the Tyrannosaurus Rex, and its nose twitched and its thick neck stretched out behind it.

A 'stab' sound! It tore off a strip of flesh from his back after being hit one after another.

Then, without realizing it, as if it didn't come from him at all, he ate the meat into his stomach in just a few mouthfuls.

Without the curse as a nutritional supply, this Dinorex is now on the road to death.

Its metabolic rate has been pushed too high in the previous battle. Now it is estimated that hundreds of kilograms of meat have entered its belly. It is hard to say whether it can survive for half a minute without being digested.

And once there is insufficient food and the metabolism cannot be reduced, its body will 'eat itself'.

Few among the Tyrannosaurus Rex species live long-lived, and few die because they cannot defeat other monsters.

The most common way of death among their species is to starve to death by their overly powerful and active bodies like this!

But even though this Tyrannosaurus Rex was forced by Lan En, it could not help but raise its body's metabolic rate to this step.

But Lan En couldn't do anything else just because it was dying.

The nearly dead Dino Tyrannosaurus is the most terrifying Dino Tyrannosaurus.

They will literally go to any lengths to devour any meat to satisfy their appetite.

If there was a curse before, it would allow the Tyrannosaurus Rex to borrow the hands of the Mist Demon to carefully eat all the creatures in the area, slowing down its movement efficiency and destructiveness.

But now that the curse is gone, if a creature of its size wants to eat well, it must be in a very different state than when it had the Mist Demon before.

It will go on a rampage, devouring and destroying every large target or group of targets in its path.

Even if a cluster target is eaten up and scattered, it will not chase it. Instead, it will turn around and rush towards another cluster target.

Compared to being under a curse, it can be called ‘chewing slowly’. There is no doubt that this kind of rough eating will be even more terrifying.

But on the other hand, losing the constant nutritional support in the curse

This made Lan En feel that he had a chance to kill it at this moment!

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